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Jews are NOT white.


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Originally posted by kre8r

First of all JEWS have total domination of everything and they need to keep it that way to protect their ass. You see JEWS are so stuck up they don't even recongize JESUS when in fact it was them who killed him.


no...the romans killed jesus...

yes...they didn't recognize him as their messiah...so what?...that's their choice...what are you going to do?...force everybody of every religion to recognize your messiah?...

Originally posted by kre8r

They use christians and christianity in every kind of way. They know the power of media and see for youselves who are the majority of writers for NY POST, NY TIMES, NY DAILYNEWS -----JEWS------


what????...owning a newspaper means you are using christianity????...

and for your information if one religion uses the other, it is christianity that uses judaism...the old testament(the jews' bible) was written first...christians use the new testament AND the old testament...

Originally posted by kre8r

They think they will keep us in check forever by writing all their bullshit, but oneday people will start to question their grip of power in this country and something will happen. I don't know what.....But i am sick and tired of us sending ISRAEL over 3 billion dollars a year, when all they do is kill people and worst yet we have to clean their shit for them.


do you think that the U.S. sends money to israel just because israel asks?...

no man...like everything else in foreign politics, there is a reason for it...in this case, the U.S. needs israel as a friend because they need a strong ally in the middle east where the petrol/oil is...

Originally posted by kre8r

I mean common give the palestians their country and they will shut the hell up. why is israel so greedy, after all there wasn't an Israel 50 years ago, It was online Palestine, and palestinians only want 13% of the land that rightfully is theirs.


well, the U.S. wasn't a country just a few centuries ago...

so give it back to native americans...

Originally posted by kre8r





insult everyone and their intelligence, and they call out for peace...

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Originally posted by kre8r

First of all JEWS have total domination of everything and they need to keep it that way to protect their ass. You see JEWS are so stuck up they don't even recongize JESUS when in fact it was them who killed him. They use christians and christianity in every kind of way. They know the power of media and see for youselves who are the majority of writers for NY POST, NY TIMES, NY DAILYNEWS -----JEWS-----

Did u a take a poll of the Journalists in NYC? I know 3 Journalists at the NY POST that are ITALIAN so get a grip. Jesus was JEWISH, ur celebrating the birth & death of a JEW! We didn't crucify him...Pontius Pilate did.

They think they will keep us in check forever by writing all their bullshit, but oneday people will start to question their grip of power in this country and something will happen. I don't know what.....But i am sick and tired of us sending ISRAEL over 3 billion dollars a year, when all they do is kill people and worst yet we have to clean their shit for them.
The Jews run hollywood & the ISRAELI ARMY TRAINS OUR MILITARY!

I mean common give the palestians their country and they will shut the hell up. why is israel so greedy, after all there wasn't an Israel 50 years ago, It was online Palestine, and palestinians only want 13% of the land that rightfully is theirs.


The UN gave the jewish ppl Israel after WW 2. How many countries do the jews have? There are over 8 arab/muslim countries.
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Yeah, but you cannot put all Arabs in the same category...there are several different groups, with different religions, cultures, and so forth. Palestinians are a different tribe of Arab than others are.You cannot just say that because there are other Arab countries, they all have to live together..besides, they were there for a very long time before the mass immigrations of Jews in the late 19th century started, so that doesn't mean anything...they are entitled to their own land.

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the whole case of the problems in the middle east is happening all across the world

the main source of the problem is from the end of colonialism. as the empires battled among themselves the borders of the colonies were always changing, constantly splitting up ethnic groiups and forcing groups to relocate. often times when new colonies were created they groups together rival ethnic groups (ie israel). after the colonies gained their independance, the ethnic groups turned on each other (Rwanda for example). the basic message here is kiddies: a nation is not simply the lines drawn on a map.

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  • 5 years later...

okay, i am half ashkenazic and half sephardic (spansish and arabic jew). let ME tell you the truth, especially since my brother is a geneticist. first of all id like to point out all the morons here. lets start with gmccookny. he thinks that ostriges arent birds... then we have sassa who talks about how people shouldnt judge and then says that "ashkenazim" look down on sephardim... thats a judgement... ofcourse, then we have my favorite, bigpoppanils who says since he is sephardic, he is the only REAL jew... (sigh, first kids want to argue over whos more black, and now they think the next coolest thing is being jewish...) alright, let me break it down for you. Jews are an ethno-religious group just like Hindis. Their ethnicity is Hebrew, their religion Judaism. most jews are ashkenazim and have fairer features than sephardim because they were the first to be exiled from ancient israel by the romans. they then went from israel, to italy, than turkey, germany and eventually the slavic countries. during this period of time their was very little if not no mixing because native europeans would often be killed for converting to judaism or marrying jews, and jews who converted would be "cherre" or shunned from their communities, much like hindus who marry out of their castes. sephardim were exiled later to the iberian peninsula and eventually were kicked out during the spanish inquisition along with spains moslems, and went back to the middle east and north africa. sephardim and ashkenazim are not ethnic groups, but they only differ in customs and were they were exiled to. also, it is incorrect to say that their is a difference between a jew and an israeli since israel was founded as a homeland for the jews. proof of this is also that their is hebrew writing in parts of israel that have been void of jews for many years (although some jews never ceased to exist in israel).finally, it is noticeable that "black" and "indian" jews have been genetically (voulunarily) tested and it has been proven throught the human genome project that they are genetically related to jews more than indians. (it is interesting to note that not once in the torah are jews listed as a religion, but as a NATION). the word jew derives from the ancient kingdom of JUDAH in ISRAEL. finally, it has been shown that arabs from the GREATER SYRIA REGION are more closely related to jews than arabs from other regions in the middle east. this even goes for blonde ashkenazis since physical characteristics can change depending on the climate you live in, a study proven in the human genome project which classifies race as, and i quoute, "a falcity that has no genitic backing and is purely a social construct. to be racist is to believe in race." afterall, i dont see labradors saying that terriers cant play with them cuz the terriers have been "bringin' them down."... sigh, america, when will you learn?

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  • 9 months later...

Sure Judaism is a Religion; however I am a Jew that is a Christian I am not “Judaismâ€. I did not know I was an Ashkenazi Jew till I did a DNA test and did research on our family tree, my mother keep this information from us that she was a Jew. My skin is Asian color very tan, not white.

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Yeah, but you cannot put all Arabs in the same category...there are several different groups, with different religions, cultures, and so forth. Palestinians are a different tribe of Arab than others are.You cannot just say that because there are other Arab countries, they all have to live together..besides, they were there for a very long time before the mass immigrations of Jews in the late 19th century started, so that doesn't mean anything...they are entitled to their own land.

What does this mean?

Don't Palastinians have their own land? Why are you stopping at population statistics from the 19th century--why not go further back?

Let me see if I understand this right. (And I'm going to do a very simple analogy) You're saying that if we lived in a building and there used to be like 100 Palistinians maxing out the building 100 years ago, and if 80 of them got replaced by 80 Jews so that there were now 20 palestinians and 80 Jews --that the Jews should get the fuck out of the building because the 20 Palestinians want everything to be 100% pure again? Is that what you're saying?

There are different denominations within Judaism---you know how like the same way there are all those "different" religions that ALL believe in the 2nd testament...just have SLIGHTLY different visions? Is this the dynamic you're saying that makes Palestinians SO different from the other Arabs around them?

What is this about them all having to live together? Are you saying they can't live together because even though they are Arab (a commonality)--that they just don't get along? Are you saying that we should care about that for some reason? I don't understand. Why don't they all get along with each other?

If we can't say that all the Arab countries have to live together, then we equally can't say that Palestine should get another chunk of Israel and make it smaller...so what is it that you are ALLOWING us to say, exactly? What are the rules that you are giving us? I would just like to know.

Are they entitled to "their own land" at the expense of people that are currently on "their own land,"--and if this is so, why? Why is land that is CURRENTLY occupied by a people NOT that people's "own land"---? I mean.... would you like to lay claim to say, my apartment? Would you like to say that its yours, even though I am clearly living in it?

Please be clear about what it is that you are saying, if you would be so kind.

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