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Return from Ibiza & some advice :)


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just came back from 26 days there!!!!!!!!!!!!! For some reason I got a ton of emails from ppl asking questions so heres my 2 cents:

Stay in Playa D'Embossa - 15 min walk to Space & Bora Bora and 10 min walk to Ibizatown....right in the middle of them (you have to take a bus/cab/car to San An regarldless, so u might as well be in the middle of the other 2 areas) We stayed at an GREAT hotel (for the price - 2 star but a lot better than you would expect for $45.00 a night!!) - big room w/ hugeee balcony, amazing view, kitchen, etc. Its called Central Playa on Carrer de Galicia. They were very cool and it was a perfect location. Just be sure to ask for a STUDI0 for 2-3 ppl, the double rooms are the teeny ones.

Also, dont just go for 7 or 10 days, if you can add another week. We went for 25 nights (had to add another due to the attacks) and it was perfect - we were able to take a few days off and just relax every time we got burnt out. You dont feel like you have to cram everything in, as you would if you go for a week or even 10 days. There are 58 beaches, 10 large clubs, 1000 restaurants and bars, and a dozen places to drive/visit around the island....and the heat and drinking/drugs does wear you out. I would say 2 weeks is a perfect amt of time (think about it, the plane ticket is about $8-900 regardless of how long u go) and the hotels/food are soooooo cheap......not really that much more to add another week. Def go in Sept....anytime after the 1st up until the Space Closing (although after the 22nd the town was DEAD!)

People go to clubs at like 3am and they close at around 7! But considering its $30 - $50 to get in each place, we found that insane.....go out around 12 or 1, its not as crowded and you at least get your $'s worth. (Girls have a good chance of meeting guys who will pay for EVERYTHING so thats always nice - they are very generous there, even when we totally did NOT expect ppl to pay for things , they did!) And def buy the tickets from the guys at the little bars in ibiza town, they are sometimes half as expensive. They also sell 0's - such sweet guys who will love u and cut u great deals if u go back every night.

Be prepared, no one can dance. They clap off beat and look like they are having a seisure. Its STRANGE but very amusing. They also wear tight pants and are very thin, we thought they were all gay! And be warned, some of them STINK :) we almost needed surgical masks at some places! Its a little weird adjusting to the cultural differences (as Americans you ARE the minorities - even w/ all the US tours and ppl, there are TONS more Europeans!) so it is a big change. Just be open to that and be able to laugh and find amusement in the weird things :) Its an amazing learning experience meeting people from all over, but also nice to bond w/ Americans in the midst of it all, try to mix it up and hang out w/ both ppl from the US and ppl from all over. Also, learn a bit of each language - Italian, German, Spanish....makes it all much easier. (But, theres something to be said for a lustful 'affair' where u dont speak each others language :)

Take the bus/ferry to other beaches and areas, Sunset Strip (San An) and areas. We got a little lazy and just layed on the closest beaches, but theres a lot to see. Mix it up and find new things to do, its worth traveling a bit, and the island is pretty small. A car is great but only if $ isnt really an issue and you can FULLY deal w the responsibility of driving sober and all that...At night walk around Ibizatown, have dinner, go to the bars, shop etc....its like a runway, everyone is looking at each other, picking each other up, a bit more $$ and snottiness but a nice change from sweaty packed messy clubs. Try a new & GOOD restaurant every night, the food is SO cheap - but we got sick from the regular places, totally worth it it to go to the nicer ones and so cheap u can do it every night.

TAKE PICTURES of everything! We only ended up w 3 rolls because we were so lazy, I wish we had more. smuggle disposables into clubs and take one w/ you everywhere....

Anyone have any questions feel free to email me Im still recuperating and reflecting, its crazy , you get SO wrapped up in that lifestyle and so relaxed then you come back to ny.....and its like.....whattttt? lol.....



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I just got back myself, from my second time in Ibiza, the first being way back in 1995. I could only go for 1 week this time and boy was I burnt out. Next summer, I plan for at least 2 weeks.

I did rent a car and went up North with this cute Irish lad I had a little Ibiza fling with. Ended up and the hippy beaches that were so secluded only about 10 people were there.

Unfortunatley, our trip was marred about hearing the news back home and having all of our luggage stolen out of the rental car our last night at Space when Sasha and Sander were tag teaming it on the decks. But we realized it was only stuff and what we were about to return too was much worse.

Glad you had a great time and you can email me at Beverage10@aol.com to trade Ibiza stories.

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The best were the people trying to speak english and the terms people used from diff countries...."Mongled" "Bloke" these German guys said "We build the joint / build the sex" this one Italian guy only knew how to say "I love you, i need you" to me! Some guys would run after us and yell Bella Bella, or babble in random languages and stare....or they word be so excited that they knew a few words in english and like "Walking" or "Purple" and just yell random words at us!!!

We have never laughed so hard!

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Originally posted by MissDiva

Be prepared, no one can dance. They clap off beat and look like they are having a seisure. Its STRANGE but very amusing. They also wear tight pants and are very thin, we thought they were all gay! And be warned, some of them STINK :) we almost needed surgical masks at some places! Its a little weird adjusting to the cultural differences (as Americans you ARE the minorities - even w/ all the US tours and ppl, there are TONS more Europeans!) so it is a big change. MissDiva19@aol.com

...those damn Europeans....hahahaha...well, I promise I will have a shower tonight before I'll make my way down to SoundFactory....honestly ;):laugh:

Good that you had such a great time though.... hopefully I can make it next year...

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Renee (a wonderful french name):

Glad to hear in detail your Ibiza exploits. While Americans are a minority of those on the Island, they treat us very, very well. It also seems that the bartenders are very suprised when you tip them. I would love to know why...

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Originally posted by iclubnyc

Renee (a wonderful french name):

Glad to hear in detail your Ibiza exploits. While Americans are a minority of those on the Island, they treat us very, very well. It also seems that the bartenders are very suprised when you tip them. I would love to know why...

B/c no one tips in Spain. If u talk to the bartenders in spanish they charge u less. Guys were very generous with us...prolly cause we had dumb easy American Sluts written across our foreheads.
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Originally posted by iclubnyc

Renee (a wonderful french name):

Glad to hear in detail your Ibiza exploits. While Americans are a minority of those on the Island, they treat us very, very well. It also seems that the bartenders are very suprised when you tip them. I would love to know why...

They do not tip anywhere in Europe. Have been over to Ireland and England. The waiters/waitresses would give us the strangest looks when we tipped them... along with the bar tenders. We found out later that tipping in Europe is non-existent.

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I had so much fun there that I must have left about a bucket of serotonin in Ibiza. Europeans definitely dance differently. Seems like they dance to the melody rather than the beat.;)

As far as the language barrier goes, everyone is so fucked up that it won't matter. I had a 4 hr long conversation with some guy at Space about how his close friend, whom he sheltered at his house stole money and all of his coke. After all that this guy did for his friend, the friend just stabbed him in the back like that. He was distraught and just had to get this story off of his chest. My wife and I sat and listened to his entire woeful tale of the cruelty of human kind. After four hours had passed, it occurred to me that this guy was speaking Italian to us. Neither my wife nor myself speak a word of Italian. Was it telepathy or did we eat so many disco biscuits that we hallucinated his entire story? Maybe he was talking about the stock market the whole time. Oh well.

BTW, here are my reviews (with video clips) of some of the clubs we went to:



Sa Trincha

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glad 2 hear u guys had a great summer in ibiza. I remember Miss Diva posting questions on my site a few months back.

Some of the content u guys have provided is geat and i would be very happy if I could use it on www.ibizahq.com

I met a few peepz from the states over the summer and they all came and added to the vibe, even now in Playa Dén Bossa I heard some american accents today, word is out on ibiza in the states and I think its a great thing to happen...

hasta luego from ibiza..

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