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Armando Benitez must die...


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I feel your pain. Whenever it's a close game and they bring him out of the bullpen my heart just sinks. I'll admit it that he has his moments but when it really counts such as the World Series last year my confidence in him is really shaky. Pretty much when he pitches either 2 things will happen. He'll either strike the batter out or the batter will hit it out of the park.

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Alright everybody, quit bitchin.

If you want real pain, try being a Red Sox fan. Even though I hate the Yankess and..................yes I said it, I HATE THE FUCKIN YANKEES................like to talk shit, its hard when you know you have a fairly decent team that manages to always fuck it up somehow. Like maybe firing one of the best managers in the game, letting ass holes like Everett play everyday, etc. The list goes on and on.

.................Hang on a sec, I'm on a nightlife message board. Oops!

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I hate the fucking Red Sox !!! So DIE! Just kidding.

Growing up a Yankee fan... was TOUGH IN THE 80's... when they sucked. Luckily, those Flushing Freaks beat the Sox in '86 and at least kept the crown in NY. I'll give em that...

As for Benitez, I think he's dope, he just is too wild and unpredictable. Maybe they should have stuck with Franco...

Anyway, either way... Let go Yanks!!!!! ;)

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Yeah, I'm beginning to think that Armando was paid off, too.

The whole game, Atlanta was hitting pop-ups and grounders, and suddenly the whole team goes nuts when they should be tired out and demoralized. Couldn't New York get lucky just this once? Just ONE MORE OUT. Just ONE MORE STRIKE. Between this and the other blown game, New York would have been sure to pull off the miracle comeback, especially with Atlanta and Philly playing a series against each other next. Now, it's just another New York disappointment when we really could use some good news!

Well, at least they're not the Red Sox. ;)


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