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Should you be held responsible for all you say and do under the influence of a drug?

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Well here's a common scenario..

You are out having a good time..

Dancing or chillin with friends,

you deside to indulge in the poison of your choice;

(whatever that may be..booze, E etc..)

Next day you are aware that you may have acted in ways you might have never chosen to act sober..

said things you never meant,

did things you might regret..

Some people may hold you to every word and action as a "truth" under the influence..

Others might shrug it off and say; "Fuck it dude..you where fucked up. Been there myself!"

So which holds more water in your book..?


or are you..


Bite the bullet..?

Or go blame it on the night?

WHERE DO YOU STAND? :confused:

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Originally posted by nitro449

you should definitely be held responsible for what ever stupid thing that you do when youre under the influence...

I think you should be responsible for your actions as well..

that is to say that you should be held responsible for the ACT OF GETTING FUCKED UP!

Howver I do believe that sooome people should be able to tell the difference between your SOBER personality and your DRUNKEN JECKLE AND HYDE realm of chemicaly induced choices..

I agree that DWI's and other more EXTREME acts are the direct effect of your bad choices..

But then there's the more common scenerios:

Waking up in bed with a friend.

Making out in a club on E with a stranger

Telling someone you LOVE THEM..

Taking your clothes off in public

Wrestling a goat covered in whipping cream

Making love to a stuffed toy..

Getting married in Vegas on a whim..

You know the common kinda shit..

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Don't get me wrong, I'm all for having a great time, experimenting, indulging the senses. But there's point, before I start smoking, drinking, rolling, tripping...that I make a conscience decision to choose to get high. After that, I might not be myself because I'm under the influence, but I was being myself when I first chewed a pill, lit that philly, or asked the bartender for a drink. If all this is confusing, just remember what William Blake once said...

"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom."


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on what is said....

I;ve had some wicked fights with best friends when we were real fucked up.

Always forgiven the next day, life is too short!!!!

You should be able to control yourself at all times though, nobody likes to babysit!!!!:D

I know i've had to babysit a few times, totally ruined my night!

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I used to use drugs as the excuse all the time. But now that I haven't done anything except drink in almost a year, I need to find some new excuses. Shit, there's no way anyone could hold me accountable for some of the shit I've done. I talked to myself in front of a full length mirror at Limelight one time for 10 minutes because I thought it was a doorway and the guy on the other side wouldn't let me through. Then I finally realized it was my own reflection. When you're in that state of mind, anything can happen.

Oh shit, I just remembered a better example. This one girl was laying in my bathtub one time in a k-hole at this party I was having. I went in to take a leak and she grabbed me by my shorts, pulled me in the tub with her and started going down on me. Needless to say my girlfriend was more than pissed at me the next day. But then I reminded her that the same girl that had gone down on me had fingered her that night also. My girlfriend didn't remember this and asked I how I knew. I told her that we were both fingering her at the same time, and she was like "really?" (and yes, this did happen, i wasn't just talkin shit to save my ass). So in the end, the relationship was saved and we both blamed E for all of the shit that had occurred the previous night.

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A fucked up persons words and actions are a sober persons thoughts. We are all adults and even if we do not like it we are responsible for our actions. If we do something that we may or may not regret fucked up, we are still held accountable. :eek:

Careful what you do and say, cause it could come back to haunt you in the end... and have we not all been there before!:blank:

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Originally posted by heretic909

I used to use drugs as the excuse all the time. But now that I haven't done anything except drink in almost a year, I need to find some new excuses. Shit, there's no way anyone could hold me accountable for some of the shit I've done. I talked to myself in front of a full length mirror at Limelight one time for 10 minutes because I thought it was a doorway and the guy on the other side wouldn't let me through. Then I finally realized it was my own reflection. When you're in that state of mind, anything can happen.

Oh shit, I just remembered a better example. This one girl was laying in my bathtub one time in a k-hole at this party I was having. I went in to take a leak and she grabbed me by my shorts, pulled me in the tub with her and started going down on me. Needless to say my girlfriend was more than pissed at me the next day. But then I reminded her that the same girl that had gone down on me had fingered her that night also. My girlfriend didn't remember this and asked I how I knew. I told her that we were both fingering her at the same time, and she was like "really?" (and yes, this did happen, i wasn't just talkin shit to save my ass). So in the end, the relationship was saved and we both blamed E for all of the shit that had occurred the previous night.


one must watch where they slip fingers on drugs..


(among other things)

but that's my point..

If It's not you on a normal basis..

then your actions are NOT REALLY YOU..


It shouldn't count against you..

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Especially if it's after a few times and you know how you're going to be under an influence and still make the conscious choice to use it

It's called being responsible for yourself if you can't take the reprocussions of your actions afterwards then don't drink/do drugs

everyone who just gets freer and has a good time spread the love :)

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yes, one should be held accountable for what they say or do when drunk or high. even if they don't remember doing it. even if it only happens one time. if you do something hurtful to someone, a sincere apology can smooth things over but it's when a person continues the same behavior that there is a problem.

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

Jesus H. Christ I hope not.

ummm, what I meant to say was not usually. I mean, everyone does stupid fucked up shit right? The problem comes in when we start to use the fact that we are fucked up to excuse everything we do. I think thats wrong. But hey, havent we all woken up with a goat covered in whipping cream in our beds???

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I have definitely used the exucse of being fucked up a few times. Honestly, though, if you dont remember then I think you can use that as an excuse. There have been too many times (and I am definitely not proud to admit) where people tell me stuff and I totally dont remember. Sometimes it is funny and sometimes I just feel like a total ass. There have also been times where I do remember but have also used the excuse that I was drunk,fucked up, etc. I defintely think though that drugs/alcohol affect how you act and you normally wouldnt act that way you do if you were sober.

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Originally posted by snoozi8

Especially if it's after a few times and you know how you're going to be under an influence and still make the conscious choice to use it

It's called being responsible for yourself if you can't take the reprocussions of your actions afterwards then don't drink/do drugs

everyone who just gets freer and has a good time spread the love :)

very well said!!! You gotta be responsible and somewhat mature BEFORE you indulge in drugs... a little fun can be had, but you still gotta draw the line and not get beyond "the point", otherwise you'll look like a hussie in front of everyone and be an uncontrolled rabbit!

the path i followed was that i had a close knit groups of friends that we'd try everything together, look out 4 each other etc.

that way we'd calm each other and keep it all UNDER CONTROL

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Originally posted by rocketfuel76

thing is, is that I think I tell the truth when Im fucked up!!!! Usually its things I wouldn't say if I were normal. But most of the time I when Im really fucked up I can't even speak so......:tongue:

you're right, it is the "real" you, but in an exagerrated way....

truth does come out, but not always when you want it to...

that's why everyone reacts differently on drugs.... some people talk a helluva lot, others are more open sexually, others are Maaaad funny.. it all depends...

just try to keep it under control... always keep some sanity, so no one will :blown: you :)

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Sure, I believe that everyone is responsible for his/her actions. Yeah we all know that drugs/alcohol or whatever makes you more relaxed and open and you might say things you wouldn't usually do as you don't want to hurt anyone or you are too ashamed to admit and say those things...Does this mean though, you don't mean them...NO...it's just that your consciousness loses control and your subliminal thoughts get stronger. I do believe though that whatever we do or say, is there already before...we just don't act it out or on it. If for example your girlfriend gets fingered by another girl then she might have been curious at the beginning and just never had the guts to act upon it. If someone says things ...it means that the thought was already there. I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with it cause sometimes it can be easier for people to get more relaxed and try things and they shouldn't feel ashamed afterwards and pretend "oh I was too fucked up....that wasn't really me"....bs...I'm still the same person and whatever I do...these are still my actions and I should take the responsibility.

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Originally posted by nitro449

you should definitely be held responsible for what ever stupid thing that you do when youre under the influence...

i would agree except most people don't hold their own sense of virtue and honor in very high esteem... huge difference between Should've and Didn't.

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it's easier to say, "i fucked someone 'cause i was drunk," than to admit to yourself that you just wanted to have a meaningless sexual experience.

i don't think people can use drugs or alcohol as valid excuses for behavior they would otherwise regret. i think it's simple dishonesty, whether it's to the people they're trying to protect or to themselves. and it's because of this phenomenon that we all have come to doubt each other's sincerity.

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Originally posted by heretic909

I talked to myself in front of a full length mirror at Limelight one time for 10 minutes because I thought it was a doorway and the guy on the other side wouldn't let me through.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

and i'll have what he's having, please.

and to answer the question of the thread and without getting bogged down with exceptions, if's, and's, or but's: yes, plain and simple. being under the influence can't be your scapegoat

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