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Have you ever gone out with someone but then as soon as you broke up with them, people went off about how happy they were that you got rid of them, that they really didnt like them and that you could do so much better???

After I broke up with my last boyfriend, everyone I know, couldnt help but tell me how much they couldnt stand him and how I could do so much better. I think that is part of the reason I am so frigen picky right now.

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Originally posted by lollib

Have you ever gone out with someone but then as soon as you broke up with them, people went off about how happy they were that you got rid of them, that they really didnt like them and that you could do so much better???

After I broke up with my last boyfriend, everyone I know, couldnt help but tell me how much they couldnt stand him and how I could do so much better. I think that is part of the reason I am so frigen picky right now.

I can relate. For some reason, after all my bf's and I broke up, my Mom, Dad, friends, family would say how they were glad that it ended and that they didnt like him or thought he wasnt good for me. But it makes me wonder, did they say that to make me feel better about us breaking up or were they lying to me when we were together and they would say that they liked him???
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Yeah I think its to make u feel better about the breakup. Like over a year ago my boyfriend broke up with me for like a day for something dumb, and i was like crying and everything, and my parents were seriously almost making fun of him and saying "there's more fish in the sea" and that i deserved better. And then a day later when we got back together they loved him again haha

parents are wierd lol

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No- but I have a feeling that once I get to have an in-depth conversation with them about this break-up that is what they're going to do!

And I know it won't just be to cheer me up- because they've kind of been telling me for a while now that it needs to end.

IT'S OVER! WOO-HOO!!!! :D:biggrin::grin3: :grin2:

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by tastyt

No- but I have a feeling that once I get to have an in-depth conversation with them about this break-up that is what they're going to do!

And I know it won't just be to cheer me up- because they've kind of been telling me for a while now that it needs to end.

IT'S OVER! WOO-HOO!!!! :D:biggrin::grin3: :grin2:

you are taking it very well... I was so depressed for a long time after I broke up with my gf of 2 years.

Maybe you met some real great guy that is making you forget about the old one.:cool::D;):tongue::D

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Originally posted by lollib

Have you ever gone out with someone but then as soon as you broke up with them, people went off about how happy they were that you got rid of them, that they really didnt like them and that you could do so much better???

After I broke up with my last boyfriend, everyone I know, couldnt help but tell me how much they couldnt stand him and how I could do so much better. I think that is part of the reason I am so frigen picky right now.

opinions are like assholes..everybody has one..
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Originally posted by gabo

you are taking it very well... I was so depressed for a long time after I broke up with my gf of 2 years.

Maybe you met some real great guy that is making you forget about the old one.:cool::D;):tongue::D

I agree with you. Almost 2 years ago my ex and I broke up. He was my frist true love, We were together for over a year and I was heart broken when we broke up. I coudlnt eat, didnt want to go out or anything.Then he was like "Oh, youre my best friend I dont want to lose our friendship" I swore to him that I could never be friends wtih him, that it would hurt too much, but now almost 2 years later, we are great friends, Its funny to think about bc he even comes to me and talks to me about all his problems and stuff with his new gf! Funny how things work out
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Originally posted by jarmenio

That is good, you should never throw away friendship, it's the most important thing in the world!!

I know that friendship is the most important thing in the world, but so is your happiness. Sometimes you cant control your feelings and it sucks but sometimes your feelings can get in the way of a friendship. :(
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Originally posted by angeluv

I know that friendship is the most important thing in the world, but so is your happiness. Sometimes you cant control your feelings and it sucks but sometimes your feelings can get in the way of a friendship. :(

Sometimes feelings have to be put aside. If you care about the person why lose them totally? It makes no sense. Who Agrees???

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Originally posted by jarmenio

Sometimes feelings have to be put aside. If you care about the person why lose them totally? It makes no sense. Who Agrees???

Obviously you have never been in this situation, or maybe you are just a stronger person, but sometimes its too difficult to put the feelings aside and sometimes there are things that cant be over looked. Anyway , there are circumstances that just cant be helped.
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Originally posted by angeluv

I agree with you. Almost 2 years ago my ex and I broke up. He was my frist true love, We were together for over a year and I was heart broken when we broke up. I coudlnt eat, didnt want to go out or anything.Then he was like "Oh, youre my best friend I dont want to lose our friendship"

I completely understand, that how I was when I broke up with one of ex's. I was soooo miserable, partly because I made myself that way and partly because I was so used to "us" that I didn't know what to do with me. I have learned a lot from it though, it did take me a long time to realize all the little things, instead of concentrating on the big thing......

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Originally posted by gabo

you are taking it very well... I was so depressed for a long time after I broke up with my gf of 2 years.

Maybe you met some real great guy that is making you forget about the old one.:cool::D;):tongue::D

Yes, well it was over for a long time before we finally called it quits.

And you know, I would never dive headlong into something with another guy right away- unless I met someone very, very special. :heart::D:spin2::grin3:

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Originally posted by angeluv

Obviously you have never been in this situation, or maybe you are just a stronger person, but sometimes its too difficult to put the feelings aside and sometimes there are things that cant be over looked. Anyway , there are circumstances that just cant be helped.

I agree with you completely. You can't always just push aside your feelings like that, if you care so much about a person and get so badly by them. If you can remain friends, that's great, but it's pretty rare.

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Originally posted by tastyt

Yes, well it was over for a long time before we finally called it quits.

And you know, I would never dive headlong into something with another guy right away- unless I met someone very, very special. :heart::D:spin2::grin3:

Did you find someone who sparks your interest????

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Originally posted by gabo

you are taking it very well... I was so depressed for a long time after I broke up with my gf of 2 years.

Maybe you met some real great guy that is making you forget about the old one.:cool::D;):tongue::D

I just wonder is that really possible....I can you TRUELY forget about your past relationship? IDk i just know what kind of a person that I am and idk I just wonder about that--:confused:

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Originally posted by randall16

I just wonder is that really possible....I can you TRUELY forget about your past relationship? IDk i just know what kind of a person that I am and idk I just wonder about that--:confused:

I don't think that you ever really forget, if someone makes such an impact on your life, whether they be a bf, gf, or a friend, how do just erase the memories, good and bad???? I don't think you can...

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Originally posted by lollib

Have you ever gone out with someone but then as soon as you broke up with them, people went off about how happy they were that you got rid of them, that they really didnt like them and that you could do so much better???

Our friends probably do that to make us feel better. Even if they like the other person, your feelings are what they care about at that moment in time. Maybe it's not what we want to hear, but it's comfort to know they care.....I hate seeing my friends unhappy and miserable, I always try to do my best to help them out however I can.

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Originally posted by randall16

I just wonder is that really possible....I can you TRUELY forget about your past relationship? IDk i just know what kind of a person that I am and idk I just wonder about that--:confused:

Of course you can never completely forget about your past relationships. And it would be foolish too; if nothing else you should at least be able to see them as learning experiences.

But come on... how many times do I think about the boy I broke up with @19, even tho we were together 3 1/2 years??? Not much... and when he does spring to mind, the feelings that I once had for him are a distant, hazy memory. Barely.

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Originally posted by tastyt

But come on... how many times do I think about the boy I broke up with @19, even tho we were together 3 1/2 years??? Not much... and when he does spring to mind, the feelings that I once had for him are a distant, hazy memory. Barely.

yeah but who broke up with who??? if you did with him then thats how you should feel, however in most cases if he broke up with you things would be different... not only would you prolly still have feelings for him but you prolly wouldve remembered every moment together... ??? IDK (imo, its a just lil theory i have, its a lil long and hard to explain right now)

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Originally posted by dgmodel

yeah but who broke up with who??? if you did with him then thats how you should feel, however in most cases if he broke up with you things would be different... not only would you prolly still have feelings for him but you prolly wouldve remembered every moment together... ??? IDK (imo, its a just lil theory i have, its a lil long and hard to explain right now)

Good point... even though I don't agree. In this case I guess I was more the one who did the breaking up... and when it ended can you say relief!

Buuuut... I was dumped by someone I was completely and recklessly in love with. Nope- no feelings for him anymore either... Granted it took a few years but I finally got over it, completely.

I mean, i dunno, it would be pretty sad if I still had feelings for these people after 7 and 11 yrs... no??? I'm more than healed by now.

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Originally posted by tastyt

Good point... even though I don't agree. In this case I guess I was more the one who did the breaking up... and when it ended can you say relief!

Buuuut... I was dumped by someone I was completely and recklessly in love with. Nope- no feelings for him anymore either... Granted it took a few years but I finally got over it, completely.

I mean, i dunno, it would be pretty sad if I still had feelings for these people after 7 and 11 yrs... no??? I'm more than healed by now.

very good point.. however you maybe over them and time may heal all wounds, Buuuuuuuut it may still leave a scar.

and most scars are forever...

btw im sorry you had to go through that situation of being dumped by someone you were head over heels for... & im sincerely happy youre over it by now... i just hope it didnt take 5 of those 7 or 9 of those 11 yrs for you to be cured...

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