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turntable tricks


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hey everybody:tongue:

before we begin our topic today I just wanna say a few things bout love and sharing which (in the admittly fierce) compation seems to have been lost some where. now I'm not trying to take no bodies job or ... well ok maybe possiblily I am trying to win some compatitions but any way its really gonna come down to who has the most skills (and I play the turntable 5-10 hours a day) and who's got the most soul. So I see no reason for us not to share (theres that word again, doncha think thats a beutitiful word) our little tricks so that we can all play our music a little better.

Ok that said I'm gonna lay down one of my favoritive tricks and if you all share with me then I'm gonna share with you. Now pay attention I'm gonna start with something simple till we see what you all come up with.


this is where you flip the fader real fast (you can use that little thingy up over your volume too,in fact thats how I like to do it) and chop the sounds up ... yep thats about all there is to it

now go pratice that for a while and posts up any tricks you have for getting new sounds out of a basic turntable mixer set up and one day I'll come back by and post some good stuff and before long we'll have that good old loving vibration going again right here on this message board. and before long will be playing our music so good with all the stuff we learn from each other that we'll take that love and give it all the people in the world who need it. ok?


there are only two things in life-turntables and distactions
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hmmm... where should I start

#1 no machine is ever gonna sound better then me

#2 my lack of spelling skill has nothing to do with my being the sickest brotha ever to lay his fingerz on wax

#3 yeh I kinda figured 99% of you knew how to transform already but I didn't wanna start with the good shit in case you all didn't wanna share your tricks with me

#4 wheres tha love, I was all bout gettin some love going ... but instead all you all are doing is hatin on me... wassup.... ok I'm gonna give you all a second chance ... just try not to post anything negitive.. I got no time for tha unkind


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Originally posted by djmattreid

i dont know what you are talkin about

an efx box can be used to sound alot better than using your "line in, phono switch"(wisdom, page 1) thats why they makew stuff like that so it will sound better.

thats what i was thinking!! The EFX box is off the hook!!

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Here are some things I'd like to "Share" with you.

Give respect to get respect.

5-10 hours a day is way too much time for anything, unless you're getting paid for it.

If you have such mad skills then where do you spin?

(I bet I already know the answer to this)

spell check.

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Originally posted by wakeup

you might want to learn how to fucking spell too. also you dumb fuck i wouldnt call switching the line/phono switch on the mixer back and forth a turntablists trick.

i hope that was'nt directed towards me:rolleyes:

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yeh five hours is not enough for sex or turntables

I like to do both at the same time though so that saves me some time

respect? shoulda asked for love cause I got lots of free love to share

I'm not giving out any respect though you gotta earn that

ok ok heres a trick (just in case anybody clicked on this topic hoping to learn something about turntablism)

this trick is one that I like to use here and there to add flare and start working on the positions of tha trainspotters jaws

its the kind of trick that I like because it not only adds ummm like I said flare but it also adds to the music and gets more sounds out of a basic set up (not like some peoples tricks that -look cool but don't do anything for the music)

you drop the volume on one channel ALL THE WAY DOWN

then you take in input wire from the deck to the mixer and unhook it

then just tap the wire in to the input and raise up the volume

you can over load the sound or tap out a pattern to match the beat

just make sure not to raise up the volume on the channel your using too much or you could blow out your speakers

I like it best for bass filled tracks

try not to wear it out once every now any then for three or four seconds should be enough

theres other things you can do with those inputs on the back of your mixer, anybody know em?

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