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Do you think we waited to long?

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I think we are doing the right thing. True, it took nearly a month to retaliate, however we did need to gather some information and get our forces together before we could proceed.

I doubt there was ever a time in which there was a doubt we would somehow retaliate. We gave the Taliban a chance to cooperate (even though the list of demands Bush laid down were never going to be met) but they never did so we gathered our forces and our allies and now we are fighting back. You can't just attack on pure vengence. It could and would have cost us dearly. Don't forget though, for a major military operation to take place that includes much of the free world, we only took a month to take action.

Here's to the US. God Bless.

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no, i think that bush is handling it very well. any idiot can just go in, bomb shit to pieces and call that 'justice'. what they are doing is investing in the region, which will pay off a few years from now. they are careful to get arab support so it doesnt seem like a west vs islam crusade, and they are also providing relief to the afghans, which is a very smart move.they made it simple "your boy osama, killed 7000 of our people. all we want is him in our custody, and elimination of all your terror training camps. nothing else. we only want what is truly fair.' the taliban says 'no, fuck you, we arent doing shit', so they get hit with tomahawks. hey, u fuck with the best, u die like the rest.

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Guest jaxl

I'm sure all of us wish that it didn't have to come to this and endanger even more lives. IMO I think we did the right thing by waiting. If the forces had gone in right away we would have been just mad-bombing aimlessly. At least now it seems like the powers that be have gathered more intelligence.

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I think these are some of the things that were accomplished by waiting:

1. gather intelligence

2. get troops into place

3. gather international support

4. produce a more effective strategy

5. produce a better overall plan (beyond military action)

6. give time to Taliban to respond to demands; since they didn't, that gave more justification for attacking them

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Originally posted by wallflour

I think these are some of the things that were accomplished by waiting:

1. gather intelligence

2. get troops into place

3. gather international support

4. produce a more effective strategy

5. produce a better overall plan (beyond military action)

6. give time to Taliban to respond to demands; since they didn't, that gave more justification for attacking them

I totally agree... and if I can add to your list, I think we did a good job of beefing up National security as well. I feel a lot safer in NYC now with the National Guard presence, especially when I go to work downtown.

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Originally posted by thehacker

when a cat does something wrong and you don't reprimand him/her immediately for it, when you finally do get around to it, it's totally confused after-the-fact and has no idea why you're suddenly angry.

just a metaphor but i think you can get the idea.

I'm pretty sure their is no confusion as to why we are bombing them.

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