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NYC is the most dangerous place in the world for next few months


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I think we may be ok in New York for a while. What will scare Americans more? Attacking the small island of Manhattan again or going after a city in the south, west or midwest. The terrorists don't just want to scare New Yorkers. They want to instill fear in the hearts of Americans all over the country and all over the world.

Recently, I was in Charlotte, NC. Most people probably don't know this, but Charlotte is the second largest financial center in the US. Both Bank of America and First Union (two of the largest US Banks) have their national headquarters there. I was thinking that this place would be an ideal terrorsit target. It was sacry because they have some very large buildings downtown and minimal security. I hope we get our acts together and realize that there is a lot more to worry about than just the major cities and landmarks.

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Also, I think its important that we remember that there isnt an army of 50,000 terrorists here in the USA. Sure, there may have been a hundred fanatics, but a large majority of them have already been scooped up. Do you think we are detaining 500 individuals for nothing? Im sure Osama Bin Laden planned some sort of revenge for an eventual allied attack as a result of his actions regarding wtc, but Ill bet he didnt anticipate the American people coming together as they have, the capture and detention of 500 of his followers here and many hundreds more around the world, or the scale of retaliation which we have taken. Also, these people are fanatics, but they aren't stupid. I really doubt they will try any sort of large scale bio or chemical attack (if they even have the capability) beacuse the state department has privately warned that any terror attacks with unconventional weapony could result in retaliation with our nuclear arsenal. They may not be afraid to run around calling for a "holy war," but I think they know, that should they do something of that nature, Osama Bin Laden, and millions more, innocents included, stand the risk of virtual extermination.

They probably expected us to stand by and do nothing as we have done in the recent past when our assets have been attacked. And, unlike many others, I personally don't think the forthcoming military operation will be as difficult as people say. Remember Iraq? Remember all the talk of how amazing the Republican Guard troops were in battle? Well, 20% surrendered, 40% defected, and the rest were killed. Remember the talk of the thousands of Iraqi landmines. They were either no longer functioning or defused. Remember the talk of Iraq's awesome air defense capability? It was destroyed. These people must realize, they are not dealing with the Iranians or the former Soviet Union. They are dealing with the UNITED STATES.

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Originally posted by usa

NYC will be the most dangerous place on earth besides Afghanistan. The reasons:

1.It's the biggest city in the U.S

2.It's full of arabs who are connected with the Muslim Terrorists and many Jews whom Arabs hate so much live here in the City.

3.NYC is the center of the Media and Finance.

4.Manhattan is a small island which makes it even easier for terrorists

5.NYC is a great target for bio/chemical wars.

6.the CIA said there's 100% chance of retaliations from Bin Laden groups if US attacks, We already attacked.

why am i posting this? cos those are facts and you need to know

Um, I don't really agree. We can't live in fear thinking that every day is a potential day for shit to happen.That's life.We just need to deal with it. I know that I'm flying home for Thanksgiving and I will be back in my beloved NYC and not give a fuck about anything except for being home.

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Originally posted by lucabrase

I think we may be ok in New York for a while. What will scare Americans more? Attacking the small island of Manhattan again or going after a city in the south, west or midwest. The terrorists don't just want to scare New Yorkers. They want to instill fear in the hearts of Americans all over the country and all over the world.

i think they did exactly that by attacking manhattan.

why wouldn't they try again.

i'm just really really grateful for the military forces that have been amassed surrounding the island.

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Originally posted by thehacker

oh yeah, and i Could Have taken a bus to port authority, but it probably would have taken me like 2 hours on account of LOTS OF TRAFFIC (again, from people doing any god damned thing to get to work, even disregarding the now-in-effect car pooling requirement) and also Random Searches of vehicles AND Pedestrians at the bus terminal. F THAT!!!

Damn to you feel that guilty that u stayed home today to go in to exact detail lmao!!! U stayed home fuck it lol!!! :tongue:

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Originally posted by synderella420

Damn to you feel that guilty that u stayed home today to go in to exact detail lmao!!! U stayed home fuck it lol!!! :tongue:

what can i say, i like what i do for a living.

i'm good at it.

and they pay me well.

it saddens me when i'm unable to get to work.

i'm 75% latvian and 25% german.

work ethic is in my blood!

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this fuckin retard USA has no idea what he is talkin, we all know that we live in the greatest city in the world and at this point probably the most united. im not going to let some psychos scare me out of the city that i luv.

our governmental intelligence is enourmously superior to that of the afghnistan terrorist. granted that they got the best of us on 9-11 and we are presently taking care of that now. as far as them being able to get back at us :laugh::blown::laugh: we are to smart for them. so far everytime these assholes have tried to bomb us again we have caught them. so in my opinion we should all relax and let our government protect us. we must all continue on with our normal lives as much as that is possible.

as this moron USA stop tryin to scare people cause its not goin to work. if ur scared then that is fine but dont try to make people more paranoid about getting hurt during out everyday lives. we live on because we are new yorkers and we know that we are the best people on this earth.


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Originally posted by Promota531

what u saying? that latvian and germans are the only hard workers?

i'm not saying that at all.

i'm just saying i was brought up in an environment that's all about work ethic and that is IS the latvian way and for the most part the german way as well. didn't mean to exclude anyone else in my statements...

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