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Exit Review from a Juniorite...

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So here is my night:

We got there around 4:30am and noticed the line not to bad, just to the end of the corner. We immediately found Darryl and headed to the front to avoid the wait and we astonished to find that they were more or less, herding people in the door as fast as possible. No ID Check and security did not even search me. The coat check was absolutely a disgrace and we actually passed it the first time since there were so many bodies it was not apparent that the line wrapped all the way around the bar. We decided after 15 min that this was not going to happen and took off to find friends.

The sound system was incredible and was it only me or were you all thinking: What is he playing? The tempo was absolutely a non-stop driving force that could not be resisted. I have not heard Junior turn that shit out like that in what seems like an eternity and this is the Junior that I have missed. I was a little disturbed chatting with a few people from Twilo that were not into the music or scene. All I have to reiterate again to those are that times are a changing and that Miss Junior has more than one side to her. Those of us that attended to prior venue's know this all to well and I believe are in agreement that it was time for this again.

The crowd was huge and let me just say now that those straight girls betta work! They put some fierce fags to shame with their style and class. I am totally into the mixed scene and met a ton of fabulous "straight" people reguardless of the pushing and shoving necessary to get thru conjested areas. They were very polite and were wonderful to chat with. They breathed a bit of fresh air into the club experience. Additionally, the "eye candy" was spectacular and it was difficult to keep from drooling. Who cares if the guys were straight, gay, bi they were hotties. I did notice the so called Exit-leftovers, which their clothes and dancing style alone gave me the idea they were leftovers from a rave from the night before. They were, I think, totally trying to grasp the enormity of the change they were witnessing. Just a little time and they will be fine. Um, did anyone notice the guy in the GAS MASK? Or how about the ALIEN?

Anyway, I was very happy with the changes made to the place, the bathrooms were wonderful as well as the seperated booth area that surrounded the 2nd floor. I love the "PRIVACY" they established for our convienence. It seemed like about 100 degrees at times and I like the 3rd floor lounge that had air conditioning and was peaceful for a little respite.

The only real DRAMA of the evening happened with my friend Kim. Turns out that some tranny bitch and here boyfriend that were in from DC were on top of Kim's bag in the booth area on the 2nd floor and missing from it was her cell phone and cash. Now if this isn't NASTY! Kim looks for the phone with a lighter and asks these two wanna-be NYC diva's to stand up so she can look and asks them about it. They denied it but it seems that this tranny had moved the bad across the booth. Well they leave and not 30 min later Kim goes to look for gurls this is where it gets FIERCE & FABULOUS!!! At the 1st floor bar, she goes up and confronts these two clowns and the tranny says she has ehre own phone and pulls out Kim's. Well Kim grabs the phone, and then this tranny and the guy pins Kim to the bar. Kim tells them to remove their hands or else.Well next thing Miss Kim cracked that tranny across the face and when her boyfriend threatened Kim she called for the bartender who ignored her so MISS KIM TURNED INTO SHADY SUNNAH AND GRABBED THE SODA SPRITZER FROM BEHIND THE BAR AND BITCHSLAPS THE GUY WITH IT. YOU GO GIRL! I was upset that she was then removed by security but only cause the tranny took the phone and Kim still made a scene with them. I am proud of you, you fierce black bitch!!

Well turns out that she is allowed to come in next time since Kim then after being kicked out was talking to the head fo security and agreed to go for a drink with him sometime. Now that is what I call "HIGH CLASS"


Overall though it was a spectacle that truly shows what the "SCENE" should be like. Shout out to Bryce, Thayne, Niki, Liza (work that fiece outfit bitch!) and my pal Billy who the night would have never been complete without all of you. It is my belief that this is truly going to be a house where the rules again are broken and we all understand that the musik truly can bring all together!!

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now thats a fun nite...LOL....so i may have to hit up earth for afterhours on my birthday after SACI....could this take place of my ritual crackfactory saturdays, could TWILO really have been re-born im just gonna have to check it out for my self....see u all on saturday the 27th...1st SACI then 2nd EARTH:cool: :D

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While I appreciate the fact you are willing to check it out, It is imperative that you do not even try to think of it as Twilo because you will be totally surprised to find out it isn't. Like Junior, everyone else needs to "Forget the past" especially since this place is sick *GAAAG* in comparison to Twilo. You are in for a real good time. :idea:

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the kid in the gas mask is most likely this loser that goes by the alias Sparky

He carries a notebook around, harrass' all my friends asking for their numbers so he can make some friends.



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Where is this consistent idea that I said that it was better than Twilo please? I said the place was sick in and of itself and that they were two different venues. I was there when Juniorvese premiered and was there when Arena premiered and find that each has their own sound, feel, atmosphere. My point though was that people are immediatly beginning to misconstrue the info and that they need to take Earth for was it is as opposed to what Twilo once was. As one beautiful boy on the 2nd floor said to me "This is not Twilo, this is the beginning of a whole new existence, It never was Twilo and never will be."

As for the gas mask dude, he totally startled me and I of course asked why the hell in a club when it is that hot wear a gas mask?

Anyway by the outfit he was wearing I immediatlely accepted the fact that this was not a boy who looks in the mirror before he steps out the door and faces humanity.

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well i wasnt really sayin that u said it was better than TWILO, i guess thats just how i understood ur wording

point is that ur post has made me decide to definetly check out EARTH, i used to go to EXIT and eventually started to hate it

as soon as i heard that Junior was taking over residency there my heart skipped a beat, though im not an avid junior fan , i have to him credit that his music is amazing.

so i was basically thanking u for writing such a good review of the place, as a result i will b there for afterhours on my b-day thanks for all the great post!:D:eek:

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Originally posted by wbmikey

[The only real DRAMA of the evening happened with my friend Kim. Turns out that some tranny bitch and here boyfriend that were in from DC were on top of Kim's bag in the booth area on the 2nd floor and missing from it was her cell phone and cash. Now if this isn't NASTY! Kim looks for the phone with a lighter and asks these two wanna-be NYC diva's to stand up so she can look and asks them about it. They denied it but it seems that this tranny had moved the bad across the booth.

Great Post,were you with like 3 other guys and the the Girl,I was sitting in the booth when those 2 people came in,I saw where they sat,i was some what watching them, at times I was dozing off.That was really fucked up.

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Originally posted by realz

the kid in the gas mask is most likely this loser that goes by the alias Sparky

He carries a notebook around, harrass' all my friends asking for their numbers so he can make some friends.



how old is this kid? does he have blonde hair? The reason I ask is that @ college we had a crazy kid come over from cali who also called himself Sparky

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Originally posted by tony2000

Originally posted by wbmikey

[The only real DRAMA of the evening happened with my friend Kim. Turns out that some tranny bitch and here boyfriend that were in from DC were on top of Kim's bag in the booth area on the 2nd floor and missing from it was her cell phone and cash. Now if this isn't NASTY! Kim looks for the phone with a lighter and asks these two wanna-be NYC diva's to stand up so she can look and asks them about it. They denied it but it seems that this tranny had moved the bad across the booth.

Great Post,were you with like 3 other guys and the the Girl,I was sitting in the booth when those 2 people came in,I saw where they sat,i was some what watching them, at times I was dozing off.That was really fucked up.

tony ---

yes I was with a bunch of other guys and her....this was on the 2nd floor so I believe that you were actually sitting there as well...it was absolutely ridiculous....

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Originally posted by sextacy911

exactly... his last name is darren... :rolleyes: u should be laughin at yourself! :laugh: :laugh:

Darrel Darren is one of the head promoters over there. I believe he was talking about the Darrel that does the door there, as in Darrel of the famous Darrel and Fernando that works the door now there on Saturday nights/ Sunday mornings and they used to do the door at Twilo for Saturday nights. If I am not mistaken, which I think i am not.:tongue:

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