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"seeing eachother"


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i hope this works...me and the girl i broke up with on tuesday are now seeing eachother cuz neither of us wanted to be alone/without eachother but we didnt really want to go back out and everything so i guess it works out

so dont worry! ....i will still jump your bones at limelight on friday if youre going :D

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i hope u are ok with seeing her with other poeple? there are soooo many complications with still 'seeing' and ex...because you two can be fine and dandy and then when one of you wants to hook up with someone else...then the famous phrase comes out.."well...we'r not 'going out' "...i hope u understand what i mean and i hope it works out for u!!!!:)

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I think that is very sad and strange (then again, I'm European and a lot of the things that are "normal" here... are 'amazing in a weird sense of way' to me....so no offense please).... just because you two are 'afraid' of being alone....you are still kind of sticking around and "seeing eachother"...well, I can't really imagine that. Once the decission has been made that I want to break it off with a certain person - I really don't want them in my life in that way. Try to transfer the relationship into a friendship...that's fine....but still sticking around to sexually satisfy eachother...that's just plainly asking for trouble.... one or the other will get hurt at some point. Then again, do whatever you have to do, good luck and I hope it works out...somehow :)

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Originally posted by flying_high

I think that is very sad and strange (then again, I'm European and a lot of the things that are "normal" here... are 'amazing in a weird sense of way' to me....so no offense please).... just because you two are 'afraid' of being alone....you are still kind of sticking around and "seeing eachother"...well, I can't really imagine that. Once the decission has been made that I want to break it off with a certain person - I really don't want them in my life in that way. Try to transfer the relationship into a friendship...that's fine....but still sticking around to sexually satisfy eachother...that's just plainly asking for trouble.... one or the other will get hurt at some point. Then again, do whatever you have to do, good luck and I hope it works out...somehow :)

Well, I am American and this concept gets me too. I mean, I can understand you want this person to be in your life, but from my own experience and the experiences of my friends, it usually has to be all or nothing. Things get compliacted when it is an ex and you are just "seeing each other." I think there are way too many feelings involved and too much of a past.

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