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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

How did you hear about clubplanet?

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I was thinking about this before, and seriously I have no clue how the hell I found out about clubplanet, its weird, like i try and think back but don't remember.

and this is my first and only messageboard that i use cause i know that there are a bunch out there.

so what about u guys?

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Guest gabo

Back in 1996 or 97 I was bored and was on a search engine, I was messing around and typed club nyc.com and this poped up!(back then it was club nyc). I posted a bit and then I stopped about a year later cause I didnt have a comp. till now so I had to register as gabo.

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my boyfriend <xtcgspot> told me about the messageboard.. i always got an email from clubplanet tellin me bout club updates and shit.. but i never went to the website.. actually i think i did once and registered to receive info or some shit...but i know he told me about the messageboard... i have no clue though how i ever started gettin emails from clubplanet... its so weird that we cant remember!!! :confused: rolleyes:

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hahaha man i'm old. i got this site from a little known, short lived website called pgny.com (paperless guide to new york). the only reason i heard about it was 'cause i worked with the guy that made it. back then this page was still listed as "DaVe's club guide" or something like that.

those were the days:

- you didn't have to register to post

- people would just say "whoever wants comps to tunnel send me e-mail". i went for free for almost a year :P

i remember thinking there was a conspiracy when someone affiliated with dave (i think it may have been dave) registered limelightnyc.com and tunnelnyc.com in the same week.... and then all of a sudden clubmiami started popping up....

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I was surfing the web a few weeks ago at work because we have been SUPER DEAD......i put in nyc clubs in a search because I was looking for info on Bliss, and found clubplanet. I haven't really posted on any other boards, but these are sooooo addicting....

Definetly a cure to my "at work boredom"

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