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Older Ladies and Younger Guys...


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I think every guy should have a May-ish-December-ish romance from Mrs. Robinson, once in his life any more is just chronic. Mine was when I was 19/20 and she was 35/36. They'll show you the ropes, and get off on it too. I wouldn't recommend it for a virgin, it would damage your psyche. Luckily, I wasn't. Psyche damaged anyway. You think a girl getting attached your age is scary, imagine one with a biological clock ticking.

On the less dramatic scale, say a girl in college and a guy in high school or college grad and coed, that's just really bizarre, considering on the norm, girls tend to always date one class up, jr. high -> high (because he has a car), high-> college (because he can buy alcohol legally) college -> graduated (because he has a job and they can stop eating at McDonalds)

There are perks to corrupting a young mind, working with a clean slate if you will... but I'm a guy, what do I know :D

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Originally posted by dgmodel

Ladies how do you feel about dating a younger guy???

is this really an issue???

what is the popular consensus here???

i used to not care until i dated a younger guy. now i pushed them out of the age group i am willing to date... im not saying a younger guy has no chance in hell but for the most part, they have less experience, still in school, cant get into 21+ places, are immature, and usually unappreciative. i would go out with a younger guy to party but when it comes to a relationship, i want someone older.

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Originally posted by somebitch

i used to not care until i dated a younger guy. now i pushed them out of the age group i am willing to date... im not saying a younger guy has no chance in hell but for the most part, they have less experience, still in school, cant get into 21+ places, are immature, and usually unappreciative. i would go out with a younger guy to party but when it comes to a relationship, i want someone older.

yeah, what she said

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When I was younger I dated a guy that was a year younger then me- I know not that much of a difference but he was still younger. Last summer, I hooked up with a guy that was 19 and I was 24. That was just too much for me. I dont think right now I would but I guess if I met someone and I really felt something for him, then I would date him. Sometimes the people you fall for arent always the people you think you will!

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Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

You just are dating the wrong guys! Not all guys are pricks, most, not all, and when one of them say they are different, look out. It's like they said that the world is flat!!!!!!!

when confronted they all say they are different. :rolleyes:

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is that every guy I've met recently has talked the same game. This one kid, was being so annoying and I knew his game. We were friends previously, and were hanging out one night with another mutual friend. He keep saying I want to take you out, I really like you, we could have a good time, BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH............. remind you it was going right through one ear and out the other, because I am already very careful. I know the GAME. SO I was like whatever, we went back to my house afterwards, and he tried to get me to sleep with him!!!!! ON TOP OF IT, I come to find out he had a girlfriend. Well thank god I told him to beat it, and I didn't sleep with him, and believe me the urge was there, but I have my pride (sometimes) as well. The next morning he left in a huff, and do you think that DINNER INVIATION ever came up again????:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


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a while back i was seeing this older girl for a while , and she was 29 - 30 and at the time i was 20 21... all she ever talked about was the age difference thats it, the sex and shit was great though never complained a second about that, and it turns out i ended it with her because I was more mature then her... She was very immature, drank to the pt of vomiting everywhere we went, pill popped every other second, in the morning took an uppper in the evening took a downer, blah blah bla, hated her job , hated her life.. me on the other hand am complete opposite... and im carreer and goal oriented and looking already to settle down, and develop my life, so my only choice was to leave...

but whatever now im looking to do it again with another just not with a 9yr difference a 4yr. do you guys think 4yrs is big diff??? I really dont...

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All that really matters is you like the person and enjoy being with them.

4 years is not a big difference at all!!!!

Honestly, if I found someone younger and I really liked them and enjoyed their company, and they were mature enough, I would go for it too!!!!!!!!

I just haven't seen that yet, but hey you never know!!!!;)

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I once dated a guy that was older than me (I think something like 3 years) and damn, did he treat me like his little princess/girly girl. Well, that's just not what I'm going for. I've always rather been attracted to guys my age as I want to be in a partnership...hey, if I need a guy telling me all about his experience and trying to "teach" me about life...I talk to my dad or colleagues ;)

Anyway, my boyfriend is (hold on baby...I will make it exact this time) 2 years and 8 months younger...and it doesn't make a difference at all. We are both in the same mature/immature state and love eachother and eachother's company to the max. Age is a number anyway and even though I sometimes take the piss out of it by calling him my little baby ...I respect him immensily and don't see him as younger than me as we both have the same level of life experience...and I guess that's all that counts. You can date a guy that's older than you and he can be a totall kid....so at the end it's just a number and doesn't reflect much of personal growth/delelopment anyway.


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Originally posted by flying_high

Anyway, my boyfriend is (hold on baby...I will make it exact this time) 2 years and 8 months younger...and it doesn't make a difference at all. We are both in the same mature/immature state and love eachother and eachother's company to the max. Age is a number anyway and even though I sometimes take the piss out of it by calling him my little baby ...I respect him immensily and don't see him as younger than me as we both have the same level of life experience...and I guess that's all that counts. You can date a guy that's older than you and he can be a totall kid....so at the end it's just a number and doesn't reflect much of personal growth/delelopment anyway.


Very nicely put!!!

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i had to post on this thread. First if you think it's the right thing to do. I say go ahead and do it. From my experience though. There's one factor. The woman is at a level far higher then me. I don't think it matters much if it's like just a few years age difference. The girl is just on a totally different and higher level than you in most cases. But all in all.. if you wanna give it a shot, go for it. Just know what your getting yourself into.

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Originally posted by karch

i had to post on this thread. First if you think it's the right thing to do. I say go ahead and do it. From my experience though. There's one factor. The woman is at a level far higher then me. I don't think it matters much if it's like just a few years age difference. The girl is just on a totally different and higher level than you in most cases. But all in all.. if you wanna give it a shot, go for it. Just know what your getting yourself into.

Sorry...may I just ask how old you are?

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Originally posted by karch

i had to post on this thread. First if you think it's the right thing to do. I say go ahead and do it. From my experience though. There's one factor. The woman is at a level far higher then me. I don't think it matters much if it's like just a few years age difference. The girl is just on a totally different and higher level than you in most cases. But all in all.. if you wanna give it a shot, go for it. Just know what your getting yourself into.

Im not a like a regular guy at my age... Im very very career oriented, and goal driven... I dont have much time on this earth so i want to make every hour, everyday, every month every year count... I want to retire by 30 and i want to be married by late 20's and be set in my career before 24-25... I have a level of maturity ( not all the time, proper place and time for everything.) that is greater then average 22 yr olds... (i say this due to the fact that everyone of those types of guys i meet are just strictly into partying and fucking,daydreaming and the only time they pick up a book is to kill a bug or look up domino's number...)

I like Fast Money, Fast Cars, Fast Women... (thats one of the reasons i date older women, they seem to be more on my level then younger ones... not to say that younger ones arent, but older ones typically share the same principles and aspirations as I do.)

Like I said in an earlier post... Time is money and I dont have enough of Either... and to make yourself restricted as to finding true love i think is ridiculous... whos to say Ms. or Mr. right is going to be your age , or your color or your religous belief... IMO go for everything, experience life...

Im sure Apples agrees with me 110%...

( sorry if im rambling im dead tired... hardly any sleep last night...)

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i do agree 200%, im 22, making a decent amount of money for my age, alot for a person my age. i mean i do blow my money on mad stupid things, at heart im 22, but in the state of mind of making money and to do what with it, im just like DG. right now its the best time to act on what you want. reasons?

1 - get a head start on everyone in the career you choose.

2 - the only way to make 400k a year.

3 - why waste time drinking your life away.

4 - sex and love can wait. why go looking for it, its time to have them look for you.

im a very competitive person. i dont like people to be ahead of me. so now i got to catch up to all the millionaires out there...

DG see you at the top sipping on applejuice on the rocks~!

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