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I don't understand girls, does anyone?/?

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OK... i posted a message a few days ago about how do i deal with a relationship...

As of yesterday, i think my one-year w/NK is done...

Now, first of all, it's very confusing. We've done this before, like twice, only to get back together again after a week or 2. I KNOW we have feelings for each other, and we've been together for e year, being friends b4 that.

But yesterday, get this! She tells me all this shit: 1. she's not ready for a commitment (after being together 4 a year)

2. She thinks relationships are caused by people's insecurity (HELLOOO, and what about attraction?/?) and 3. she doesn't feel normal around people (guys n girls) when she's in a relationship!

Now, we are 2 strange people... and everyone that sees us knows that.. but this is just ludicris! We've shared sooooo much together, and now she lays this on me... how am i supposed to act?/?

I have to admit, though... i pursued her too much. I called her too much, which IS A NONO! Even yesterday, i drove to her house to surprise her with a gift, which she didn't dig. I can understand that, and told her i won't do it again.... but man, is she unstable.

I just feel like i'm going through the ringer. On one hand, i LOVE her and no matter what she does still enjoy being with her. But on the OTHER hand, when she does shit like ending our relationship EVEN THOUGH we have so much in common, i'm left dumbfounded!


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gmccookny, my advice (I'm a gurl) is to let it (her) go...Its not worth you getting all worked up, especially if thats the frame of mind she's in right now. Give her some time and space and see what happens...I was in a similar predicament myself and I was dumbfound after all we've been through as friends that it would change forever, once *love* was entered into the relationship...Everything changes (all the time IMHO) when friends become lovers. Relationship like this are best done with REALLY mature people on both ends that behave like rational results. Trust me you are not going to get a straight answer from her, because she is confused herself right now. Just lay-off be cool, enjoy yourself and come back to the situation at a later time. Luckily she'll beat you to the punch, and offer an apology for her behavior and things will be set right again...But for now...PARTAY ON! :laugh:

-Dr. Jamms "atyourservice" :cool:

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I'm with Jammy 100%. I too am a female (for all the freaks that respond to my posts with "bro") and from what I read....she's feeding you nothing but excuses, which definetly means she's totally confused and dosen't know what she wants.

Just let her be and use the space for some U TIME. You never know....usually after you get over it all, you realize your happier without the person that's bringing you down.

Sorry Sweetie

:spin2: :spin2: :spin2: :spin2: :spin2: :spin2: :spin2:

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i've said it before and i'll say it again~~~~>

*the only way to get over one is to get under another!*

seriously though...i'm a girl and i am telling you...FORGET HER! move on..from what you are saying..you seem very nice and could probably get another girl. OR just party it up and get some major ass! LoL....j/k....GoOd LuCk!

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Don't take what she saying as a bad thing (I know you've been together for a year) She's being honest with you and herself. Would you rather her stay with you (make you happy) and she'll be unhappy? Let her do her thing. Don't hate her for it because then that'll ruin the friendship you still have. Show her that you're understanding even though it hurts you. This will help her get through whatever doubts she's having about relationships and she'll be able to take commitment more seriously. If your still around when she's done experimenting then you can give your relationship another chance. If not then it wasn't meant to be. BUT you'll always that friendship......at least you wouldn't lose her totally.

That's just my advice. I was that girl once. Almost the same situation but the guy didn't understand and we ended up losing our friendship and our relationship. It was a mess. :(

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I had a similar experience as neena and I totally agree with her 100%. You both need to act like mature adults about this. My ex and I went through tough times, but we are still very good friends. When one or both parties get jealous about a move like this, it can be a disaster. The only way to make amends is to see the point of view from the other person's eyes and let them have their space.

I'm sure you've heard the saying, "if you love someone, set them free...". Showing someone that you care enough to give them their space can mean a lot. Maybe she and you just don't click. I really needed an independent man, someone who wasn't a total pushover. I loved him, but he just wasn't meant for me. Go out and have fun being single. Believe me, you can love more than once.

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Geesh, i never realized how tough it is...

All you guys n gals really make me see it for what it is ( even you, MuGz, nice equation, and i didn't like math!)

It's really hard to let go of her, espec. after all we've been through. I just think that for the future, i don't want to get so serious so quick again. If i had known this sooner, a lot of heartache would have been avoided.

But I DO believe that i gotta move on, and hope to just get her off my mind, cause that's what's making me so depressed lately.

I'm going to see orbital this Saturday, and may have an xtra ticket... if anyone's interested, email me: DaCount5@aol.com

at least there's a bright spot to this week! :)

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One other thing gmccookny, DO NOT, and I mean DO NOT get into another serious relationship right away. I was in dating my ex for 3 years and when we broke up (mutually, of course) it was the hardest thing I ever did. I was depressed for months. I thought i responsible and I wasn't sure if i made the right decision. I didn't talk to anyone, didn't eat, blah, blah, blah........ you get the point. What I did in that time was work on myself and figure out what went wrong, what I wanted, why I did what I did, and tried to fix my own personal problems.

Seven months later, I am a stronger, more mentally and emotionally ready person. I probably dated like 8 or 9 people in that couse of time, but I just met the most wonderful person..... It will take awhile to get over her, but you must be strong and face challenges and temptations that may come your way. Don't fall for the first person you meet, or the second, unless you know that they are truly meant for you. Take the time to work on yourself, because if you're not happy with yourself, you can never be happy with anyone else.

I wish you the best of luck. ;)

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men are so cute and silly. they seriously have no clue what is going on. and women have to remember that, and help them out or at least be sympathetic once in a while

women also tend to be much moodier and high-maintenence than men. for instance, i got mad at my bf for not telling me there is a zoo in Central Park. and another time for not capitalizing my name in writing. silly things: they don't matter in the big scheme

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Originally posted by xtcgirlie

Don't even bother trying to understand girls. Its impossible.

you gotta just love women for who or what they are...if its a woman that you've connected with and maybe had some private moments that doesn't mean that she is your girl...if you've caught feelings for a flirt or someone that dresses like a hoochie remember that she isn't going to change for overnight for you and keep in mind that those are a few of the qualities that made you catch feelings

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Well, I've grown up with most of my friends being girls. They're decipherable, I'll tell you that, but it's something you have to "experience" rather than learn through description.

Live with them long enough, and you'll see what I mean.

Men and women, a lot of their priorities in life are different (often), physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally speaking. but men tends to be a lot more obvious when it comes to their "behavior". And I would bet right now that aside from the socially stereotypical perceptions of men (IE, sports, passing gas, cars, sex on the brain every 6 seconds, blah blah blah), women aren't that great at deciphering men either.

Women, however, don't bitch about it as much as Men do about not understanding the opposite sex. Once again, men are a lot more obvious about it.

And GMCcookny, I'll see you at the Orbital show.


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One thing I have definitely learned about girls after a few l/t relationships and hard breakups is:

1) the only way to get over a girl is to not contact her at all; and

2) the only way to get a girl back is to not contact her at all....

Its not up to us (guys) its up to them, if she wants you, she will call and if not she won't....doing anything else just plays to them (not that I haven't done it)...good luck

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Originally posted by chiefpax

One thing I have definitely learned about girls after a few l/t relationships and hard breakups is:

1) the only way to get over a girl is to not contact her at all; and

2) the only way to get a girl back is to not contact her at all....

Its not up to us (guys) its up to them, if she wants you, she will call and if not she won't....doing anything else just plays to them (not that I haven't done it)...good luck

chiefpax, you may be new to the board, but that's alot of good workable advice you gave me there.

the thing is i'm ALWAYS the one calling her (like 75%). I'm sure if i lay off for a few days, she'll be like "O george, wherever have you gone?"

And if not,,, o well, i won't call her anyway ;)

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