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do you ever feel like you have misplaced your brain?

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this story shows how completely stupid i am sometime...

so lil starr is brushing her teeth and has her pj's on and her pj pants are riding kinda low and she sees this spot of bright red on her lower stomach and she thinks, "why the hell is my stomach bleeding???" she soon realizes that her TATTOO IS STILL THERE... now please tell me how one forgets that they have a tattoo?? it's not like this is a new thing for me... and do you ever call someone and forget who you are calling... or walk into a room and forget what you are doing... or sometimes you wake up and have forgotten that you fell asleep and have no idea what day it is??? and they say drugs fuck with your head... well i don't do them and see the prediciment i am in.... hahahahah DOES ANYONE UNDERSTAND ME???

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i was in amsterdam for the second time - we got right off the plane and went to the coffeeshop that last year got us lost somewhere 2 hours away from the city in the middle of god-damned-nowhere. we smoked the same herb and about three or four hits into it i turned to my friend and said "steph, do you realize that i'm out of TIME right now?"

to which she replies "Rob, how are we going to find the hostel if you're not even in time!"

i guess you had to be there. Our notes from that coffeeshop also involved my friend saying "My problem is the sun" and "we don't know where we are but we really do". Hahaha amster-damage.

welcome to the board, lil star gurl :)



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if my fridge was big enough to hold anything of substance to look at that would be exciting. what a wonderful thought. food... now you have just provoked the thought in my head except i will go to bed hungry reminding my self that i am poor and in college and that chinese food and pizza do not constitute real food and that you can only eat so much of it before you wish you did look into the fridge and forget what you want to eat. ummmm so one time after smoking some wacky weed i apparently didnt believe that i had stoped exhaling the smoke and for 20 minutes i could swear on tinkerbells life that there was still SMOKE coming out of my lungs. i failed to neglect the fact that i was in chicago in the middle of february and it was 20 degrees below zero, so it may have just the coldness... why BECAUSE MY BRAIN IS MUSH... whooooooo

pixie dust~


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I completely know what you're saying - this past week I kept on forgeting names, names of peopl I've known for a while, names of professors. The worst is when you're talking and all of the sudden you stop and forget what you were going to say. definitely makes me feel like I'm loosing my brain!

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Originally posted by dialectics

oh oops this wasn't about drugs, my bad. yeah its called fridge amnesia - you know exactly what you want to eat until you open the door and stare.... and completely draw a blank for like 2 minutes.

hehehe "fridge amnesia"

that rocks!

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they say the memory is the first to go...

and given the intense nature of the work i do

(insanity-level web programming; server & client side w/ databases) i think i'm just accelerating the process.

as of late, i find myself drawing a blank WAY too often in conversations and such.

this shit scares me.

i used to be able to remember things like *that*

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No, Its okay, I feel that way ALL THE TIME!!! It isn't even drug enduced.... I just have a horrible memory (especially when it comes to names); and my brain, I just don't know what the f**k is wrong with it sometimes. Yeah, I think we all feel like we are loosing it every once in awhile, just some more than others.

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so when your best friend calls and you can not speak english because the words don't form logical sentences you know something is wrong. the end. i think that aliens have attacked the former being known as starr. oh dear my bed is calling me it says ... i miss you... come cuddle with me and fall into the land of dreams.

pixie dust


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Originally posted by sttarrkidd

this story shows how completely stupid i am sometime...

so lil starr is brushing her teeth and has her pj's on and her pj pants are riding kinda low and she sees this spot of bright red on her lower stomach and she thinks, "why the hell is my stomach bleeding???" she soon realizes that her TATTOO IS STILL THERE... now please tell me how one forgets that they have a tattoo?? it's not like this is a new thing for me... and do you ever call someone and forget who you are calling... or walk into a room and forget what you are doing... or sometimes you wake up and have forgotten that you fell asleep and have no idea what day it is??? and they say drugs fuck with your head... well i don't do them and see the prediciment i am in.... hahahahah DOES ANYONE UNDERSTAND ME???

I know what you mean, sometime i wake up and after not getting enough sleep, and i don't remember where i am, for few minutes. but then i guess my brain wakes up. and i don't do drungs either. :confused:

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2 things I did this past week that have convinced me that my brain goes MIA from time to time.

I'm walking out of my work building and I have a cigarette in my hand for when i get outside, and my mind wandered and I light it in the building, and I realize what i'm doing and I have to put it out in my hand real quick. the security guards are looking at me like I'm nuts.

I'm going into the subway and i walk through the turnstile and i cant get through and I'm wondering why and its cause I didnt swipe my card.


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In my youth, I once walked in to the grocery store, intending to buy some milk.

Of course, I proceed to then take two gallons of milk and walk straight out the door, having forgotten that there would normally be a payment made on my part...

and then of course, I walk across the street to my waiting car, with the store owner now coming out running from the store screaming bloody murder... then, the epiphany is had on my part and I then amend my mistake...

And as much as those subway occurances are entertaining, they're not nearly as entertaining as when the offending person (IE. ME) chases after the train, forgets the payment detail, and then proceeds to run into the unyielding turnstile FULL SPEED GUT FIRST.

Absolute ecstacy, if I ever knew a taste....

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Originally posted by dialectics

oh oops this wasn't about drugs, my bad. yeah its called fridge amnesia - you know exactly what you want to eat until you open the door and stare.... and completely draw a blank for like 2 minutes.

When I'm in a hurry looking for my keys, I've often tried looking in the fridge. :blank:

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Sometimes I feel like my head is a balloon on a string trying to get away from my body. I will looking up towards the sky more often than not (to look at a bird flying, the stars, etc.) and I will forget that my body is still in motion and then BAM! I trip over something or someone...all the while trying to look as graceful as possible.


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