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Age & Dating


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Just curious, what is everyones opinion on age difference when dating? Im 21 and I met a guy who is 28, for me he's a little too old for me. Whats the biggest age difference you would feel comfortable with? A friend of mine is 18 and is dating a guy who is 29, I personally think hes too old for her, but what do you think?

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I dont think you can say a particular age is too old/too old for someone but everyone is different. I think the 11 year age gap is definitely too big of an age difference but that is just my opinion. I am 25 and think at this point, 30 or 31 would be the age limit for me but who knows. I used to babysit for these boys and sort of had a thing for their uncle who is 14 years older then me so who is to say. I think though with your friend being 18 and the guy being 29, they are just way too different at the points in their life and besides the fact that she cant even get into a bar- well, legally that is!!!

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Originally posted by lollib

I am 25 and think at this point, 30 or 31 would be the age limit for me but who knows.

when r we getting 2gether again?

well, now that i'm old and sensitive to this age stuff, of course age doesn't matter!!!

seriously, as others said, maturity and where u are in u'r life determines if u'r compatible. can u have meaningful conversations with each other, with each others friends, do u have some similar interests, do u challenge each other, etc.

i feel like i'm both young and old for my age. i've dated way younger and older and the same. its all good depending on the person...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

mentality... is the factor not age...

unless were talking about 15 yrs olds then youre sick...

i agree. as long as ur on the same level personality-wise and maturity-wise, then age doesnt matter.

but when u see them people on maury povich, when one is like 70 and the other is 25, that's nasty bro!!!

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