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**OFFICIAL** Jeff Mills Cp Meetup Review


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Damn where the hell do i begin about this night? Lemme just say that...never in my 20 years on this earth, have i met such a great bunch of people all at the same time under the same roof. Never would u imagine that u could be so chill with people u in a way know..but yet...BARELY KNOW. This was only my second meetup..but i think it was the best night i ever been to at Limelight vibe-wise and the best meet up i have yet to encounter. And why is this the best meet up i have yet to encounter u ask???

Well, here are a few reasons why..........

The Hacker-bro, u are severely cool ass dude and just straight up nice guy. Definitely knowledgeable bout electronica and definitely knows how to have a great fuckin time no matter what. Was a definite pleasure to meet u man.

Bkissa-Girl, i met u incidentally going up the stairs cause i was like..yo wait..that girl DID have a "torn" blue tank top?? hehe so im like how many other fuckin girls here have a "torn" blue tank top? hehe but u one cute fake ass i.d. girl that definitely knows what a good time is. Hope u enjoyed me bathroom guidance for ya? hehe Thanks for the hug and a pleasure to meet u.

Xpander-shit man, whereeeeeeeee do i begin?? Definitely up there on the list of veryyyyy chill people i have ever meet. Definitely one cool person to hang out with and who can make u laugh with his random comments.

Exodust- WHOA hehe one serious lookin woman and i do stress woman hehe cause yer definitely a girl who looks like she packs an attitude but yet..u talk to u..and yer mad cute and very chill. Sorry we didnt get to talk longer but everyone was doin their own thing, least we got to hear "THE BELLS" together? hehe

CroBra- Yo, lemme just say, there is not a more friendly person u could ask to meet from the board. Second time i meet u and that we chilled and definitly not the last. See u at Howells maybe tonight.

ScottyScribz- haha SCOTTYSCRIBZ???????!!!!!!!????!!!!! Yea im sure u heard that all night long haha...very chill to meet u for second time and hope u had a good time.

Romy20- Yo, why didnt ANYYYYYYYONE from the board tell me how damn cute this girl truly is? i mean was i to find out for myself?? hehe well one super ultra sweet girl and a pleasure to meet u and u definitely have one lucky guy to make yer acquaintance. As to answer yer question of...MY GOD I DIDNT KNOW U WERE THIS TALL...the answer is...Yes hehe i am tall.

Errl- umm didnt talk to u much but u seemed like an ok kid and the comment bout my cousin being one good fuckin dj is much appreciative..glad to meet ya.

Transcend- just when u thought u have met all the biggest pieces of shit in the world...then comes justin haha..nah u know im fuckin with u like always haha. But, it was a no doubt pleasure to finally meetup and shoot the shit and i told u how damn good a night of Mills, Surgeon and Function would be? not to mention how bout splittin some of the profits u made from the list since i told u bout Mills playin hehe nah only fuckin...but yo we must do it again sometime..possibly tonight...gotta see how sleep and everything goes.

Smoknjilly- shit, do i really gotta tell u once again how u make me feel?? Yer just fuckin awesome all around no question hehe....just never ever change...always a god damn pleasure to see those beautiful eyes and blond hair...YUM :laugh:

Highmay- only met ya for a sec, but um...nice fuckin jacket bro haha

4elements-pleasure to meet u man, hope u enjoyed my cousin's set as much as i did

Junior- shit bro i forgot yer CP name but um , thanks once again for hookin it up with the skybox pleasure to meet u.

Tunnelbandit- pleasure bro to meet u...hey im tellin ya...we gotta throw that one last Tunnel party haha



Lavendermenace- jesus, um, lets see....Sweet?...YES.....Caring?...YES....Affectionate?...Definitely....Gives super duper duper duper awesome tight ass hugs?....YES......Knows how to fuckin tear up the dance floor with me and xpander?...YES.....Has one COOOOOL FUCKIN PHAT Tattoo on her arm?....YES....Could make any mans day?....WITHOUT A FUCKIN DOUBT.....Prescence is felt?....HOLY GOD YES....One of a kind? U KNOW IT.....Glad u got the chance to meet her?....GLAD IS NOT THE WORD.....My future wife? Sure, once both of our asses is out of college debt

:laugh: A girl u would love to chill with again?....DEFA-FUCKIN-INITE-LY......Someone u would like to see at VINYL tonight?......IM THERE!!!! ;):D

well i know this has been one long and fuckin boring post..but i do belive in tellin it like it is..and this my proof..so anyonw i soooooooo happened to forget? im madddddd sorry and hopefully we catch each other another time....but as for those mentioned above...THANK U ALL VERY MUCH TRULY FOR MAKIN MY NIGHT......GOOD NIGHT :) QUOTH

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yo, you forgot foxyroxy20, who came with tunnelbandit (or is it the other way around :half: ) hey roxana! HARDCORE. hehe.

also there, and added to the collective awesomeness:

trippintrance64 (thanks for gettin' us into the skybox!)

sleepiswaste (aka Z) (oldskool mastah and mad chill dood)

4elements (yo, good luck w/ your set tonight @ LL)

trancebaby (cute asians rule! hehe)

sttarrkidd (MIA at the meetup; no wristwatch! doh!)

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Now, let me reiterate what Quoth said.....

Great night, great party, great music, great people!

The Hacka - You need to stop poking fun at me.....

Quoth - wee bit diesel last night eh? JOIN THE CLUB (if I wasn't so tired) Next time, ditch the jersey and STAY HERE!

Crobra - Where'd you go? Think you were having waaaaaaaaay too much fun on the dancefloor, no?

Mist - You callin' me a liar?!?!?! hehehe...

Scottyscribz - Yo bro, I don't believe we've met up last night... What'a up with that?!?! You gots ta introduce yourself tonight man!!!

Trippintrance64 - I see you were very busy introducing yourself Lavender to uh....interesting experiences...lol WHERE'S MINE DUDE?!?!?! hehehe...

Errl - Bro, I don't think you get to rag on me like that till we've known each other a bit longer... quit hanging around my school!!! LOL

Transcend - Didn't make too good an impression last night dood, sorry...got a little carried away with the head massage...

Highmay - MUTHAFAWKINHIGHMAY!!! Man, I tell you, I'll never be able to pull the "jacket on the dancefloor" thing like that...sheeeesh....hehehe. Hope you had fun at Vinyl, sorry I couldn't make it.

4Elements - Gotta vinyl tonight, but you'll be seeing me as a regular attendee from now on...hehehe

Trancebaby - Great meeting you...sorry I wasn't too talkiative...a bit wound up...I was..

Romy20 - Miss, it was a pleasure to meet you.

Exodust - Sorry I can't come tonight...like i said, you'll have to blame the influence of a certain cutie on the board for making a Howells visit absolutely necessary... BUT I WILL BE THERE NEXT TIME!!!

Charails - Hey mate, good meeting you...next time, hopefully I'll be around for more than a minute or two...

Tunnelbandit - Great to see you mate. Next time, stick around! Actually, that's probably my fault so....

Foxyroxy20 - A pleasure, it was...I promise to be more chill next time around...hehehe

Gothzane - WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Lavendermenace - Ok....Lavender.....er... :o:o:o...chillin' in the lounge to crawling on the ground chasing after your kneecap to being really fascinated at the effects of "GOOD CALIFORNIAN WEED" ...an absolutely gorgeous woman who made my night totally beautiful (as well as put my social skills to shame...) thanks for a wonderful night... I WILL see you at Howells... I cannot however, necessarily promise too much mobility....lol And where's that IM you promised me?!?!

Buy you a vodka and grilled cheese after tonight's madness??

And Quoth...I already got the ring for Lavender so HA don't even try it....:tongue: **points** myyyyy wife....hehehe


And I think that's everyone....please don't kill me for leaving out anyone...head's still hurting.....lol

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Originally posted by xpander


Now, let me reiterate what Quoth said.....

Great night, great party, great music, great people!

The Hacka - You need to stop poking fun at me.....

Quoth - wee bit diesel last night eh? JOIN THE CLUB (if I wasn't so tired) Next time, ditch the jersey and STAY HERE!

Crobra - Where'd you go? Think you were having waaaaaaaaay too much fun on the dancefloor, no?

Mist - You callin' me a liar?!?!?! hehehe...

Scottyscribz - Yo bro, I don't believe we've met up last night... What'a up with that?!?! You gots ta introduce yourself tonight man!!!

Trippintrance64 - I see you were very busy introducing yourself Lavender to uh....interesting experiences...lol WHERE'S MINE DUDE?!?!?! hehehe...

Errl - Bro, I don't think you get to rag on me like that till we've known each other a bit longer... quit hanging around my school!!! LOL

Transcend - Didn't make too good an impression last night dood, sorry...got a little carried away with the head massage...

Highmay - MUTHAFAWKINHIGHMAY!!! Man, I tell you, I'll never be able to pull the "jacket on the dancefloor" thing like that...sheeeesh....hehehe. Hope you had fun at Vinyl, sorry I couldn't make it.

4Elements - Gotta vinyl tonight, but you'll be seeing me as a regular attendee from now on...hehehe

Trancebaby - Great meeting you...sorry I wasn't too talkiative...a bit wound up...I was..

Romy20 - Miss, it was a pleasure to meet you.

Exodust - Sorry I can't come tonight...like i said, you'll have to blame the influence of a certain cutie on the board for making a Howells visit absolutely necessary... BUT I WILL BE THERE NEXT TIME!!!

Charails - Hey mate, good meeting you...next time, hopefully I'll be around for more than a minute or two...

Tunnelbandit - Great to see you mate. Next time, stick around! Actually, that's probably my fault so....

Foxyroxy20 - A pleasure, it was...I promise to be more chill next time around...hehehe

Gothzane - WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Lavendermenace - Ok....Lavender.....er... :o:o:o...chillin' in the lounge to crawling on the ground chasing after your kneecap to being really fascinated at the effects of "GOOD CALIFORNIAN WEED" ...an absolutely gorgeous woman who made my night totally beautiful (as well as put my social skills to shame...) thanks for a wonderful night... I WILL see you at Howells... I cannot however, necessarily promise too much mobility....lol And where's that IM you promised me?!?!

Buy you a vodka and grilled cheese after tonight's madness??

And Quoth...I already got the ring for Lavender so HA don't even try it....:tongue: **points** myyyyy wife....hehehe


And I think that's everyone....please don't kill me for leaving out anyone...head's still hurting.....lol

:laugh: :laugh: Bro, come on now...u may have the ring but we both know that i have the game so step-a-fuckin-side BIOTCH haha....nah u can keep her though...ill just let her come to me on her own when the sex in yer marriage gets worse than it already is, isnt that right MR. I-need-a-sling-for-my-limp-marriage-dick? :laugh:;)

Hope to make it out tonight...lots of decions and lots of tasty treats and deciosns quoth has to make bout what he is doing tonight.

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oh see now, that's going over the line there.

But that's ok, I'm a lover, not a fighter...wait, wait, sometimes neither?!?!:confused: Ain't ever gonna get around to play the game though mate, I'll leave that up to you...

But in any case, what're all these important decisions you have to make? I thought shit was done and set?

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Originally posted by xpander

oh see now, that's going over the line there.

But that's ok, I'm a lover, not a fighter...wait, wait, sometimes neither?!?!:confused: Ain't ever gonna get around to play the game though mate, I'll leave that up to you...

But in any case, what're all these important decisions you have to make? I thought shit was done and set?

ughh...prior obligations that i totttttttttttttttallllllllllly forgot bout and must break hehe...but shhhhhhhh dont tell anyone

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Originally posted by quoth

:laugh: :laugh: Bro, come on now...u may have the ring but we both know that i have the game so step-a-fuckin-side BIOTCH haha....nah u can keep her though...ill just let her come to me on her own when the sex in yer marriage gets worse than it already is, isnt that right MR. I-need-a-sling-for-my-limp-marriage-dick? :laugh:;)

Hope to make it out tonight...lots of decions and lots of tasty treats and deciosns quoth has to make bout what he is doing tonight.

DOODS. you have it all wrong.

she's gaga over... mm. on second thought i shouldn't meddle.

mum's the word.

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so now starr sits here and cries because she did not get to meet everyone... sadness becomes me. c'est la vie... however hacker... once again I AM SORRY.... soon tho, soon soon soon, as soon as i have money... POOR starr is poor. anyways, yay for fun and good times. you all go out and have fun for me tonight!!


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Well, last nigth at LL was actually my first ever clubplanet meetup. I met sooooooo many cool people!!

Trancend (hey well im gonna see ya tonite lol), quoth (and ill see ya tonite to so u better go, oh and btw what u wrote was sooo sweet;) ). lavendarmenace (great to meet you and now i know why everyone says ur always extremely happy lol i saw for myself lol), thehacker, xpander, crobra, Errl, Melichacha, Trippintrance, Mist, Scottyscribz (well i met u before this lol at the famous twirl lol), and for anyone else that i left out im sorry but i met so many people that its hard for me to remember everyone.

But it was sooo great finally meeting you all, hope to see everyone at Vinyl tonite!!!!!!!!

:D :D :):D :D


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hey everyone..

i posted in the other one but since this one says offical ill post what i have to say here too. I dont post much but ive always wanted to go to the meetups and i just never have i dont know why. i feel like a ass that i didnt go last nite i would've of loved to meet everyone but hey whatevea hopefully next time. I do want to say that last nite jeff mills for my first time hearing him was great!!!!! i really liked him. thanks too the two people i did meet from the board scotty and renee. you guys are so nice. laterz.

j =)

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Mills was the man..but of course.....:) I was also happy to hear surgeon playing a bit harder than he did last time....

I will continue to see mills wherever he goes, but my disgust for limelight has grown even further. I literally had to kick the shit out of 4 or 5 guys because they could not keep their hands off me...and I was with a guy! I was up in my usual balcony spot (i never move when the master is on)

I don't know what it is about LL that it gets all the most digusting guys on the planet....even back in the day it wasn't like that...when ahh ...things were "freer"

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