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Ever Get The Urge To Just Start Dancing???

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there have been, when I'm on campus - in a completely "normal environment", the peolpe I'm with talking about meaningless crap, I'll just get the urge to dance. I get a beat in my head, the origins of which I am unaware of , and all the chatter goes away. The next thing I know my feet start moving and they think I am crazy! :D

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I'm addicted.

Every thump, every noise I hear I'm like "whoa that sounded like Tribal drums..."

and then I start getting that *Boom...... tak Boom tak Boom" tribal beat in my head.

Five minutes later usually someone asks me what the hell is wrong with me and almost always tells me I need therapy.

Owning five crates of it makes it worse.

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HELL yea usually if I'm shopping I will just bust a move right there in front of people sometime's stores play goodass music. acutually lsat week I'm shopping for some new leather boots and paradise city (guns and roses song) cums on I'm like head bangin in there singing this dude is like damn girl u must be a handful I want to make a dance remix of that song what do u think? ciao

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This morning I got the urge on the bus on the way into work....I was sitting way in the back listening to my Discman...and I'm thinking, whatever I don't care if any body see's me.....So I'm in my old little world jammin away, and some cutie in front of me turns around and is like "i love that song"

What song was i listening to? Where do i go.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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