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Omg Derek Jeter Is God

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Originally posted by doubtness

That's why we pay him the big bucks!

If you actually had a salary cap in baseball, you wouldn't see the Yankees as dominant. All George has to do is shell out the big bucks year after year and the dynasty will continue. Once someone stops them, George will panic and spend a bundle more to get a World Series team. Hopefully, the Mariners will do this. GOOOOOOOO MARINERS!!!!!!

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Originally posted by ctwarrior

If you actually had a salary cap in baseball, you wouldn't see the Yankees as dominant. All George has to do is shell out the big bucks year after year and the dynasty will continue. Once someone stops them, George will panic and spend a bundle more to get a World Series team. Hopefully, the Mariners will do this. GOOOOOOOO MARINERS!!!!!!

Said this a million times, using the money excuse is a poor excuse. Because in '96 they're salary wasn't anywhere nearly as high. They got raises to play good ball. Easy as that.

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Originally posted by ctwarrior

If you actually had a salary cap in baseball, you wouldn't see the Yankees as dominant. All George has to do is shell out the big bucks year after year and the dynasty will continue. Once someone stops them, George will panic and spend a bundle more to get a World Series team. Hopefully, the Mariners will do this. GOOOOOOOO MARINERS!!!!!!

You are so pathetic. Just admit that the this Yankee's team is the best team ever. You know it's true. Bitch!

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I'm sorry but that was a HELL OF A PLAY! Are you kidding me?? I NEVER watch baseball and I know that was awesome. Earlier in the game, when the A's player was goining into the same territory, they were pushing him back so he wouldnt catch the ball. With Jeter, Brosius, and all of the fans moved back in order for him to CATCH it! UNFUCKINBELIEVABLE! The Yanks are lucky he walked away with just some scratches on his elbow and arm rather then something much more serious!

But girls, if you didnt watch, Mark Mulder, the pitcher for the A'thletics...4 words....GAWD OF ALL MEN! Wholy YUMMMMMMM!

Girls...i suggest watching the games! I may be trere, game 3, next Monday~


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Just got in - yes that was me sitting in the bleachers, screaming my head off.

DEREK is god. endless derek jeter chants after that play. the stadium friggin rocked!!!

Oh, about the salary thing - yeah u'r right - all it takes is money....YEAH RIGHT!

-that's why Baltimore's been such a good team, huh?

-explains how the yanks beat cleveland every too doesn't it.

-how about Atlanta? small salary? yeah right

-and Boston hasn't won since 1918. y? cause they don't have -high salary players? not.

-and LA's been doing really well too

don't be an idiot - spending money gives u an oportunity, but the yankees most important things are intelligence and heart. and those come mostly from the players that they brought up in their system (yes, they have great scouting and minor leagues too)

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Originally posted by nyc420

You are so pathetic. Just admit that the this Yankee's team is the best team ever. You know it's true. Bitch!

Yeah, they are one of the best teams ever. This was all done with Steinbrenner investing big bucks into the team. My views still remain as stated. I'm not gonna be persuaded by some dumb ass who doesn't understand the economics of sports. I've taken classes from and worked with with some of the best minds who consult for different sports leagues. All of them agree that salary caps is what makes the playing field much more interesting and spreads championships amongst different teams.

In the end, I think you are the one who is pathetic since you make such outrageous claims without having any knowledge of economics. My suggestion: read a book or two for once in your life!!!!!!

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and i agree that the money has a lot to do with it, but i think u should think about those other big money teams (there are several of the years since 1995 when the Yankees DID NOT have the biggest payroll) and explain why those teams didn't all win. IN fact, some of them did horribly.

U'r missing the point that how u invest u'r money is really important too. The Yankees have done the best, most consistent job over this time of talent evaluation - they've won cause they have made very very few bad investments. And they have a lot of home grown talent: Petite, Jeter, Rivera, Posada, Soriano, Bernie to name the most obvious.

Give a little credit to skillful management and decision making....

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Thank God, We didn't give John Wettland that Huge contract that he wanted....Look @ where's he's at now.

If you want to win a championship, you have to pick the right people for it. From players to coaches, it all comes down to the dough.

i didn't contradict myself, did i? :D

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Originally posted by vision

ima seattle fan n def not a yankee hater...if derek j is god then what does that make ichiro???buddah???that nigga is only battin .600 n runnin like he had a vcr under his arm

Let's wait a couple of more years, and let's see where ichiro lands...:tongue:

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Originally posted by doubtness

Let's wait a couple of more years, and let's see where ichiro lands...:tongue:

Probably back on Japan.

Point being - Derek is not the best shortstop in baseball, nor the best hitter... but his ability to pull off the near inconceivable is what makes him so special. That play in Game 3... c'mon, no one has awareness like that... shovel passing so Jorge can make the tag and save the 1-0 lead.

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Exactly - no one has made more big plays over the last couple years in the playoffs than he! U see it and u can't believe it. He's definitely not the best on skills - maybe even #4 now in the AL for shortstops (arod, nomar, tejada), but he's the best ballplayer...

Ichiro is friggin' awesome too. Excited to boo his ass at the stadium....hehe

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