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someone tell me if its me

hopefully it is me, and the world isnt completely insane

first of all, if i start dating a guy i let him know i dont want anything serious and i want to be able to see other people

and they say they're ok with it

the minute i start something with someone else, they want me to choose,,, i dont know maybe i shouldnt be honest, but i cant help it

my biggest problem lately is i feel i must hide my sexuality which isnt fair and annoying

if a man finds out i'm bi all of a sudden i become this quest to fulfill a 3some fantasy,, which is not cool

ive had 3somes, i'm not a fan,, but thats another issue

the point is, being bi does not mean u like 3somes

for me it means i like fucking women and men but not at the same time

overall i am an honest person, but my problems stem from being honest

i feel like i have to hide truth which makes me uncomfortable

is it me or am i just meeting closed minded people??

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ahhhh. many of the same problems.

i find that even when u'r honest, u don't often get honest back. like, u say u want something casual, and the other person says sure, that's cool. but really they're hoping that if u go out with them a few more times u'r gonna fall heavy for them and then they get all sullen and jealous and stuff.

i think it happens cause 1 person is almost always more into the relationship than the other. very tough to find 2 people looking for a casual relationship and have it stay that way.

the threesome thing? well, he's a guy, of course he wants to check it out. and if its a casual relationship, he's figuring this is cool cause if it complicates things i can just bail real easy....

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Originally posted by glowdancer

someone tell me if its me

hopefully it is me, and the world isnt completely insane

first of all, if i start dating a guy i let him know i dont want anything serious and i want to be able to see other people

and they say they're ok with it

the minute i start something with someone else, they want me to choose,,, i dont know maybe i shouldnt be honest, but i cant help it

my biggest problem lately is i feel i must hide my sexuality which isnt fair and annoying

if a man finds out i'm bi all of a sudden i become this quest to fulfill a 3some fantasy,, which is not cool

ive had 3somes, i'm not a fan,, but thats another issue

the point is, being bi does not mean u like 3somes

for me it means i like fucking women and men but not at the same time

overall i am an honest person, but my problems stem from being honest

i feel like i have to hide truth which makes me uncomfortable

is it me or am i just meeting closed minded people??

lol. the same shit happens to me. im bi, i like females and males but one on one... whenever i tell a guy i like girls the first question they ask is either, can we have a 3some or can i watch. i get so sick of hearing it.

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I don't think being honest pays off at all....

I tried that honesty road and it got me totally stuck in the dirt. Ok, so you like casual things, do your thing. No need to announce to the guy that he's up for competition. What he dosen't know won't hurt him.

And if he finds out and wants to give you an ultimatium...don't give him the chance to....just say goodbye. There's plenty more where that came from.

PS...I'd keep quiet about the bi thing too! I'm bi and never had an orgasm....The few guys that I've told that to immediatley wanted to "conquer" me......Geeshh....get over it!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by marcid21

I don't think being honest pays off at all....


PS...I'd keep quiet about the bi thing too! I'm bi and never had an orgasm....The few guys that I've told that to immediatley wanted to "conquer" me......Geeshh....get over it!

never had an orgasm? well, i could show you a thing or two! :eek:

j/k yeah, telling that to a guy is a sure way to rile up the male ego...guys always love a challenge...i mean, it wouldn't get me going, but most guys... :laugh:

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Originally posted by barvybe

ahhhh. many of the same problems.

i find that even when u'r honest, u don't often get honest back. like, u say u want something casual, and the other person says sure, that's cool. but really they're hoping that if u go out with them a few more times u'r gonna fall heavy for them and then they get all sullen and jealous and stuff.

i think it happens cause 1 person is almost always more into the relationship than the other. very tough to find 2 people looking for a casual relationship and have it stay that way.

the threesome thing? well, he's a guy, of course he wants to check it out. and if its a casual relationship, he's figuring this is cool cause if it complicates things i can just bail real easy....

I agree with Barvybe...

Especially with the whole relationship part...

I was in a casual relationship, with this girl and we made a pact that nothing would come about just plain old "seeing each other" whatever... now im not going to lie to make myself sound like the big man on campus or anything, or whatever but I fucked it up...

I became very Jealous of the other guys she was seeing, even though i was seeing other girls, I became very angry with her, there was tremendous tension, and it came to the point of me having to say I dont want to know shit about the other guys...

Then even after that I couldnt handle it... and One day I snapped and broke it all off...

Casual Relationships are very very hard to maintain, and friendships after that are even harder...

As for the 3'some business, Guys are just sex crazed pigs... Whether youre bi,gay,straight guys are just gonna want a Demo as we call it over here... I think it just happends to be easier to accompish with a girl who's buy because if shes sexually liberal and that type of manner then we assume that you would be liberal enough to try that as well... i dont know. IMO.

Good Luck...

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Originally posted by marcid21

I don't think being honest pays off at all....

I tried that honesty road and it got me totally stuck in the dirt. Ok, so you like casual things, do your thing. No need to announce to the guy that he's up for competition. What he dosen't know won't hurt him.

And if he finds out and wants to give you an ultimatium...don't give him the chance to....just say goodbye. There's plenty more where that came from.

PS...I'd keep quiet about the bi thing too! I'm bi and never had an orgasm....The few guys that I've told that to immediatley wanted to "conquer" me......Geeshh....get over it!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

lol, you need a toy ;)

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That no orgasm thing really sucks hon! any ideas why? i've had a few friends the same way. one told me that she can't relax into it - that every time she feels it coming on she kind of tenses up and it goes away - basically SHE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO CUM. Does that make any sense 2 u?

as a guy, its impossible not to know how to - it like a fucking biological necessity!!!!!

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Barvybe...good thing you cleared up that being a guy thing..when I read your profile and saw the "I love Derek Jeter", I thought you were a chick...but after last night...I guess men are all up Jeter's ass too!

Anywho....that not relaxing thing makes sense I guess. I think the man that makes me get "there" is gonna have to marry me.....I'd probably be a friggen animal!

:shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake:

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