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Why is that when I meet a girl, from the past and we get to talking or after a couple of drinks i find out that they used to have a crush on me... USED TO. like for example they would say " oh i had the biggest crush on you in the past blah blah blah" now why wouldnt you tell me or someone... I dont read minds... and its like USED TO.. .what the fuck happend??? not anymore why?

Why is so hard for people to communicate theyre feelings... we couldve been the best of couples or even married. but instead they stay quiet. WHY?????

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LOL....We are a little old for all of that, but it still feels nice to get attention....

PS....I met up with this guy that I had this major crush on in high school...wow...I was pretty glad I never said anything...he's all bustednow...and stocks shelves at Cosco!!!


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LOL - its funny how so many of the hotties from high school turned into notties....

so, DG - sounds like u just pussed out on these girls in the past...can't give them all the blame - if u wouldn't mind now, u shoulda gone for them then brother! I'm sure there were signs and signals, no?

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Originally posted by dgmodel

Why is that when I meet a girl, from the past and we get to talking or after a couple of drinks i find out that they used to have a crush on me... USED TO. like for example they would say " oh i had the biggest crush on you in the past blah blah blah" now why wouldnt you tell me or someone... I dont read minds... and its like USED TO.. .what the fuck happend??? not anymore why?

Why is so hard for people to communicate theyre feelings... we couldve been the best of couples or even married. but instead they stay quiet. WHY?????

i'm not sure if it's the way u write or just because i can usually relate...but your posts always make me laugh!!! maybe u r the male version of me!?! LOL

but in regards to the post...i did that to a friend the other day...we were drinking and bullshitting and i told him there was a point in high school when i wanted him! ...he was like thanks for telling me years later!! LOL...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

... and its like USED TO.. .what the fuck happend??? not anymore why?

Why is so hard for people to communicate theyre feelings... we couldve been the best of couples or even married. but instead they stay quiet. WHY?????

Maybe because a crush is a fleeting thing.....You meet someone and you are so impressed or what have you by their apprearance attitude, and the whole package. Then you realize, they have certain qualities you like, but not everything. And they see, even though it might be a love match, it might be a great friendship..... I hope that made sense:)

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Originally posted by misk

i'm not sure if it's the way u write or just because i can usually relate...but your posts always make me laugh!!! maybe u r the male version of me!?! LOL

but in regards to the post...i did that to a friend the other day...we were drinking and bullshitting and i told him there was a point in high school when i wanted him! ...he was like thanks for telling me years later!! LOL...

lol... aiight... ;)

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Originally posted by linabina

it happens.... u know? people have crushes and when nothing comes of it, people get over it...and the one who the person had the crush on always seems to come around a lil too late

I agree with you..Its hard to tell someone you have the crush on but when u see them later on in life its like nothing

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