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Asians Rule


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Originally posted by wasabinyc

Oh it's on....

Look you barbarian fools, as far as I'm concerned you ugly hairy white donkeys invented the stupid egg roll. That shit is nasty, oily, and frankly it disgraces the Chinese culinary art.. so take that shit and shove it up your ass.

Ah.. my favorite fine Azn Exit ho's.... Asian women wouldn't look at your ugly white ass in a million years. Cuz my sistahs dig there Azn men. So don't be a fool and even think about pickin one up at Exit, cuz then there be ten million Asians pouncin on your ass..

ding..ding.. TKO..

All I can say is CORNY.

Oh asian women don't go for white guys... oh so that's why you see so many white/ asian couples. You must be right.

I'm not bashin asian guys....there are some that are very hot, but don't be acting like all of them are so great.

And when mentioning women of any race don't call them HO's ..that is disrespectful.

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Originally posted by wasabinyc

White chicks are so easy they're not even worth it pal.

Damn please don't generalize all white girls to be like that...maybe the ho's you've been with are but I sure a hell am not. Oh I am white, but I was raised right and what you said is so damn ignorant.

Excuse my language but FUCK YOU!!!

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Originally posted by wasabinyc

Nice... now wake up.. you couldn't get a white chick to crawl in bed with you let alone a Azn one..

See.. that's what I don't get.. no matter how many times you tell these stupid ass white folks that Azn women aren't interested in there hairy asses they just don't get...

White chicks are so easy they're not even worth it pal.

I hate all you white faggots at Exit.

The Gong has rung and it reverberates all through the Eastern Kingdom.

i was gonna post to support your argument, but now i cant

fuck both of you (pgiddy and wasabi):finger:

asians are not the reason why exit has problems

and whites arent the problem either

its when they start bullshit like this that exit has problems


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see wasabi, when i see a white guy together with an asian girl (like myself, hehe..) or an asian guy holding hands with a white girl.i think how cool the NYC is that people from different cultures find things in common and like each other. On the other hand when you see an asian girl with a white guy u think that she is ho and a disgrace to your nation. And thats because you probably not getting any! And that pisses you off. Throught history those who were screaming about their nation and how superior they are were indeed lacking confidence in themselfs, lacking recognition and respect from their own peers. So i hope you firgure it out for yourself.

no drama intended.

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Originally posted by pgiddy

Mr. Dry cleaner can you please press these pants, thanks, also don't fuck them up, they cost more then your lil boat ride did. Thanks for your help!

OH man!!!! I should be ashame of myself for those k-mart pants having a greater blue book value on the whip. Sorry i cant afford a bmw like you bro


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  • 2 weeks later...

wasabi nyc,

you are one idiotic retard that gives asians a bad name. You obviously have some self-esteem issues that make you rage the way you do. Don't be saying that asians dance better than white people--gimme a break, have you seen the fobbers at Exit?? oh wait--- that was you.

And before you go spoutin around Asian pride on the electronica scene, think about the origins of this genre---white guys, german guys, european guys... THEY started it, YOU didn't.... If you're so into your asian pride, go to Flushing or Jersey and go party by yourself in some old asian nightclub with the 45 year olds.

Little boy, u don't know much...you sound like you're 14 yrs old and trying to keep up with the other asians by acting all hard and playing glosticks. Raving is bout PLUR and if you don't understand that concept, then u ain't no raver.

I went thru the Azn Pride thing long ago... don't worry CP peeps--give Wasabinyc a few years he'll be much more enlightened and soon realize that your thinking is skewed.

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wasabi nyc,

you are one idiotic retard that gives asians a bad name. You obviously have some self-esteem issues that make you rage the way you do. Don't be saying that asians dance better than white people--gimme a break, have you seen the fobbers at Exit?? oh wait--- that was you.

And before you go spoutin around Asian pride on the electronica scene, think about the origins of this genre---white guys, german guys, european guys... THEY started it, YOU didn't.... If you're so into your asian pride, go to Flushing or Jersey and go party by yourself in some old asian nightclub with the 45 year olds.

Little boy, u don't know much...you sound like you're 14 yrs old and trying to keep up with the other asians by acting all hard and playing glosticks. Raving is bout PLUR and if you don't understand that concept, then u ain't no raver.

I went thru the Azn Pride thing long ago... don't worry CP peeps--give Wasabinyc a few years he'll be much more enlightened and soon realize that his thinking is skewed.

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What the hell is going on here? How stupid is this stuff? These are the kinds of people who make this scene so damn fucked and intolerable. Such ignorance and stupidity...it's really a shame.

About the whole "why-the-fuck-are-there-so-many-asians-in-every-club" subject: first of all, these public venues should be welcoming anyone who pays to get in and to have a good time. Of course everyone reserves the right to be selective at the door, but c'mon...sometimes the bouncers are way too discriminatory. i used to be there when twilo would kick off so many asians at the door...especially if you were a group of asian males together. although i am asian, i never had a problem at the door. but it would frustrate me when i hear about my friends getting cut from the line. we're here for the djs that come to the city to spin and we are here to listen to some phatass beats. i just wanna *dance. but for those asians that take up half the club, sitting on their lazy rears, rolling and bumping their asses off....go somewhere else. you fools look exactly like that, FOOLS. i have no issue with getting messed up, but do it responsibly and if you're gonna come out to a club, dance! goddamit just dance!

most of the time you guys are sitting there with your eyes in the back of your heads, massaging eachother uncontrollably, gnawing your gums off. jesus fucking christ, get a clue. the scene is already fucked up and deteriorating...don't make it worse. and the rest of you who are defending your own races, stop adding feul to the fire and realize what we're all here for. all that nonsense spring roll crap is unnecessary. makes you sound quite uneducated and equally ignorant. if you are familiar with new york city at all, you'll know that this is a city who embraces all. you guys who are exposed to this environmant should feel lucky and proud.

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I am not into the asian scene nor have many asian friends and I'm asian. Just not into it and I can see why the "white" people might have a problem with it. I don't even like asian girls. Just not my thing. I might chill with the juice heads if they get the hotter white chicks...

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Originally posted by lilshorty3

What the hell is going on here? How stupid is this stuff? These are the kinds of people who make this scene so damn fucked and intolerable. Such ignorance and stupidity...it's really a shame.

About the whole "why-the-fuck-are-there-so-many-asians-in-every-club" subject: first of all, these public venues should be welcoming anyone who pays to get in and to have a good time. Of course everyone reserves the right to be selective at the door, but c'mon...sometimes the bouncers are way too discriminatory. i used to be there when twilo would kick off so many asians at the door...especially if you were a group of asian males together. although i am asian, i never had a problem at the door. but it would frustrate me when i hear about my friends getting cut from the line. we're here for the djs that come to the city to spin and we are here to listen to some phatass beats. i just wanna *dance. but for those asians that take up half the club, sitting on their lazy rears, rolling and bumping their asses off....go somewhere else. you fools look exactly like that, FOOLS. i have no issue with getting messed up, but do it responsibly and if you're gonna come out to a club, dance! goddamit just dance!

most of the time you guys are sitting there with your eyes in the back of your heads, massaging eachother uncontrollably, gnawing your gums off. jesus fucking christ, get a clue. the scene is already fucked up and deteriorating...don't make it worse. and the rest of you who are defending your own races, stop adding feul to the fire and realize what we're all here for. all that nonsense spring roll crap is unnecessary. makes you sound quite uneducated and equally ignorant. if you are familiar with new york city at all, you'll know that this is a city who embraces all. you guys who are exposed to this environmant should feel lucky and proud.

well said lilshorty3. i agree totally. i think its fucked up when anyone gets kicked off the line regardless of their color or race. i am asian too and i hate seeing all the fobs sitting there shaking their heads till they fall off. they look posessed. people should just come out to have a good tome and dance. chill with your crew and have a phat roll together. so lets cut the grap now and move on with our lives. its not about the whites, blacks, asians or hispanics. its all about the music. the music is what makes you high. :hump:

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