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DT can't hold Tiesto's jock


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I have started a masterpeice here. Some many things to say......

First of all dgat, beyondo, gaypodisback, and festivalcre8or....we are growing in numbers. Finally some people that see the light.

no-pastilleros - yeah I've only been clubbing for 2 months.... Get a clue, I have been doing this for years, probably not as long as you but, atleast I have a clue and I don't have to dance in line to get in a club.

georgeacosta2 - yeah, report us all for having our own opinions. Just cuz they are not the same as yours; that makes sense..NOPE

Mimid- Try this....get off the computer for one minute out of the day and you might realize that there is a world outside of "clubplanet"

patrickl - "I think it's nice that SOME people find me attractive sometime, even if it is usually just a bunch of gay men" Are you shitting me.........this just points out that you are a dork and can't get any chicks, so you turn to sucking cock.......sorry bout ya!

aztec-mystic - "Johnny and Dgat,

your frustration is evident, please, for your own good and peace of mind, come out already." Aztec you wish that we were gay so you could say you sucked us off.

Anyone else I missed - I could care less what you think, or who you like, or who's a fag and who isn't.

Finally - Tiesto is GOD!!!!!! DT is a fag!!!!!

Peace out biznitches

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Originally posted by johnny13


patrickl - "I think it's nice that SOME people find me attractive sometime, even if it is usually just a bunch of gay men" Are you shitting me.........this just points out that you are a dork and can't get any chicks, so you turn to sucking cock.......sorry bout ya!

Peace out biznitches

This has been reported!

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Dgat, you soooo lack intelligence. Can't you tell Terry was being sarcastic?

Now you've decided to pick on Mimid. Well, you've drawn a line in the sand and crossed it. That is all. You've insulted her, and by extension, her boyfriend, whom I happen to know well.

People like you shouldn't be allowed to breed. Eugenics looks like less of a pseudoscience after I read posts from you.

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Johnny boy, chill brutha. By the time you turn 21 and can throw that fake ID away, you'll probably ralize why at one point in your life you were just a frustrated closet homo (not that theirs anything wrong with that).

Unlike you, I have no problems with people like you.

And you think Tiesto is god huh, let me guess who your top 5 DJs are in order..

1. Tiesto (obviously) Bet you'd cream if you could lick his balls huh.

2. Oakie

3. Gorge Acosta

4. Mauro Picoto

5. Ferry Corsten

I hit the nail on the head huh..(and no I'm not a mindreader;) )

Seriously, nowadays parents and family are much more accepting of people in your situation but you need to stop fighting it.. I know you're probably in tears by now but keep your chin up buddy in the long run you will thank yourself..Just stay safe and don't sleep around and you should be ok..And best of all you will be a happy person..

Your friend


Now just think before you lash out at me my friend, take that energy and use it to strengthen yourself..

We all really care about you kiddo, it'll be ok.come on now unleash yourself..:(

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Originally posted by meng

C'mon now........he may be YOUR favorite but you can't speak for all of us on that one.......

I wouldn't buy any "best DJ in the world" talk no matter who says it to me, anyway <g> The best DJ in the world, for me, is whoever that is playing me the stuff I want to hear.

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Originally posted by johnny13

patrickl - "I think it's nice that SOME people find me attractive sometime, even if it is usually just a bunch of gay men" Are you shitting me.........this just points out that you are a dork and can't get any chicks, so you turn to sucking cock.......sorry bout ya!

NOW I'm feeling the love. LOL if you're gonna insult me, you're going to have to do better than that. I'm a dork and can't get any chicks? Well holy shit, Sherlock, I've known that since I was 11 years old! And no, I don't suck cock.......just your ordinary frustrated straight guy. Sorry to disappoint you.

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Originally posted by patrickl

I wouldn't buy any "best DJ in the world" talk no matter who says it to me, anyway <g> The best DJ in the world, for me, is whoever that is playing me the stuff I want to hear.

BTW, I'm still of the opinion that DJs are way overrated for what they do.

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sgtfury - you sit there and talk about how we are hiding behind the computer. PLEASE!!!!! Then you turn around and do the same thing. You are "going to give my an ass kickin'" Sure buddy now you are mr. tough guy. Not only do I have to deal with fags, now I have to deal with tough guys. CHRIST!!!!

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okay this thread has gone on long enough and now i wanna throw my 2 cents in here.

first of all if someone is comparing a dj like tiesto to a dj like tenaglia, it shows how very very little they comprehend about life in general, let alone music taste. nevermind the ignorant, gay hating comments that followed.

what is the point of responding to mindless assholes like these.

let them revel in the fact that they just dont get it. and never will

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Johnny, have you ever seen Sgt. Fury? I highly recommend shutting up. I pose enough of a threat to you cause I have no morality to speak of, and will do things that'll make a prison guard lose his lunch. Sgt is just fucking huge..

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