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Worst Date Situation...


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Whats the worst thing that could possibly happend on a date???

A couple of my friends were having this discussion the other night and there were some fucked up situations... doesnt have to be real or anything, hypothetically speaking whats the worst thing that could go wrong or happend???

I.E. Get your period in a white outfit, have boogers hangin out of your nose the entire night or nose hair, you shit yourself...

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Fortunately, I never ran into a bad situation on a date. But I think the person should be understanding, at least up to a point of course. There's nothing you could do about shitting yourself, except making up some excuse to end the date early, but if a girl had to change b/c of her period, then I would understand totally. She still shouldn't wear white pants during her period though.

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This is a little different, but there was one time when I was at my girl's house waiting for her to get home from work and I was hanging out with her mother when she farted. It was pretty loud too. She just replied "Oh, excuse me" and kept on continuing the conversation. I never had to hold in a laugh as much as I did then. It was the first thing I told my girl when she got home.

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i think bumping into a psycho ex

well i cant stop laughing thinking of what i did to my friend

she was out on a date

were talking just coming back from the bathroom and then i say, hey i think those bumps u have may be genitial herpes

no i'm not really cruel just very sarcastic

and it was when we had this evil competition of who can embarass who more

and i was getting back at her for yelling once DO U STILL HAVE THE BURNING SENSATION WHEN U URINATE!!!

mind u in public

but mine was definitely better

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Bumping into an Ex

Farting while getting head

having her continue after the fact

the first time your hooking up with her and she calls you daddy ( I mean c'mon do you need to be thinking about her/your father while your finger is in her cooch?)

your credit card is maxed out and you have no cash on you

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Originally posted by aboyfrombklyn

This is a little different, but there was one time when I was at my girl's house waiting for her to get home from work and I was hanging out with her mother when she farted. It was pretty loud too. She just replied "Oh, excuse me" and kept on continuing the conversation. I never had to hold in a laugh as much as I did then. It was the first thing I told my girl when she got home.

LMAO!!! You have some good self control... i would just burst out laughing in her face.. and be like hold up you just farted...

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Met a guy at a club, he called me to go out to a cafe and i said yes . Picked me up we went for coffee we talked. and on the way home we stopped at a red light and he was basically was attacking me . Trying to feel me up and get down my pants. so I was screaming at him telling him to get off of me and he finally did when the light turned green. We got to the next light and he was trying again, so i opened the door and got out. he was yelling at me

CAN I STILL CALL YOU..........I was like NO asshole!

I see him out once and a while but he puts his head down and walks away!


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yes, but now i dont know what to say...

on the email i just babbled mad shit...

i wish she would talk more...

i really want to get to know her more...

she makes my heart skip a beat...

i havent felt like this in a while...

everytime i think about her i smile...

i know im not psycho... but she is hot...

till next time...

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AWWW ATOMIC...you are just too cute.

My X (now my best firend in the whole world) met a chick this weekend that made him all mushy inside. He called me at like 8:30AM on Saturday ( I was so f'n hungover it wasn't even funny) and couldn't wait to tell me about her.

I just think it's nice to see a guy get all excited about a girl.

*mushy moment*


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Originally posted by glowgirl

Met a guy at a club, he called me to go out to a cafe and i said yes . Picked me up we went for coffee we talked. and on the way home we stopped at a red light and he was basically was attacking me . Trying to feel me up and get down my pants. so I was screaming at him telling him to get off of me and he finally did when the light turned green. We got to the next light and he was trying again, so i opened the door and got out. he was yelling at me

CAN I STILL CALL YOU..........I was like NO asshole!

I see him out once and a while but he puts his head down and walks away!


OMG what an asshole. If that was me and I was in that car he probably would have gotten a swift kick in the balls!!!!!!!


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Originally posted by marcid21

AWWW ATOMIC...you are just too cute.

My X (now my best firend in the whole world) met a chick this weekend that made him all mushy inside. He called me at like 8:30AM on Saturday ( I was so f'n hungover it wasn't even funny) and couldn't wait to tell me about her.

I just think it's nice to see a guy get all excited about a girl.

*mushy moment*


im glad you think its cute but i dont think she has intreste in me... but then again... she didnt check my email yet (aol, check status)... who knows.. i dont want to get my hopes up... soo... BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD :( :(

i feel like shit... someone please scoop me up before i get stepped on...

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