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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

why i leashed out at pod


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The reason why i leashed out at camera boy is cuz he talks sooo much crap.

who made this geek "club siskel and ebert" (RIP)

hes always talking nonsense about people .....

did Edgar eat dinner?

did Louis tuck in his shirt?

did so and so at Crobar fart on schedule?

does ivano wash his hands after pissing?...........

all this ridiculous non sense that has little to do with clubs ...your picking on things they do and talk about thier lives. lets here about your exciting life shall we.

you killed me when you said ....oh Louis said " its going to be a long night" ........ why thank you for that informative news.....who gives a flying fuck.

is this the Same Louis who you were ripping his business not to long ago. then you complain when you dont get in for free every week.

oh yeah bright idea pod get in for free and free drinks too huh might as well make it the same for all the other 2000 + people that go there. shit make it a charity event.

ive never had a problem there to get in when buy a table .

"you get what you pay for"

you wanna crawl your way in every week your going to have an ocasional attitude from the door.....he knows you wont spend 5 bucks in the place ....then come on this board and bitch about it ..

you whinny little crap.....i saw you the other day with your darn camera.....which by the way Seth rules

now i know you and all your fellow geeky frustraded wanna be club owner pals (sobeton comes quiclky to mind) are going to have great offense and all but really...........

get off peoples jock

i know this is a message board and its for peoples opinion and all that fancy jazz that goes with it ......

but damn it cut down on the crap you talk .......ripping people one day, kissing thier ass the next.

your opinion ($$$$) has so much value to them .....not

"oh no pod hates our club" "were out $7 bucks a month, quick file for bankruptcy"


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Well Beyondo it seems to me your also ripping people quiete a bit, and will your also not talking about your exciting club life.


Yeah we know people rip space all the time, but so what its their oppinion about the establishment so let them be.

"Opions are like assholes everyone has one and everyone elses stinks"

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to dgat ...thanks for the compliment that came from the bottom of my heart lol ......

tree i dont rip anybody or anything here

never once have i ripped a DJ, club, or opinions of people

im just sick of all the garbage posted on here

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I'd hate to inform you but I rarely get free drinks. I'm grateful for being comped at the door, sure, but I never expect free drinks.

On an average night, I'm out quite a bit more than 7 dollars...if I'm shooting, I keep on Red Bull or 180 to stay energetic. If not, well, you know the cost of mixed drinks. I've probably put some of the owners' kids through college by now.

Nobody 'appointed' me to what you call the 'club siskel and ebert'. Sure, I post criticisms and praise of clubs, it's something I enjoy to do....I get a little more detailed.

Yeah, I was ripping into Space recently, but honestly, they deserved it. Is it not possible for them to change though?

Seth does rule. He and I have no issues with each other, and I wish him all the best. Our styles and techniques are different, so there's no reason to compete. He has his clients, I have mine, we're all quits on the matter.

Now why do you have to drag sobeton into this matter, you realize now you have two people who can make your life very uncomfortable to deal with right now.

Next time you see me come up and say hello, I may just buy you a drink.

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1st beyondo, I don't want to rip you apart. I think your post was at least reasonable, compared to the other juvenile shit that is being posted.

This your momma sucks dick crap has got to stop.

but to the point.

The reason I really like Pod.

He obviously really likes and is into the music, I respect that.

He is trying to make a living doing something he loves, I respect that too.

If he says something negative, he gives a reason.

And mostly for all, for all the negative reasons you gave. If you haven't realized, I am on the boards all the time. It goes with the sort of work I do, I am infront of the computer all day. Pods posts, even the trivial ones, make the board more interesting and give me something to think and talk/type about besides bits and bytes. Besides that, due to more responsibility than most of you (not that thats a good thing :) ) I really don't get out as often as I like. I count on Pod and others to inform me who is really worth my rare night out.

BTW I am a computer geek extrodinaire... but thats why I went from public housing in Detroit, to a pretty respectable lifestyle. All those people calling me a geek in high school are now all in jail or on welfare. Grow up a bit and look at who people really are.

Its like the people who don't like DT because of his voice... give me a fucking break.

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no im not. GA2.....

and who is this guy going off on public housing in detroit and what not ...geez

you just started going off on things that happend to you in high school what are you saying??

shroomy who what when and where did i say a your momma this or that..............holy cow

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Originally posted by beyondo

no im not. GA2.....

and who is this guy going off on public housing in detroit and what not ...geez

you just started going off on things that happend to you in high school what are you saying??

shroomy who what when and where did i say a your momma this or that..............holy cow

beyondo seems kewl.........I don't expect everyone to get along on the board. As long as no one's making personal attacks it's all good.

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Originally posted by beyondo

no im not. GA2.....

and who is this guy going off on public housing in detroit and what not ...geez

you just started going off on things that happend to you in high school what are you saying??

shroomy who what when and where did i say a your momma this or that..............holy cow

Beyondo... I was just responding to the geek comments about Pod. As someone who was formerly considered a geek, I took umbrage. Q: "What do you call that former geek in HS?" A:"Boss"

Who you consider a geek may well be more than he appears.

When I said this momma shit has to stop, I was talking about PIGay and all his assinine imature posts. Notice I was comparing your (somewhat) resonable post to the simpleton tirades that PIG is spewing. just read it again.


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shroomy who what when and where did i say a your momma this or that..............holy cow

What Shroomy did is known as 'caring for your friends'. Try it sometime, you might find it enjoyable.

God, this is such an honor for me though. 3 people take time out of their day to criticize me! There's no such thing as bad publicity.

Why don't you guys start criticizing my work now? My website is here.

Fire away, comrades.

FYI, Criticize all you want, but if you deface it, a certain line in the modes of human discourse has been crossed, and my legal counsel assures me I cannot be held responsible for my actions.

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I gotta dissagree with you though beyondo

Pod is a hell of a nice guy.....you should really take the time to meet him. I have yet to meet someone that doesn't get along with him. Pod my friend.......props to you for taking all of this like a gentlemen. Coming from me, the troll of the board this is really a compliment.

Come out to the next meetup beyondo and you'll see for yourself that we're not pretentious people. I think it's about hanging around like minded people that makes the experience that much more enjoyable.

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Hey this board and clubs are fun to me as well.

and im sure POD is a nice guy and his work and all.


time and time again he comes here and he just becomes this whiny little bitch. And picks on things AND people ......then the next minute hes kissing ass.

And i dont mean to zero in on Pod thats not fair to him.

i also include some of your other whiny little complaints from you guys who think clubs owe you something.

"hey Space we want top notch talent every freaking weekend that costs you 15-20 grand, but hey i wont pay cover, i wont wait in line.....let me have a drink pass.....im so and so...or this person and that person is my friend....."

Im sure the owners are doing what they love but is is also a business.

Other wise Louis would have a house party in his backyard with Tiesto playing and we would all go for free and eat for free...shit he owes it to us !!!

" why are CLUBPLANET people...."

and one other thing.........

some of you and you know who you are have become compulsive club goers and message board writers ......and went from one extreme to the other from geeks in high school to club nerds....

anyone who obsesses so much of one thing (of anything ) becomes a freaking nerd.

you go to Burger King and asks if there is a guest list, when you sit down you say "look, sit here i got a table"......you stir your morning coffee with glow sticks.......you ask the counter clerk if he knows who is "spinning" on the radio.......you asked to get stamped to go to your car.......

if you find yourself behaving this way you might wanna ease up on the clubs

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Originally posted by beyondo

some of you and you know who you are have become compulsive club goers and message board writers ......and went from one extreme to the other from geeks in high school to club nerds....

anyone who obsesses so much of one thing (of anything ) becomes a freaking nerd.

I don't know about compulsive club-going, because I'm too much of a lightweight for that, but I plead guilty to high school geekdom. Hell, I'm still a geek. I have this knack for turning the answers to simple questions into dissertations, while answering the difficult questions with curt, one-word answers. This was a geeky response, no doubt <g>

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Originally posted by patrickl

I don't know about compulsive club-going, because I'm too much of a lightweight for that, but I plead guilty to high school geekdom. Hell, I'm still a geek. I have this knack for turning the answers to simple questions into dissertations, while answering the difficult questions with curt, one-word answers. This was a geeky response, no doubt <g>

I freely admit to being a total nerd! I just turned 23 years old and have two Bachelors degrees and will receive my Juris Doctor in 2002! I study all week and look forward to the weekend to release tension on the dance floor. This messageboard simply keeps me updated on what's happening when, and gives me the scoop on all the events I don't have time to go to. I'm all for being passionate about anything that puts a smile on your face and makes your world seem worthwhile.

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Beyondo, what you still fail to see is that nightlife is something I've turned from a leisure activity to a moneymaking venture. Yeah I still have a day job, but I do earn money from the photos you see, and I have earned money in the past from reviewing a few clubs..so it's not 'obsession' due to some psychological disorder it's 'obsession' since it is essentially a second career.

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Originally posted by beyondo

you go to Burger King and asks if there is a guest list, when you sit down you say "look, sit here i got a table"......you stir your morning coffee with glow sticks.......you ask the counter clerk if he knows who is "spinning" on the radio.......you asked to get stamped to go to your car.......

if you find yourself behaving this way you might wanna ease up on the clubs

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Because at least he has some wit..... :)


Originally posted by beyondo

you go to Burger King and asks if there is a guest list, when you sit down you say "look, sit here i got a table"......you stir your morning coffee with glow sticks.......you ask the counter clerk if he knows who is "spinning" on the radio.......you asked to get stamped to go to your car.......

if you find yourself behaving this way you might wanna ease up on the clubs

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Originally posted by shroomy

When I said this momma shit has to stop, I was talking about PIGay and all his assinine imature posts. Notice I was comparing your (somewhat) resonable post to the simpleton tirades that PIG is spewing. just read it again.


Dude you know I didnt say anything about your mom! Now you wanna start me up again!!

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