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Somethin really fucked up : Jealousy during a 3 way


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Last Sun - I went over to see my man friend. He had another girl there and he said it's my fault cause I showed up late and that in order me to hang out with him- I had to take G and get down 3 ways with her.

He threatened me- If I don't do - he'll no longer be my friend.

So I did it. I regret it. It was the stupidest and chessiest thing I ever did.

I got jealous when he was fuckin the other girl. So when I was on top of him I slapped him twice and he hit me back twice. So it looked like we're havin rough sex ..

But after we all finished- he withdrew and was very quiet. Then he told me I had to go.

Did I hurt him by hittin him?

I was very mad at him doing that. I know - I made that decision but he shouldn't even have asked me.

I feel bad for slapping him front another girl - but I'm angry at him

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Originally posted by dolcemimi

Last Sun - I went over to see my man friend. He had another girl there and he said it's my fault cause I showed up late and that in order me to hang out with him- I had to take G and get down 3 ways with her.

He threatened me- If I don't do - he'll no longer be my friend.

So I did it. I regret it. It was the stupidest and chessiest thing I ever did.

I got jealous when he was fuckin the other girl. So when I was on top of him I slapped him twice and he hit me back twice. So it looked like we're havin rough sex ..

But after we all finished- he withdrew and was very quiet. Then he told me I had to go.

Did I hurt him by hittin him?

I was very mad at him doing that. I know - I made that decision but he shouldn't even have asked me.

I feel bad for slapping him front another girl - but I'm angry at him


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Look - I'm a nice girl. I don't do drugs and I don't sleep around.

Yeah- my man has problems.

Should I even feel bad for hittin him ? He deserved it.

But I feel so bad because I think I hurt him. Should I call and aplogize ?

But he hit me back too..

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fuck that girl.

any guy who says he wont hang out with you anymore if you dont do something is trash. hes a selfish piece of shit... the sooner you realize the sooner you can move on and get back to your own life. my ex used to pull that "OH ILL NEVER SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN" shit. you need to cut him off, i did, and it was the best thing i had done in a long time, im so much happier without him bringing me down.

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You don't have to hate him to dump him. He doesn't have to be Satan for it to be best for you to stay away.

End the romantic angle and insist he show you respect (it will help if you show some as well - for him and yourself).

Then you can still hang out but only so long as he respects you - the moment he pulls this intimidation / ultimam crap you walk.

I mean a threesome is hard enough for most people who mean well but obviously its not gonna work when you have to be threatened and drugged to participate.

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sweetheart..... u feel bad for hitting him??! HE HIT U BACK!!!! that should be 'nuff said. he should never have hit u. period. and he especially shouldnt have forced u to sleep with both of them.... and quite honestly... u shouldve walked out on the 2 of them and been done with it. it woulda shown a lot more respect for urself... but whats done is done and it is easy to say its "easier said than done" when someone will tell u u shoulda left the whole situation entirely... but like i said, its done and overwith. now u gotta make it better. LOSE HIM. wut he did to u was so degrading <sp?> and no one should ever feel like u feel or treated the way u were treated.

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Originally posted by linabina

sweetheart..... u feel bad for hitting him??! HE HIT U BACK!!!! that should be 'nuff said. he should never have hit u. period. and he especially shouldnt have forced u to sleep with both of them.... and quite honestly... u shouldve walked out on the 2 of them and been done with it. it woulda shown a lot more respect for urself... but whats done is done and it is easy to say its "easier said than done" when someone will tell u u shoulda left the whole situation entirely... but like i said, its done and overwith. now u gotta make it better. LOSE HIM. wut he did to u was so degrading <sp?> and no one should ever feel like u feel or treated the way u were treated.

my sentiments exactly.


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Originally posted by dolcemimi

even though he's selfish asshole - he's a hard man to hate.

He's gorgeous,rich and funny and used to be nice & sweet to me.

Then he got in the club business and he got into drugs- G.

He's a hard man to dump.

My Dear,

your best bet is to DUMP HIM before he DUMPS you in a worse way. If you don't want this to happen again (or something worse could happen next time...... It may not be just one girl you have to join in on. my suggestion is to walk away with some dignity, before you loose whats left.

Hope this helps,


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He hit me back - only becasue I slapped him really hard first.

I think I embarassed him in front of the other girl.

Yeah - this stupid story may be unbelievable . Infact i can't even believe-this actually happened and he did this to me.


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You don't need to worry about anyone but yourself in this situation. Basically, you allowed this asshole to make you do drugs and have sex w/ him and another girl. I wouldn't care what he said, if you didn't want to do it, you should have turned around and walked out the door. He is not a friend if he threatens you and makes you do things that you are not comfortable with. I'm sorry to sound condescending at a time like this, but it sounds like you have some self-esteem issues that need to be dealt with. Unless he treats you the way you deserve to be treated, there's no reason to stay with him. Are you even in a relationship or is this a situation where you are in love with him and he's using you b/c you're so blinded by your affection for him that you can't see what a huge fucking asshole he is. Please think about all the advice that has been given to you. Make the decision that will give YOU the best results. He deserved to be hit, and he fucked up again by hitting you back - this guy is bad news. I hope you get everything figured out for the best. Please take care and stay strong. Love yourself and treat your body with respect. That guy doesn't care about you or anyone but himself for that matter.

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