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Will the real podisgay please stand up!


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Dave… please don’t move this post like you have the others… the Miami board has a right to know, Diego has tried to be friendly with some of its members, who deserve to know what he is really like.

OK gaypodisback and podisgay are Nolimit.

And here is how I know.

I sent both of them a message with a link in it to my server. With the link I could identify who clicked on the link and figure out the ip address of the person that clicked it.

Well for a message that I sent to Nolimit the ip address came up and you would never guess what the ip address was for gaypodisback –

Btw the ip address is registered to Roadrunner in NY. A broadband cable modem company for their NY customers.

And then gaypodisback also came up with an ip of which is registered to State Farm Insurance (which I just found out is owned by Sprint) in NJ

And guess where Diego/Nolimit works? 1 guess. Hint – It’s an insurance company.

Btw sorry Dgat for sending you the same message. Had to check.

And what did we learn from this little escapade?

1) Don’t fuck with someone smarter than you are.

2) Don’t fuck with someone who can kick your ass

3) If you disregard #1 and #2 don’t show your face in FL.

Want to try for all 3 strikes Diego?

BTW you got very personal in your attacks. I’m not done getting personal with mine.

To be continued……….

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Originally posted by shroomy

Dave… please don’t move this post like you have the others… the Miami board has a right to know, Diego has tried to be friendly with some of its members, who deserve to know what he is really like.

OK gaypodisback and podisgay are Nolimit.

And here is how I know.

I sent both of them a message with a link in it to my server. With the link I could identify who clicked on the link and figure out the ip address of the person that clicked it.

Well for a message that I sent to Nolimit the ip address came up and you would never guess what the ip address was for gaypodisback –

Btw the ip address is registered to Roadrunner in NY. A broadband cable modem company for their NY customers.

And then gaypodisback also came up with an ip of which is registered to State Farm Insurance (which I just found out is owned by Sprint) in NJ

And guess where Diego/Nolimit works? 1 guess. Hint – It’s an insurance company.

Btw sorry Dgat for sending you the same message. Had to check.

And what did we learn from this little escapade?

1) Don’t fuck with someone smarter than you are.

2) Don’t fuck with someone who can kick your ass

3) If you disregard #1 and #2 don’t show your face in FL.

Want to try for all 3 strikes Diego?

BTW you got very personal in your attacks. I’m not done getting personal with mine.

To be continued……….

Nice deductive work. I checked the logs and almost arrived at the same conclusion, except that the behaviour does not match that of Nolimit.

I found someone else at the same insurance company who was more active on the Miami board. I mailed that user and told them to stop causing drama. They then announced to the board that gaypodisback would stop posting. I figured case closed, let's move on.

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really Dave? and he has the same home IP as Nolimit too? I guess it must just be Nolimits roommate from work?

BS... I know he must be your friend Dave, but damn.

You expect us to believe it is another person who also works at State Farm and also visits the Miami boards... please.

State Farm can't possibly hire that many assholes!

and he didn't stop posting or I would have let it drop.

if he said some of the shit to your friends that he said to mine you would hunt him down too.


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Shroomy does have a point DaVe.......

Nolimit, I'm trying to be impartial cause I don't want someone that's innoccent taking the heat for nothing. Nothing personal

DaVe, can you give us some insight?

I understand both of them having the same IP address cause they work @ State Farm but, even if both users have roadrunner the dhcp scope for Road Runner should have given them different IP addresses at home for the internet. The way shroomy firgured out they're IP addresses is sound. Shroomy has a valid point.

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I knew that through the IP tricks you could identify who was on the other side. I could have done it , just don't have that much time to do it. First of all, IP addresses are unique so there is no way that it can't be just one person unless more than one person share that computer but that would be too much of a coincidence right?

good job! Shroomy. See ya in 10 days at Crobar for Timo!


my regards to Ms. Shroomy :)

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**I had noticed Nolimit has become increasingly aggressive the last couple of weeks?

Shrooms- we gots yo back! Lets all climb into the Escalade grab our Tek-9's and bust a drive-by on his ass! :gang:

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I'll pay for the plane ticket for him to come down... I just think anyone that needs to talk to a woman(mimid) like that, deserves to get his ass kicked!!! I would actually bet that Mimid would kick his ass. Thanks for the :cool: smooth work Shroomy! I can't believe the moderators have let it go on for this long! A little drama keeps the board interesting, but the shit he was saying to Mimid was downright cruel. :(

Oh yeah... Danny T is a fag(just ask him)... Tiesto is the man... but he's still carrying Danny's records when it comes down to it!

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After talking to Rene, I now have another theory. Since gaypodisback and nolimit share the same computer and work at the same place, and Nolimit denys that it is him. Maybe gaypodisback is simply Nolimit's gay lover and roommate?

I guess that would make sense too.

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Originally posted by vaughanz

I just think anyone that needs to talk to a woman(mimid) like that, deserves to get his ass kicked!!! the shit he was saying to Mimid was downright cruel. :(


I said it before, he ought to lay off the ladies. He was talking smack about both Mimi and Stacey- in countless posts. I don't know what trailer park he was raised in, but GET SOME MANNERS!

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Wow am I really this famous? Let me start by saying that at the beginning I didnt like any of you but now I seem to enjoy how much attention you guys have put on me, beyondo, dgat, Johny13 and now NoLimit.

Shroomy: You should change your name to Sherlock Holmes, nice detective work buddy but you are wrong on everything. Im not No Limit, dgat, johnny13 or beyondo. Im not in New York either And basically you wasted your time with your little detective work but oh.. well I expected that from any of you dorks.

Dave: You did the right thing man... Message boards are to post your opinion if you guys dont like my opinion then you guys should leave your little message board lives.

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Hmmm.... even Dave admits that you are in the NY area.

Forgive me if I don't believe you.

BTW I haven't even begun fucking with you. You want attention, I'll give it to you.

Originally posted by DaVe

Nice deductive work. I checked the logs and almost arrived at the same conclusion, except that the behaviour does not match that of Nolimit.

I found someone else at the same insurance company who was more active on the Miami board. I mailed that user and told them to stop causing drama. They then announced to the board that gaypodisback would stop posting. I figured case closed, let's move on.

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Originally posted by vaughanz

I'll pay for the plane ticket for him to come down... I just think anyone that needs to talk to a woman(mimid) like that, deserves to get his ass kicked!!! I would actually bet that Mimid would kick his ass. Thanks for the :cool: smooth work Shroomy! I can't believe the moderators have let it go on for this long! A little drama keeps the board interesting, but the shit he was saying to Mimid was downright cruel. :(

Oh yeah... Danny T is a fag(just ask him)... Tiesto is the man... but he's still carrying Danny's records when it comes down to it!

Thanx vaughanz. I knew I could count on you to take up for me. Also, thanx to everyone who has also taken up for me. Very appreciated. Love you all with all my heart, especially D7......:heart::love:

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Hey, this IS a message board and you can express whatever opinions you want here and use words such as "fuck" and "shit" but the comments you've made are not opinions on anything. They are cruel and personal attacks. How is that an opinion? That's just wrong. But that's what you came here for though....to cause trouble(just look at your name)....and it's obviously working......personally, I'm a bit disappointed in all you guys for letting this escalate the way it has. If you all would have just igonored the first couple of comments, then podisgay wouldn't have anyone to keep bitching at or insult. He would have disappeared because it's no fun to insult someone that won't fight back(which you all have).

I'm really disappointed with Dave for letting posts like the ones that podisgay has posted slide. That shit should not be allowed on a messageboard.....especially when it concerns members of the board that post all the time and make this Miami forum what it is.

This entire week on this message board has been focused on this whole "podisgay" thing......pretty sad........

Like I said before, if this would have been the Hallucination Recordings message board(the coolest message board ever), podisagy would have never been allowed to post again after the first negative comment.......C'mon guys, we have better things to talk about.......cut it out.....

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Originally posted by mimid

Thanx vaughanz. I knew I could count on you to take up for me. Also, thanx to everyone who has also taken up for me. Very appreciated. Love you all with all my heart, especially D7......:heart::love:

Yeah its nice to see how all you dorks stick up for each other.:puke:

"were all friends" No your all loosers all of you admit it that all you guys have no lives whatsoever that you revolve your lives around this message board.

[snip....Shroomy thinks your being inapropriate :(]

Georgeacasta "mimids brother" are you gonna report this too cause I hurt your little sisters feelings and she cries to you? Come on report me. You talk so much crap dude especially when you said that you heard your friend Danny (digital7) spin and that he was awsome and all this shit hes only saying that cause thats his sisters boyfriend and I wouldnt be surprised if nightstarr is the other sister or cousin. thats why it was only them in the house and no one else was invited. Digital7 probably sucks at spinning !!

Ill make this short I dont want detective Shroomy tracing my post.

lol dork

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Originally posted by gaypodisback


Mimid you say your boyfriend is Digital7 I bet you met him here thats how sad your life has become.

Digital7 I hope you dont think your the only nigga shes fucking, cause your not. :puke:Mimid:puke:

I thought we has an agreement? You pm me telling me you were'nt going to fuck with me anymore. Whats up with that? Please don't get me started.

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You know what? I have to give credit to gaypodisback for successfully creating the mess that he planned to create.

Gaypodisback, even though you say the mean things you say to some of these people(especially mimid and digital7) which I think are really cool people and dont't think they deserve to be treated the way you are treating them, I have to hand it to you. You're doing a great job. At this rate, you will never be ignored. Look, you even got ME wasting my typing on you! Not bad, not bad.....

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