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Remembering Blueangel (Casey)


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I rarely post in here anymore. No time. Been working on my book for almost forever. Casey, blueangel, was one of two (her & Mitch), a two, when merged, could erupt giant fireballs of cream from their single, golden halo and melt Voltron with but a glance broken from a French kiss.

I remember the first time I met her and Mitch. It was in...in...in Twilo, I believe. Yeah, it was Twilo. I was with CrystalMethod and a few other CNYC peeps, waiting around for the beats to frolick amidst our skin follicles. They looked like they were teenagers. Crazy young, energetic, boisterous...living large and high on traces of life.

Casey and Mitch decided to work on the cover of my book a while back. We'd been talking back and forth, exchanging ideas and visions. Our discussions and meetups were brief, but intriguing. They were a couple of adornement, resembling the Three Stooges and Harry & Sally (from the movie When Harry Met Sally). If you loved one of them, you loved the other, because they were joined at the pupil.

With Casey gone, the world has been void a soul of peace. Being a few blocks from the WTC, I expected to know some people that were in the building...but not her.

To keep this post as short as possible, I will end here:

The world is full of soul

Our lands, blessed with hope

Let us cling to life like barnacles

And follow our spirits home

Casey, save me a glass of heaven, for I'll be seeing you momentarily. Peace luv...peace...Saint!!!

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Today to remember Blueangel I donated blood to the American Red Cross. I had made the commitment to do so soon after the tragedy of Sept. 11th hoping that by some chance they would be pulling many people out alive that might need my blood. But that was unfortuntly not the case, so to fulfill my commitment I did so anyways. Because someone some where needs it, and for me to give life to someone else is the least that I might be able to do. Because for god sake it could have been anyone of us in there. So to you Blueangel, I hope that you are looking down and know that there are many people here that will never forget your kindness, and the light that you brought to this world. May god help us all....

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Man ill tell ya, i did not know Casey in person or anything just remember her name Blueangel from the posts, but reading so many wonderful things that u wonderful people have said about such a wonderful person..kinda makes me sad that i didnt have an oppurtunity to meet up with such a great girl who seems to have brought a lot of energy to wherever she went and whom ever she met. Reading this thread deeply saddens me and i can only imagine the turmoil it has caused her boyfriend. Im very sorry for yer loss. I really really wish i had the chance to meet up with her and her boyfriend at a CP meetup cause i tell ya girl, and i know yer listening and reading from high above while im typing this, but i could make u laugh and touch yer heart with my prescence, just as losing u has touched the hearts of many people on clubplanet.com both near and far. So next time im at a club in new york or at CP meetup make sure yer not takin a nap up there in heaven, make sure yer awake so u dont miss one of my many funny moments that u could have been apart of and that i would have loved you to be apart of. But for now, you will just have to watch from above and grin as im sure u know that u always being thought of in many ways,many times, from many people. I, being one of those people. So next time i go clubbin, ill be sure to bust a move just for you cause i know you'll be watching and smiling. But dont worry, i know all that watching and smiling gets boring up in heaven, but u bet yer ass, that we will finally get our chance to meet up someday, but not in a CP meetup....in a meetup that speaks for itself and where the dress code requires a pair of wings and a halo which you have earned and shine ever so brighter than any lights in any club in NYC.

peace and God Rest Yer Soul -Quoth (Mike) :(

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Amen to that.

I miss & love you Casey! R.I.P.

It's funny how I could get myself to say

that after your memorial...

Life goes on, but I know I will see you soon.

And I know you will be looking out for us so I

don't worry. At PVD, I will dance for you the way

we danced all night at PVD's and Tiestos, etc...before.

Me, Star, Mitchell, Limfire, sunshine, euge, soo, and james

miss you so much girl...

One love <3

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casey was truely a unique being. not many like her exist in this world. Even before i ever spoke to her, i knew she was great. she just had this glow around her, a glow that'd make u smike even on your darkest days. nothin but a 100 percent positive attitude, always helping others, squashing stupid drama. She set an example that we should all follow. She will be greatly missed throughout all time...

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I personally want to thank each and everyone of you.

I am at the point where pain is just becoming a part of me. I know she wishes she could be with me.

I can feel her in everything around me. This morning on the train, passing under WTC at chambers street, while listening to " together we will conquer" our song, I saw her in my mind.

Beautiful as always but much more gorgeous than i remember. I was dancing, she joined in, spinning around me as i watch her elevate and rise. I could see her looking at me, I could see from her perspective. Am I going nuts ? dunno. I was not scared, I was happy.

I got out of the train station, I felt like I was on cloud 9 , I could feel my spirit rising and dancing above the streets as i walked. I tranced out, and reached a level of pure joy i have not felt ever since the last time i held her in my arms or looked into her eyes.

I can so clearly remember it all. Her memory will forever be engraved in my soul. Like you Trancebaby ( jane ) I will be at PVD, this is is for her, I will dance for her.

I miss my babygirl so much, I am stronger today than ever. A part of me will never let her go. One time i told her, I wish she could see through my eyes how mesmerized I am and how much i love her. Today she has the ability to see through my eyes, I know she knows that she is more precious to me than the very air i breathe and need.

Until we meet again pretty blue one....together forever + 1 ....I love you

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Originally posted by p00h

casey was truely a unique being. not many like her exist in this world. Even before i ever spoke to her, i knew she was great. she just had this glow around her, a glow that'd make u smike even on your darkest days. nothin but a 100 percent positive attitude, always helping others, squashing stupid drama. She set an example that we should all follow. She will be greatly missed throughout all time...

i second that.

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Originally posted by filthy_slag

i second that.

I third that.

Casey was a true angel in my eyes. Never liked to be involved in petty nonsense. Always seeing the good in all situations and liked keeping things fair. She was always helpful and giving which means a lot to me, because not too many people are as selfless as she was and that always goes greatly appreciated in this world. She will always be definitely remembered...:)

-Jamms "trueblueangellookingdownfromabove" :cool:

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