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ok so what the FUCK was in my drink


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ok, im not gonna make stuff up....i drank a lot on friday night

but i dont remember anything past the first hour and a half, including

throwing up 4 times

banging my head against the wall

hooking up with a girl

getting hit on by another girl

getting home

i would like to tell you how i felt, but i dont even remember that!

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Originally posted by trancend

ok, im not gonna make stuff up....i drank a lot on friday night

but i dont remember anything past the first hour and a half, including

throwing up 4 times

banging my head against the wall

hooking up with a girl

getting hit on by another girl

getting home

i would like to tell you how i felt, but i dont even remember that!

make that throwing up like 10 times not even joking lol, i dont think ive ever seen a person throw up that much and be that sick and still put both thumbs up saying that they were having a good time lol

thats what i thought was wierd, cause i mean i know how it is to be drunk and if someone asked me if i was having fun ummmmmmm no way i'd be like "im gonna dieeeeee"!!! lol

so i dont know

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Originally posted by romy20

make that throwing up like 10 times not even joking lol, i dont think ive ever seen a person throw up that much and be that sick and still put both thumbs up saying that they were having a good time lol

thats what i thought was wierd, cause i mean i know how it is to be drunk and if someone asked me if i was having fun ummmmmmm no way i'd be like "im gonna dieeeeee"!!! lol

so i dont know

Yeah seriously... but atleast he asked me if i called his exgirlfriend and got his money every 6 seconds.... :)

My theory is.... YOU DRINK LIKE A GIRL!......

(hehe, j/k, lets not start this again... we'll have a repeat on friday... and I don't think Romina wants us both throwing up all over)

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I have a similar story...

I was @ Limelight about a year ago and my girlie girl and I were switchin off rounds of Black House. After about 4 we come up for more and the bartender was dissin n dissmin! We made our comment, he made his, and proceeds to slam our lil lovely shots on the bar. We drink up and go on with the party when all of a sudden we both fall down and start puking for like 4 hours! We would have tried to kick his ass, but the fuckin bouncers inside booted our asses 1st. Maybe someone else knows what it could have been? I was thinkin G, but we didn't pass out....ANYONE?:confused:

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I dont know what was in your drinks...but sometimes bartenders put vinegar and cooking oil in shots(small amounts) to make people throw up. It has a viscious counteraction with alcohol, hence throwing up over and over. Thats why you gotta tip big on your first round!:tongue:

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Originally posted by bmw4jay

I dont know what was in your drinks...but sometimes bartenders put vinegar and cooking oil in shots(small amounts) to make people throw up. It has a viscious counteraction with alcohol, hence throwing up over and over. Thats why you gotta tip big on your first round!:tongue:

BIOTCHES!!!! Thanx for the tip....

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