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Excuse me....Jersey bashers...

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what most people fail to understand is that if the old arguments work why would be get new ones ?? I mean think about it.. whats the?? problem I dont understand how you guy get so touchy over shit like this... personally I think you state sucks your cities are slums most of your people are rude as hell.. Jersey drivers.. shitty night life.... I have to pay like 6 bux to get BACK into the city it smells like shit.. I think the only part of jersy I like is west new york because it has new york in it... so stop your bitching your all up on ny's DEEZ... just admit that ny has more to offer than jersey.. at least we dont pay lik 14 dollars to traverse a state the size of my stool...

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Originally posted by siceone

what most people fail to understand is that if the old arguments work why would be get new ones ?? I mean think about it.. whats the?? problem I dont understand how you guy get so touchy over shit like this... personally I think you state sucks your cities are slums most of your people are rude as hell.. Jersey drivers.. shitty night life.... I have to pay like 6 bux to get BACK into the city it smells like shit.. I think the only part of jersy I like is west new york because it has new york in it... so stop your bitching your all up on ny's DEEZ... just admit that ny has more to offer than jersey.. at least we dont pay lik 14 dollars to traverse a state the size of my stool...

...sounds like your a bit touchy...what's with the pent up anger toward nj...stay on your side...we don't mind and with that attitude, probably wont miss you either...

:mad: :mad: :mad:

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i find it amusing how some people think that the people from jersey are rude?! cause walking down the street in the city is like walking through mr. roger's neighborhood right?!?! please!! and maybe the more commercial beaches are a little littered...but u have no clue about every beach in jersey....and if we are talking about garbage....the city streets are covered!! but anyway...there are way too many cities, towns,communities etc in jersey to even compare....u can basically see every standard of living!!! this argument is old and of course those who live in nyc are going to say it's better and jersey is going to stand up for jersey!!! i wouldn't expect different! *but funny point...has anyone else found that when u go away...like a considerable distance....people lump us((nj/ny)) into one big group!?! like where are u from ny?..no jersey....well same thing!

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Originally posted by misk

i find it amusing how some people think that the people from jersey are rude?! cause walking down the street in the city is like walking through mr. roger's neighborhood right?!?! please!! and maybe the more commercial beaches are a little littered...but u have no clue about every beach in jersey....and if we are talking about garbage....the city streets are covered!! but anyway...there are way too many cities, towns,communities etc in jersey to even compare....u can basically see every standard of living!!! this argument is old and of course those who live in nyc are going to say it's better and jersey is going to stand up for jersey!!! i wouldn't expect different! *but funny point...has anyone else found that when u go away...like a considerable distance....people lump us((nj/ny)) into one big group!?! like where are u from ny?..no jersey....well same thing!

thats so tru cause the tri- state area ( kinda leary bout conn.) is the bomb for real although upstate ny kinda sucks..

Jerseys ok I guess

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Originally posted by siceone

thats so tru cause the tri- state area ( kinda leary bout conn.) is the bomb for real although upstate ny kinda sucks..

Jerseys ok I guess

Lets not even get started on Upstate NY...Thats like Deliverance country!!!

And if you are Upstate and you go south...Do you say you are going to Downstate NY?????

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Originally posted by cmb1975

Lets not even get started on Upstate NY...Thats like Deliverance country!!!

And if you are Upstate and you go south...Do you say you are going to Downstate NY?????

honey dont even get me started I go to school in albany ( which isnt half as bad as binghamton) I have never seen so many pick up trucks or over heard this many stories that start with "so I was driving drunk right" they are like 4 years behind with fashion.. and I cant get any music up here thank god for the internet... and just look what they have done to my punctuation !!!!

and the people up here just look .... Different

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Ahh!!!, The sheer stupidity of this arguement pisses me off... It's like comparing apples to oranges, but instead it's suburbs to a city(the biggest city in the US at that). So please, if you feel the need to post another of these moronic debates, at least compare it to a long island, a weschester county, a Conn. suburb, or some other bumblefuck region upstate.

Thank You,



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...can we argue over apples and oranges...

i love fresh squeezed orange juice but sometimes apple cider is just oh so yummy...in fact, one of my favorite songs came off a Dee -Lite album entitled, "Apple Juice Kissing"

what about candied apples and orange creamsicles...

hmmm...i'm gonna go with oranges...

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Originally posted by phatman

...can we argue over apples and oranges...

i love fresh squeezed orange juice but sometimes apple cider is just oh so yummy...in fact, one of my favorite songs came off a Dee -Lite album entitled, "Apple Juice Kissing"

what about candied apples and orange creamsicles...

hmmm...i'm gonna go with oranges...



but seriously, for those that hate jersey to death, it could be worse, it could be staten island

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Originally posted by phatman

...can we argue over apples and oranges...

i love fresh squeezed orange juice but sometimes apple cider is just oh so yummy...in fact, one of my favorite songs came off a Dee -Lite album entitled, "Apple Juice Kissing"

what about candied apples and orange creamsicles...

hmmm...i'm gonna go with oranges...

See now THATS a debate!!!!

Candy Apples vs. Orange Creamsicles!!!! ooooo decisions decisions!!!! ;)

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wouldnt u be defensive of nyc? or whatever place it is that ::whichimsureiswonderful:: you like too?

Not unless there was something wrong with it and than I would have to be on the defensive.

BTW.....your location under you board name is the funniest I've seen so far. Congrats....:laugh:

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...sometimes you're on the defensive because someone is attacking you or something about you - i.e. the place where you take your naps...

now - what should i have for my afternoon snack:


kit kat

milky way

peanut chews

m & m's (no blue ones though, they're not that new)


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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Aaaawwwww shit!

I got some company at my back with siceone......

You people are really getting defensive of Jersey. What are you so defensive for, might I ask?

I thought this much was clear, but Ill try to clarify.

The reason for this thread and the defensiveness of some is because Jersey is constantly being bashed. Every week someone else puts up a thread about how Jersey sucks, it smells, the people suck, blah blah blah. I have yet to really read a good argument as to why they think all of these things. It always the same crap. So as I said before...get a new argument.

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