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Loving yourself


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Does anyone here think that they truly love themselves, and why do you think that?

I was reading an article before about this, and it got me thinking, I don't know if I do or not, how do you find out???

Plus they always say that you can't love someone else until you love yourself first.

To be honest I don't think I love myself, actually no let me change that I KNOW I don't love myself, so will I ever?

So any thoughts on this?

I'm confused:confused:


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Originally posted by romy20

Does anyone here think that they truly love themselves, and why do you think that?

I was reading an article before about this, and it got me thinking, I don't know if I do or not, how do you find out???

Plus they always say that you can't love someone else until you love yourself first.

To be honest I don't think I love myself, actually no let me change that I KNOW I don't love myself, so will I ever?

So any thoughts on this?

I'm confused:confused:


OK well dont confuse loving yourself with being happy with yourself. Why do think you dont love yourself. I am so head over heals in love with myself because of who i am. Am i happy with myself NOPE. Because I know that I can push myself harder when it comes to certain things. But I know that is me and I love it. It makes my character. I wouldnt change that. Well, i would like to improve that. But either way I still love myself.

Loving yourself is having respect for yourself. Knowing that you are a good person inside. Knowing that you are worth more than platinum and diamonds. Knowing that you deserve the world. And striving for that. You can't let feelings you have about yourself confuse you sweety. That usually gets people into trouble. Just know that you are a wonderful person that does wonderful things and I'm sure that you are loved by many. Especially here on CP. :heart:

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Originally posted by romy20

Does anyone here think that they truly love themselves, and why do you think that?

I was reading an article before about this, and it got me thinking, I don't know if I do or not, how do you find out???

Plus they always say that you can't love someone else until you love yourself first.

To be honest I don't think I love myself, actually no let me change that I KNOW I don't love myself, so will I ever?

So any thoughts on this?

I'm confused:confused:


maybe we should get together - i feel the same way about myself. maybe thats why i always sabatoge my relationships...


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I would definately say I love myself.... It may sound arrogant, but I wake up every morning, and thank MYSELF.... for not being anyone else.... I've tryed to make most of the choices in life on my own, with nothing to regret, and I think thats the way i'm most comfortable living... only being able to blame myself for mistakes and be proud of myself for the good choices....

I'm definately not perfect, but I try to Identify my flaws, and eventually work towards fixing them, and I definately see my strong points and am proud of them.

I can truely say i've never wished I was anyone other than myself, and that some days it scares me to think of the people I could have been. Not that I don't admire/respect other people, I definately see qualities in others i'd like to posess, but at the same time see others I don't.

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Sometimes you are just your worst critic.

I was dating someone for a year who had abusive tendencies.....it didn't start to show toward the end.....obviously the reason why I broke it off. But there I was feeling tattered and torn after getting out of that mess. I woke up one morning and realized all of the special things that made me, ME...and I felt back to my old self!

It's not fun getting in that old self incriminating kind of rut. And it's even worse when you're way too hard on yourself. No one is perfect, and only a moron would expect you to be.

PS...is it just me or is the situation around us (war, sickness, sluggish economy, etc) just getting everyone down? I totally have been like a walking zombie, and I can't really figure out why.

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Sometimes you are just your worst critic.

I was dating someone for a year who had abusive tendencies.....it didn't start to show toward the end.....obviously the reason why I broke it off. But there I was feeling tattered and torn after getting out of that mess. I woke up one morning and realized all of the special things that made me, ME...and I felt back to my old self!

It's not fun getting in that old self incriminating kind of rut. And it's even worse when you're way too hard on yourself. No one is perfect, and only a moron would expect you to be.

PS...is it just me or is the situation around us (war, sickness, sluggish economy, etc) just getting everyone down? I totally have been like a walking zombie, and I can't really figure out why.

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Originally posted by romy20

Does anyone here think that they truly love themselves, and why do you think that?

I was reading an article before about this, and it got me thinking, I don't know if I do or not, how do you find out???

Plus they always say that you can't love someone else until you love yourself first.

To be honest I don't think I love myself, actually no let me change that I KNOW I don't love myself, so will I ever?

So any thoughts on this?

I'm confused:confused:


To know yourself is to love yourself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

lets just say this, when apples or one of my lady friends drags me to a strip club, lets just say i look in the mirror more than anywhere else...

Quoting Devils Advocate:

One of my all time fav quotes...

"Vanity, is definatley my favorite sin, so basic... self love the all natural opiate..."

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