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The Offical SEXXYBABYD Is A Underage BITCH Thread


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Originally posted by cotoncandydream




DO YOU EXCEPT THE CHALLENGE?:confused::D:confused::D:laugh::idea:

SO true!! I'd pay to see that.

I like your bitchyness!!

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Originally posted by bkissa

my thoughts exactly...

all u guys are cruel...lavendermenace, highmay, barvybe...etc.

hey that's not nice!!!

i've never met Dee. All i said was that i'd never seen so many people agree on anything on this board. I've seen some real bitchy posts from Dee and that shit she posted about Highmay that started this was just about the WRONGEST thing i've ever read. (Did U read it hon?) You screw maliciously with people's friends and you should expect to get dumbed on. Highmay's a really nice guy and LM was just sticking up for him cause they're buds is all.

Maybe she is mad chill with her friends, i don't know. but you should be cool to everyone, even if you don't care for them that much.

Dee, if we ever meet, just be nice - i make up my own mind about people.....

I'm a no drama boy myself.....

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

I agree there was a major generation gap in clubbing from 1997-2000. Just don't know how it happened.

i think it was those NO ID parties that turned these kids into crackheads. its the only logical explanation i can think of.

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Just wanted to clear a few things so my name does not get that ruined.

1. Never did I want or ask to become a stripper. If you read that post I was askin just how to become a dancer NOT STRIP and I said that in my post.

2. Never did I come off saying I was better or better looking than anyone, thats not even how I am. If you go back and read a post XTCGIRLIE you yourself posted "Did anyone see me in EXIT in the white room, I was the girl dancing my ass off on the floor" You were the one that wanted to challege me in a dance battle at sound factory which you never showed up for and if im not mistaken you were supposed to "wipe the floor with me"

3. I don't do drugs when I go to clubs, I think the only 2 times that anyone from CP has seen me fucked up and even the ONLY 2 times ive ever been fucked up in a club in two years was when JV was at SF and the opening night of EXIT2

4. I will admit when I first came to this board I was childish, asking people if they saw me at EXIT...ok get over it, I stoped it.

5. How am I supposed to be nice to someone when they are constantly bashing me and being a dick to me. If anyone knew this I went up to Highmay at limelight one night and said hi and introduced myself to him, he looked at me gave me a dirty look shook my hand and ingored me. Ok im sorry if im respecting someone I think I should get the same respect back but if you treat me like shit I will treat you the same way you treat me. Golden Rule sweetie

6. Never have I ever ever said that Sound Factory fridays was "THE CLUB SCENE"...It's just something that I love to do on friday nights. And you know what, I have had my chance to go on saturdays but im waiting until im actaully older to go because I don't want to spoil myself. Ive been to the 21+ places and right now its not my thing, I like running around with my crowd right now its fun for me.

7. I was NEVER EVER kicked off the stage at Limelight for dancing, sorry that never happend.

8. I never follow the pack, when everyone started dissing on EXIT I didn't just go to SF because everyone else was going, I went because my BF is an SF head and he dragged me there, and I just ended up falling in love with it and going every friday night.

I just wanted to clear those things up. :D

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Just wanted to clear a few things so my name does not get that ruined.

1. Never did I want or ask to become a stripper. If you read that post I was askin just how to become a dancer NOT STRIP and I said that in my post.

2. Never did I come off saying I was better or better looking than anyone, thats not even how I am. If you go back and read a post XTCGIRLIE you yourself posted "Did anyone see me in EXIT in the white room, I was the girl dancing my ass off on the floor" You were the one that wanted to challege me in a dance battle at sound factory which you never showed up for and if im not mistaken you were supposed to "wipe the floor with me"

SF head and he dragged me there, and I just ended up falling in love with it and going every friday night.

I just wanted to clear those things up. :D

OMG!!!! U fucken little liar!!!FInd that post**I never was in exit in the white room ever ever ever and i never said that u r such a fucken little immature liar** Find the post and prove it ** I went to exit twice in my life and was never in the white room. ANd u were the baby that called a "challenge against me.. OMG!!! U just totally pissed me off*** Ok well lets get this straight**I am 22 years old and no where near your level. How you come and post total lies about me I have no clue. No i was never in the white room in EXIT NEVER!!! And i never made a post about it. Do a search on my name and find it to prove it.. YOu won't be able to cause it never happened. YOu are a little, lost girl... GRow the fuck up!

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ok here is the thread wtf r u talking about exit? thats what u were trying to say then too idiot... REad this whole thread people.. I didn't come off too good either but i was trying to prove a point to this little girl that thinks shes the only cute girl dancing in the club... Oh and by the way sweetheart I didn't not show up you called it off and i will find that thread too u idiot!! ANd i don't care anyways I'm not goin to challenge you and entertain a child when I'm on the middle of enjoying my life in a club... This is why u need to grow up.. why do u keep coming back anyways? Why don't you scram already..I've had enough of u...and so has alot of others.. I'm going to leave this board if this is the type of shit i have to read everyday..heres the thread..People look at the topic of it:rolleyes: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=48802&perpage=20&pagenumber=1

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Ok...I've read this thread the last two days and I didn't plan to say anything as I neither know sexybabyd nor anyone that seems to have had a problem with her in the past. Still, I looked now at the threads xtcgirlie posted for everyone's information and it seems that , sexybabyd might have posted a couple of immature things...but damn, the girl is 17.... so what, let her be immature, let her be childish, let her be a 'know-it-all'....smile about it, remember when you were 17 and think to yourself that one day she might grow up and be wiser.

What the hell is wrong with you people??? I've seen much emptier posts on this board....just look at the sexboard for example (no offense, to all my favorite sexboard posters ;))...everyone constantly talks about sex although I do think those people get the least...so what??? It's a freaking board....so be whoever you want to be, if it makes you happier.

Highmay stated that "she kept coming with the same bullshit amateur threads just for the high school attention acceptance"....well, I find it rather sad that a damn message board represents those kind of social status differences and that people try to boost up their number of posts just to be more accepted by everyone else.....I remember when I was a Newbie and people would only talk to the ones they knew already and that had a "legend" assigned to their name.

I think that everyone on this thread here that complaints about her immaturity and keeps slashing out to that girl....should just think for a minute about their own immaturity and insecurity...because damn, it takes a hell of a lot of a mature and secure person to mob up against a 17 year old. :(

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