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this has got to stop


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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

Well That is your rightful opinion however YOU ARE WRONG. Truely you have never even experienced the scene and music we are talking about, because I guarentee that if you had your opinion would match ours.


so you free this friday I would love to get to know how sweet and soft you really are.. I love this one Im serious this time !!!

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you guys should all watch yourselves. i dont think i've ever dissed any dj on the board before. if i ever meet any of them i would not want that behind me. imagine how draper feels if he is reading these posts. he is a human being too.

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Bkissa, I would agree with you about saying allthis stuff, but I know TONY and have said this in the booth to his face. ADAM S and I went to college together. He is the Puppeteer of Draper.

And I have said it to his face, Joey X's Face, David Marvesi's face, and preached it from the mountain tops. I would have been easy on the kid but there have been times where the crowd of EXIT on fridays has missed out on many opportunities to hear other djs because of the bitch fits and crying of this dj. So now I have to bury his ass.

Word to the wise if you are a new jack dj (don't take the name of a grammy winning black r&b artist) and basically don't have the big shit ego because you lucked out, to snub DJ that are 20 times better than you is just a bad move. And I know why Tony & Adam do this too. 3 reasons 1) They know he sucks too and are scared that if they bring better dj's the crowd will turn on DRAPER and Adam will loose control over the main floor. 2) The Less money they have to shell out on the main floor the more money goes into Adam's pocket. 3) Tony knows no one else will hire him so this is his only place to cling to.


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. . . Wowee, talk about getting hit by the crowbar of truth there . . .

The politics that go into being a DJ are enormous in this city. I cannot sit here and claim to be an afficionado of the New York scene because I hail from elsewhere, but from what I've observed it seems that NY needs somewhat of an awakening, that unfortuanately will never come. . .

Guys like Tony Draper will win. . .cause they know how to lock in one group and pull the money out of them. . and not because they want to . .

. . bear with me . .

I'm sure all of you have something, some hobby or skill that you practice that brings you a sense of purpose in life. . . It can be your job, playing a musical instrument, working on your car, programming a computer, fishing, building . . It can be anything . . . Anything that when you sit down to practice this activity, it brings you an immense sense of fulfillment. . . Joy deep down inside your soul. . .

Along with this Joy comes a picture that you form in your head of the "acme" of what your practicing. This is the picture that you see as perfection. For a DJ that picture is one where EVERYONE (even the bouncers and Off duties . .) is dancing and you're playing the records that YOU want to hear. . It's holding your mixes for a LOOONG time, matching harmonies as well as beats to preserve continuity and properly wielding the energy level to create ride . .

. . It's painfully hard to attain that. . especially in the state of the scene now. Even where I come from, where "rave" subculture is a LOT more prevalent in everyday life, one cannot usually attain that state of perfection . . .

Almost all of the hardcores on this board have a vision of what that best undergound party would be, and if we could all see into each others minds . .see into what cannot be described with words . . we'd be surprised to find that all of us have pretty much the same view of that mind blowingly perfect party. . .

. . And so does Tony Draper . . .

Unless this guy is a TOTAL hack (to get up on stage in the first place, you gotta have ALOT of balls), one has to ask: Do you think he likes looking down and seeing a sea of juiced up morons with roid dick and a bad case of backne?

Do you think he likes knowing that everyone with an ounce of beat knowledge sneers at him every chance he/she gets?

. . I doubt it . .

I would put money that Draper has that same vision of the perfect party that all of us do . . . But it's not HIS decision to attempt to bring that perfect party to life. .

Unfortunately people make that dream more and more impossible as time goes on.

We sit here as hardcores and cry the injustice of the mainstream crowd and their no talent DJ's. We cry the injustice that guys like Draper can have longevity when the kid down the street throwin in the garage can't get an open table if his/her life depended on it. .

. . .All these things we cry foul . .. Yet we have no rent check in our hands . .

Who's gonna pay for the rent? Who's gonna pay for electricity to power the lights and the 100000 watts of audio equipment? Who's gonna grease the cops and the local officials so you don't get raided every week?

This is the reason Tony Draper does what he does. . .He doesn't have to try because the people who are paying for it don't care to have him to . . and every night he gets up there and throws the same shit and cuts the same 8 count mixes . . .every night he watches another meathead mac another hoochie. . . I guarantee he feels the pain of dreams dying . . .

. . . I hope that made sense . . .


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well said. but i feel no pity for him, if that truly is what he feels.

you know why? Celeda said it best: "BE YOURSELF."

Shakespeare said it: "To thine own self be true."

The GREEKS said it: "Know Thyself."

And I"M saying it. If you put everything you are into what you do, the benefits will follow. You will get what you want in the long run.

If you compromise who you are and give yourself away. If you fall short and let your dreams get walked on, and allow yourself to be slowly backed into a corner... then that is your decision.

Tony made his decision. He's not a helpless man. If the clubowners want him, more power to him. The day they don't, he will be out on the street. They will make the decisions for him, if he fails to make his own and give all of himself to spin that "Perfect Party."

A DJ is only good so long as they have the desire to be. The day that desire leaves them, they will be replaced by another. That is how life goes.

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think about this...if he didn't want to deal with the negative along with the positive he would have selected another job! it's like celebrities..musicians,actors etc......they take the good with the bad!! and personally i think he sucks and exit sucks...but don't feel like getting into this!!:)

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

Hate to Tell you this is a messageboard and uummmmmmm unless Bin Laden accomplished his goal We still do have freedom of speech in this country. And if you don't like what people are saying too f@#*ing bad.


That's all I had to say :D

I have to admit that you are 100% right. He sux

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