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Check This!!!!! I Just Got Fired!!

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This is Exactly what Happened.

I went into the Office Assistants office.And i was getting contact numbers that I needed for the day.As iam Doing that ED the Big Boss From Conniticut stands at in the doorway and Say:

"Jav are you working Today" I said Yes.

He then asks me "Why are you undressed???"

I said it casual Friday Ive been coming in like this for a Year.

ED say: "Let go to your office"

I walk out the office a head of him, walk in to my office as i turn around to look at him he says "GET YOUR STUFF YOUR FIRED"

I asked him why.

The Johnson said: "I had poor attitude and iam not properly dressed". And he explained that i he told me once before about dress code.

#1. I literly wear Thousand dollar suits to work everyday!

#2. The only time he said anything to me about dress code was on time this summer. I wore a short sleeve T-Shirt under my suit jacket. ( I thought i was DON JOHNSON for a few day)

Next day i went back to Shirt and Tie.

That was the Only time the Squid ever corrected me for dress code.

Attitude NEVER. I am nice with everyone i never Act like Iam too Good.

Finishing the story i said:Ed I did not give you an attitude and you Know that.

He says: "you are Right now". I said Ed there more too it then that i did nothing wrong.

I then walk pass him into the GOOKS office. This guy is the owner.

I explain to what happend he just looks at me shaking his head.

Ed comes back and Says. " I thought i told you to Leave"

I ignored him kept talking to the GOOK, And Ed say: "Iam calling the Police"

A few minutes later the Cops show up. They ask me nicely if i could please pick up my things and leave as soon as possible because they are in a rush. So i grap my shit and get escorted out of the building!!

Is that some shit or what!!

Are you sitting at my desk right now ED.

How club planet it pretty phat right!!

i hope your reading this!!

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Guest saleen351

what is your bosses email ad, we wil flood his system and crash his network! I'll send some porn to him. oh and some racist comments...

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Originally posted by sin-sational

My advice is start drinking heavily!

I am a head of you already. Got the bottle out the second i got home as i explained the story to my mom!!

Gonna start Making some ridiculous beats..

maybe My Muzik dream can Come.

Gonna be home for a while. (terrible)

I was only canned once before. "i called a bomb threat years ago at my Old Job. It was a Joke. the person took it serious called the cops and stuff Bomb sniffing dogs showed up also. I was in a mess for a while. Crazy Jav story from back in the day.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by eviljav666

I was only canned once before. "i called a bomb threat years ago at my Old Job. It was a Joke. the person took it serious called the cops and stuff Bomb sniffing dogs showed up also. I was in a mess for a while. Crazy Jav story from back in the day.

Ok now I no your not playing with a full deck..WTF were you thinking, or better yet what were you smoking cause I need some of that.

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I'm sorry to hear about that Jav. Don't rush back to work, this is a chance to work on your music. Get fucked every day and have fun.

Go back in a month and wait for this Ed guy to leave work, put a bag over your head ,then one over his, and beat the shit out of him. Then rip his bag off and then yours and say "remember this face mother fucker, I did this to you"

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Originally posted by tempkid

I'm sorry to hear about that Jav. Don't rush back to work, this is a chance to work on your music. Get fucked every day and have fun.

Go back in a month and wait for this Ed guy to leave work, put a bag over your head ,then one over his, and beat the shit out of him. Then rip his bag off and then yours and say "remember this face mother fucker, I did this to you"

You have watched one too many gangster movies baby!

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Originally posted by eviljav666

This is Exactly what Happened.

I went into the Office Assistants office.And i was getting contact numbers that I needed for the day.As iam Doing that ED the Big Boss From Conniticut stands at in the doorway and Say:

"Jav are you working Today" I said Yes.

He then asks me "Why are you undressed???"

I said it casual Friday Ive been coming in like this for a Year.

ED say: "Let go to your office"

I walk out the office a head of him, walk in to my office as i turn around to look at him he says "GET YOUR STUFF YOUR FIRED"

I asked him why.

The Johnson said: "I had poor attitude and iam not properly dressed". And he explained that i he told me once before about dress code.

#1. I literly wear Thousand dollar suits to work everyday!

#2. The only time he said anything to me about dress code was on time this summer. I wore a short sleeve T-Shirt under my suit jacket. ( I thought i was DON JOHNSON for a few day)

Next day i went back to Shirt and Tie.

That was the Only time the Squid ever corrected me for dress code.

Attitude NEVER. I am nice with everyone i never Act like Iam too Good.

Finishing the story i said:Ed I did not give you an attitude and you Know that.

He says: "you are Right now". I said Ed there more too it then that i did nothing wrong.

I then walk pass him into the GOOKS office. This guy is the owner.

I explain to what happend he just looks at me shaking his head.

Ed comes back and Says. " I thought i told you to Leave"

I ignored him kept talking to the GOOK, And Ed say: "Iam calling the Police"

A few minutes later the Cops show up. They ask me nicely if i could please pick up my things and leave as soon as possible because they are in a rush. So i grap my shit and get escorted out of the building!!

Is that some shit or what!!

Are you sitting at my desk right now ED.

How club planet it pretty phat right!!

i hope your reading this!!

Jav - Get a lawyer. BAsed on what you described here you probably have pretty good grounds to sue.

Let me point out a few things.

1) Were other people in the office dressed casually? If so, were they fired?

2) Had you received warnings, written or verbal, prior to this incident, about the company dress code.

Basically what it boils down to is that if the company does not apply their policies uniformly they are not going to have much of a leg to stand on when you sue for wrongful dismissal. I work in HR during the day and know a little bit about this type of thing.

The best thing you can do is get a lawyer and quick!

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Originally posted by saleen351

Nope but there are one or 2 peeps that still have it so I do some claims for them and they let me on the net for a few. I miss it. Will you be in attendence for the big 32 party at XS next Sat?

did you get your internet back at work?

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by ceeotter

probaly not, I would like to drink some shots with you and the crew, but I have a problem with some pps on here and when I drink I'm an idiot therefore out of respect for you, JJ and some other ppl , I not going.....but have fun, my FLA invitation will always be open to you when I'm finaly down there...Can we say Winter music concert!!!!!!!!!

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