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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

does anyone here go to anywhere other than Exit, SF, and vinyl?


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i dont go into the city at all but i want to start, but i am looking for an upscale club with a more chill environment........these three clubs dont work cause:

1. exit - too big and pricey

2. sf - too many crackheads and guidos (from what i hear)

3. vinyl - no liquor license (although i do want to hear what all the Danny T hype is about)

so where is there to go? centro fly? Ohm? is limelight open? twirl????? cream??? clue me in please!!!


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I wouldn't go on other people's opinions about clubs. I would go out and try everywhere you think you might like. Look at the music point of view, and decide for yourself. Centro is sweet, and Spa and Float are kinda upscale, but pricey. I think you should broaden your pallate though. Its New York City! Check it all out!:D

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Djjustinh is totally right!!! Ibclubbin posts a lot and to me has a pretty good understanding of music. I have been goin out since i am 15 years old and been everywhere from being a regular at spa for the girls to waiting online in frigid temps at Twilo to see sasha and digweed. IF you are gonna go somewhere jsut becasue you want to go to the most popular place than you have got problems. I cant stand people that talk shit about music and clubs and scenes this and that that and this. The only decent scenes anymore for good music are places like vinyl. everyplace else is a fucking scene with dumb juicehead guidos on 20 pills out of their minds. people who know music and love it will go anywhere. Clubs have become so lame since i started going out. IT IS ALL A SCENE. granted to go to a club and have a good time the scene is the most important but not for the music. IF oakenfold was playing at the fresh kills land fill in SI i would be there. GET WITH IT!!!!!! EXPERIENCE SHIT ON YOUR OWN AND REMEMBER IT IS ALL ABOUT THE MUSIC. SORRY I AM VENTING BUT MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND JUST REALLY PISSED ME OFF.




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