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the average clubber is worthless trash

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you go out to flaunt your sexuality and money. you pay exorbitant amounts of money to be treated like shit by the staff, and then even more to intoxicate yourself into confidence to dance and socialize

and years later, how is it different? have you found peace with the ugliness that is you? has hiding yourself behind tight clothes, muscles, and makeup made you feel beautiful to the other equally hidden clubbers?

have you found the partner of your dreams, the cracked out whore who finds greater joy in his pills and bumps than you? are your dear club friends going to be there if you stop clubbing?

have you done anything to better yourself, in intellect, in health, in mentality or any definition of progress?

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judge for yourself...how do you know what the average clubber is like?

most of the people I know have real jobs or on the way to acquiring one, and go to clubs to get away from the usual day-to-day bullshit of real life.

no offense, and nothing personal, but if you've got issues dont take it out on thers.

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Actually, believe it or not many of us go to hear an admired DJ work his talent. Personally, I don't have much money to flaunt (High school), and I'm not that built to even flaunt anything sexual. Also, Centro on Saturdays costs only $15. Vinyl might go to $25. That's not exactly exorbitant.

I think you're going to deep with this. If you go to a bar often, have you bettered yourself? If you go to a movie every so often have you really done that much great in your life?

No one goes to clubs to find a mate.

Simply, clubbing is just a pastime. Chill out.

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Originally posted by sassa

damn, quite a harsh statement there. i think it's wrong to generalize and say all clubbers turn out this way. i go clubbing and i don't fit this description at all.

ditto for me

you took the wrong path...not only that you probably went runnin down full tilt...slow down n enjoy the scenery...slow down n have a good time with freinds n family...if you need help seek it...i'm sure there are people who will listen

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Originally posted by CTACbKA

judge for yourself...how do you know what the average clubber is like?

most of the people I know have real jobs or on the way to acquiring one, and go to clubs to get away from the usual day-to-day bullshit of real life.

no offense, and nothing personal, but if you've got issues dont take it out on thers.

i applaud you and your high-achieving circle

i meant that the average clubber is worthless in their pursuit of activities within the club scene. that is obvious, isn't it? the activities are hedonistic, socially irresponsible, vain, often illegal and immoral, and obnoxious celebrations of what a person can do

of course people must have some value outside the club scene. how else would they support the activities?

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Originally posted by deanna11

you go out to flaunt your sexuality and money. you pay exorbitant amounts of money to be treated like shit by the staff, and then even more to intoxicate yourself into confidence to dance and socialize

and years later, how is it different? have you found peace with the ugliness that is you? has hiding yourself behind tight clothes, muscles, and makeup made you feel beautiful to the other equally hidden clubbers?

have you found the partner of your dreams, the cracked out whore who finds greater joy in his pills and bumps than you? are your dear club friends going to be there if you stop clubbing?

have you done anything to better yourself, in intellect, in health, in mentality or any definition of progress?

What crawled up your ass and died... Where is the harm in people clubbing? I chose to go to a club and I spend money that I earned while working hard at my job, and I wear tight cloths to show off the body that I spend almost 2 hours a day at the gym for and I don't have to wear tons of make-up cause my face looks good the way it is... What the hell business is it of yours.

Are you upset cause they won't let your sorry ass in clubs. Stop being stupid.... No one tells you that you are gonna turn into a loser because you watch movies and play video games on the weekends, so don't go knockin others for how they spend your time. You don't want to go to ckub, then don't your boring ass wasn't invited anyway.

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It seems to me that the person who wrote this statement has only been to the same kind of homogenous parties wherever they go. There are so many different kinds of parties that the only thing we might say to have in common with all these people is that we are all "clubbers" and not shallow, materialistic, foolishly spending our money.

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Originally posted by deanna11

you go out to flaunt your sexuality and money. you pay exorbitant amounts of money to be treated like shit by the staff, and then even more to intoxicate yourself into confidence to dance and socialize

I've no sexuality to speak of (those of you who've met me can testify :laugh: ), not exactly rich, I've been intoxicated all of once, don't socialize too much anyway (again, those of you who've met me can testify :laugh: ). So far, nothing applies.

and years later, how is it different? have you found peace with the ugliness that is you? has hiding yourself behind tight clothes, muscles, and makeup made you feel beautiful to the other equally hidden clubbers?

Lots of things are different, but that's not the point anyway. I've found peace by understanding the ugliness that is me. My clothes aren't exactly tight, I've no muscles, I don't feel beautiful and it'd be pretty sad if my clubbing appearance already came WITH make up (again, those of you who've met me can testify for all of the above :laugh: )

have you found the partner of your dreams, the cracked out whore who finds greater joy in his pills and bumps than you? are your dear club friends going to be there if you stop clubbing?

Didn't go out to find the partners of my dreams, haven't met any crack whores and I never expected anyone's actions to change once I stop clubbing.

have you done anything to better yourself, in intellect, in health, in mentality or any definition of progress?

Yes, elsewhere. What does this have to do with anything? What was the point? Oh yes, to slack off the "average" clubber. Define the "average" clubber, por favor.

Let's see something with substance.

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haha, chill, kids

i really didn't mean to personally offend anyone. i could easily be classified as a clubber, and i have followed the stereotype in many ways: blowing money, participating in illicit activities, made superficial friendships, etc.

i was simply stating what i believe to be the truth. it's not something that should make anyone feel defensive. we are rich, spoiled people who can go clubbing and be conspicuously obnoxious

don't take offense in what i say; rather, take awareness in it. not everyone in the world can do the fun things we do

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Damn that was harsh. What in the world prompted that? No one goes to clubs to find their soulmate? Its about the love for the music.

Given by your attitude you've somehow gone through some revelation... especially given that you used to be a club goer yourself and now you're talking about

1)furthering your intellect?

2)finding someone special?

3)self confidence issues

well maybe its you who've gone to clubs for the wrong reasons. Maybe the above really applies to you - something that you realized about yourself - just recently. We're all here - on this board for a single reason - and that's about our love for the music. ..be it wealthy or poor, black or white, stupid or intelligent. we don't judge - we just know that we all share something that's very important to us.

I'm sure plenty of the older crowd on this board (me included) can bury you when it comes to the topics you've just mentioned....... bettering our selves in intellect, life achievement, money etc? So if all you have to say are derogatory comments than i advise you keep silent - cuz there aint nuthin but love on this board ...hehehehehe. :D

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You obviously have some personal isue that you need to work out before you can go around commenting on the behaviors of others.

You are completely contradictory and therefore prove you have absolutely no credibility when it come to your posts. Next time you don't mean to offend anyone personally, think twice before you post a comment about Clubbers being trash on a site called ClubPlanet. What the hell kind of response were you expecting....

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tee hee hee I have had the pleasure of knowing Deanna11 since my arrival here and I agree with what she is saying 110%.......read what she wrote (all the posts) slowly and think before you respond.........and she is eminently qualified to speak knowledgably, she is prob in the top 3 Dancers of the wimmins I have seen move around in NY and I have been most everywhere from SF to Twilo to Vinyl to Centro to Guernica to loft parties to Filter 14, she and I (and some otheronline denizens) even were in a movie shoot as rave dancers in upstate NY, as well as a music Video with DJ Keoki, with deanna11 stealing his attention away from his boy friend.....oh and she is a crackhead a great deal of the time (with a crackhead clownhead boyfriend to boot).....and she is quite clever and dead sex-ah.........and she has been posting for a lot longer than most of you.......boy I am in a verbose mood ;)

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yo deana, you caught me red handed babe

yes im a hedonist. you wanna know what i like? i like good music, good food, good company, good sex, a good conversation and a good vibe. i think that the people you are referring to are the juiceheads at exits, who flaunt their sweaty steroids in hope of scoring a K'd out whore. i think that most people on this board are benevolent and festive, and do not share in the decadent morals you speak of. and whats wrong with hedonism? its infinetely better than the 'real' world of terrorists, politics and social injustice. you tell me who is sane!

life is a dealer, love is a healer ;)

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Wassamatter Deanna.... shit got you down? Feeling a little under the weather. Y go to the movies, y take a walk in the park. Not everything has to have meaning in life.

Some things are just meant to be enjoyed. Dancing can be a form of self expression, for some it's a helluva workout.

Relax or take a prozac...

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...not only am i worthless trash...i think i smell too...and i think im a little overweight...and i think i have not accomplished enough in life for my age...and i think someone needs a warm glass of SHUT THE HELL UP....


if i want negativity, i'll watch television - and that is what this is...you need to think about what you put out there and what it's going to induce from others...if you were trying to be constructive that was a bad way to do it...this was more like destructive...here, let's go out and kick the homeless and judge their lives too...damn destructiveness...hope u find some light...

True Misery Wants To Be Alone - Those That Try To Share It Just Want Attention

How bout a hug....

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by boa_boy

tee hee hee I have had the pleasure of knowing Deanna11 since my arrival here and I agree with what she is saying 110%.......read what she wrote (all the posts) slowly and think before you respond.........and she is eminently qualified to speak knowledgably, she is prob in the top 3 Dancers of the wimmins I have seen move around in NY and I have been most everywhere from SF to Twilo to Vinyl to Centro to Guernica to loft parties to Filter 14, she and I (and some otheronline denizens) even were in a movie shoot as rave dancers in upstate NY, as well as a music Video with DJ Keoki, with deanna11 stealing his attention away from his boy friend.....oh and she is a crackhead a great deal of the time (with a crackhead clownhead boyfriend to boot).....and she is quite clever and dead sex-ah.........and she has been posting for a lot longer than most of you.......boy I am in a verbose mood ;)

...what the hell was this about???

tell me about her intellect and progress...tell me about how she really is NOT judging people in her posts...tell me about her maturity and support of people...

do not tell me about her dancing abilities or some rave video...

i did read her posts carefully and s l o w l y - you know what it says - HELP ME...

big ups on using the word verbose though - that's a solid SAT word...

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Considering that I spend at least $1000 every night I go out, juice, even throw on some make-up to shape up my eyebrows, do drugs just to escape and don't care about the opposite sex, I guess you're right.

Or maybe I just love the music and like the people involved in the scene.

Even if people do drugs (BTW every time I am in a bar guaranteed people are blowin lines in the stalls)

Even if some guys juice (so do beer guzzlin bar hoppers)

Even if ladies wear tight clothes (so do beer guzzlin bar hoppers)

Even if people spend money (do I need to repeat it for a third time)

.........you are describing most going out scenes.

Reevaluate what you are saying.

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