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the average clubber is worthless trash

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The "average" clubber is worthless trash? Maybe.

Maybe other clubs have bad clientele that lower the bar.

All i know is I go to Vinyl. That is my church. I go because i WANT to flaunt myself, because i want to dance ridiculously, becuase i want to let all my aggressions and pain and happiness and ecstasy out in 8 straight hours of sweaty torturous stomping admist a tangle of steamed pumping bodies and hands in the air.

I want to pack myself and my friends into a black room with very large speakers and be hammered by otherworldly sounds all damn night long. I want to feel transcendent. I want to feel that for just one night, in the middle of it all, that our races, our genders, our sexual preferences, friendship circles, personal opinions and gripes and own own attitudes just don't matter. For just one night, I want to be everybody's brother and everybody's sister. I dance because it moves ME, not because i try to move to it.

I do it because that to me is EXACTLY what I need.

That is my Therapy.

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Originally posted by deanna11

i applaud you and your high-achieving circle

i meant that the average clubber is worthless in their pursuit of activities within the club scene. that is obvious, isn't it? the activities are hedonistic, socially irresponsible, vain, often illegal and immoral, and obnoxious celebrations of what a person can do

of course people must have some value outside the club scene. how else would they support the activities?

What's wrong with hedonism? :D

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Originally posted by cintron

The "average" clubber is worthless trash? Maybe.

Maybe other clubs have bad clientele that lower the bar.

All i know is I go to Vinyl. That is my church. I go because i WANT to flaunt myself, because i want to dance ridiculously, becuase i want to let all my aggressions and pain and happiness and ecstasy out in 8 straight hours of sweaty torturous stomping admist a tangle of steamed pumping bodies and hands in the air.

I want to pack myself and my friends into a black room with very large speakers and be hammered by otherworldly sounds all damn night long. I want to feel transcendent. I want to feel that for just one night, in the middle of it all, that our races, our genders, our sexual preferences, friendship circles, personal opinions and gripes and own own attitudes just don't matter. For just one night, I want to be everybody's brother and everybody's sister. I dance because it moves ME, not because i try to move to it.

I do it because that to me is EXACTLY what I need.

That is my Therapy.

i love vynil too and i hope you're wrong bout dem exit hedz...is okay too visit but me tinks vynil has just enough room to shake dat ass...see you all you worthless trash there this saturday

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Originally posted by phatman

...what the hell was this about???

tell me about her intellect and progress...tell me about how she really is NOT judging people in her posts...tell me about her maturity and support of people...

do not tell me about her dancing abilities or some rave video...

i did read her posts carefully and s l o w l y - you know what it says - HELP ME...

big ups on using the word verbose though - that's a solid SAT word...

well I forgot to add she's a masterful shitstirrer if that makes her comments any easier to understand :idea:

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Originally posted by deanna11

you go out to flaunt your sexuality and money. you pay exorbitant amounts of money to be treated like shit by the staff, and then even more to intoxicate yourself into confidence to dance and socialize

and years later, how is it different? have you found peace with the ugliness that is you? has hiding yourself behind tight clothes, muscles, and makeup made you feel beautiful to the other equally hidden clubbers?

have you found the partner of your dreams, the cracked out whore who finds greater joy in his pills and bumps than you? are your dear club friends going to be there if you stop clubbing?

have you done anything to better yourself, in intellect, in health, in mentality or any definition of progress?

i party sober, wear good looking but cheap clothes, not juiced up, and i have friends that dont go clubbing (thats why i'm here)


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Originally posted by boa_boy

well I forgot to add she's a masterful shitstirrer if that makes her comments any easier to understand :idea:

gotcha...so you're saying her words, directly, are not there to bring attention to her but the fact that she is a shitstirrer does..same thing...drama queens, devil's advocates, prejudgemental teens, they're all the same...

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Originally posted by phatman

gotcha...so you're saying her words, directly, are not there to bring attention to her but the fact that she is a shitstirrer does..same thing...drama queens, devil's advocates, prejudgemental teens, they're all the same...

is to draw attention to one's self the same as looking for a reaction?:confused:;)

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Originally posted by deanna11

you go out to flaunt your sexuality and money. you pay exorbitant amounts of money to be treated like shit by the staff, and then even more to intoxicate yourself into confidence to dance and socialize

and years later, how is it different? have you found peace with the ugliness that is you? has hiding yourself behind tight clothes, muscles, and makeup made you feel beautiful to the other equally hidden clubbers?

have you found the partner of your dreams, the cracked out whore who finds greater joy in his pills and bumps than you? are your dear club friends going to be there if you stop clubbing?

have you done anything to better yourself, in intellect, in health, in mentality or any definition of progress?

:tongue: "fun fun fun 'til her daddy takes the e-bird away"

Originally posted by deanna11

"it was a kewl weekend. i love having minimal responsibilities

"did a lot of hanging out and chillizzin', and went to a great party with the best vibe and an incredible group of friends i've not seen together since Twilo. then i went to outer space to find another happy place i was left there all alone a million miles away from home (dune)

"it was great seeing the people i saw this weekend. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! you ones who i don't see often enough, call me

"this is how summers should be... fun, friends, rock 'n roll, and all that good stuff"


Club god

Registered: Dec 1999

Location: NY

Posts: 1813


06-03-2001 06:19 PM


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Originally posted by boa_boy

is to draw attention to one's self the same as looking for a reaction?:confused:;)

yes, if you look at the intent...people that are looking for reactions have an issue to settle within themselves...why would someone come on a public forum and start this?

trust me, i've been there...people that say i just want to see how people react or want to stir things up are looking to find some resolve within...

those of us that have found that do not need to go stirring it up in others...those of us that have found that teach and instruct in more constructive manners...

this was a statement to induce emotion, attention, and drama...it was not an unselfish act to look for a reaction...

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Originally posted by boa_boy

ROTFLMFAO at last someone discovers the truth ;)

haha. yep, i had to go search to find that. heres the one i was really looking for (and i am amazed at my memory for even remembering it at all!)

we evolved for a reason; to make synthetics


Club god


"weed sucks"


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Although I don't quite agree with everything that you are saying, I have to admit that your statements are very well written. I am assuming you are a female with a name like "Deanna." As such, I would like to know if you have a nice body. Are you a slim girl, or slightly chubby? If so, big boned or merely loose meat?

If possible give me an accurate breakdown. Nothing turns me on more than a slim, beautiful girl who can write very well.

For some reason I wouldn't mind fucking you up the ass, Deanna; without protection.

You piece of fucking asshole and pussy, you.

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Originally posted by boa_boy

lol it's like deanna11's greated hits ;)

haha... and how great they really are! sorry for blowing up your spot, goddess, but your killin us ovah here.


'is it safe to watch "blow" without a jar?'

i wouldn't want to be gnawing my arm halfway through


Club god

04-17-2001 03:57 AM


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... I don't know D are you discribing us ... or your self?

I rarely go to clubs, my friends have to make me go. But when I do go its for the music that I love and to practice my religion of sex and dance. I feel that clubbing has been a completley positive experience for me(and hopefully for others as well)

sorry if your having a bad day/month/year/life

and sorry if you regret going to clubs

but I'm also sorry people like you are in clubs in the first place cause you bring me down (as much as thats possible)

peace and luv

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Originally posted by deanna11

haha, chill, kids

i really didn't mean to personally offend anyone. i could easily be classified as a clubber, and i have followed the stereotype in many ways: blowing money, participating in illicit activities, made superficial friendships, etc.

i was simply stating what i believe to be the truth. it's not something that should make anyone feel defensive. we are rich, spoiled people who can go clubbing and be conspicuously obnoxious

don't take offense in what i say; rather, take awareness in it. not everyone in the world can do the fun things we do

See rather than state that it is the average clubber why don't you speak just for yourself.

Sorry I am not rich nor spoiled. I'm a student, which pretty much means I don't have much money since I'm not working. I don't do drugs, don't wear a lot of make-up, and I don't know about you, but I don't look or act like a crack whore. There are plenty of people I'm sure that do fit your description, but probably not the majority. Most are out for entertainment, the music, spending relaxing time with friends, and dancing their asses off.

As for being OBNOXIOUS, yes that YOU are!:D

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Originally posted by deanna11

you go out to flaunt your sexuality and money. you pay exorbitant amounts of money to be treated like shit by the staff, and then even more to intoxicate yourself into confidence to dance and socialize

and years later, how is it different? have you found peace with the ugliness that is you? has hiding yourself behind tight clothes, muscles, and makeup made you feel beautiful to the other equally hidden clubbers?

have you found the partner of your dreams, the cracked out whore who finds greater joy in his pills and bumps than you? are your dear club friends going to be there if you stop clubbing?

have you done anything to better yourself, in intellect, in health, in mentality or any definition of progress?

Ok first of all, I don't know where u come off generalizing about all clubbers. The whole point of going clubbing is to ease the stress throughout the week many of us have whether it be due to work or school or whatever else. Clubbing is fun,.not a chore and people who go there are not worthless.:rolleyes: I'm sorry if you have had bad experiences at clubs and your venting, but generalizing about clubbers was definitely stupid to do on this board. Simply because many of us are clubbers and we go out to hear good music on great dj's. Yeah we may get intoxicated when we go out but it isnt everyone. So maybe u should get a clue about what you are talking about.

Secondly, what does wearing tight clotehs have to do with anything? So big fucken deal we dress in that manner? Perhaps u can't so u bitch about it on this board:rolleyes: No one is hiding anything, obviously we feel good about our selves and we want to dance freely.

Lastly, I don't know but i don';t think clubbing is about finding your soulmate. IMO we go out to have fun. I don't knwo what crawled up tyour ass and made you so biiter to the whole club scene. Maybe your getting too old for it and are feeling bitter and some resentment, b/c u have lost ur beauty, and can no longer hide behind those tight clothes, u couldnt find your soulmate at the club, and well you may just be all washed up and it is over for you:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

So um think a bit before you go off calling clubbers trashy, come to think of it this may have stemmed from how yiou view yourself in regards to the club world ...haha So it could have been an explanation of how you are...hmm makes you think doesn't it


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My thoughts: :jawdrop:

Personally, I have been listening to House since the early 90's and I know listen to Trance, Ambient,...etc

I only listen to House-Trance {strictly} I venture out only to listen to Pink Floyd.

I attend college, went to a private high school, {was on the honor roll}

All the while....listening to House-Trance and attending clubs...

As a peson who LOVES the music, I go to clubs to be with others who also love the music and the Vibe..whatever happened to PLUR {Peace Unity Love and Respect}

I have always felt a sense of Unity with my fellow "Clubbers-Ravers and all those who appreciate the music.

So, you go to a club and people are "cracked out" that's life I say...its not my life...

People do as they wish...

So the media does not pick up on the positive vibes on House and Trance?

They bring out the Stereotype about clubs, ravers, glowsticks and the drugs..whats the real connection?

The media speaks about the vibes, of house-trance as if they music was purely made to reinforce a high!

I will not feed into that trash..

I won't deny there are those that are only into the drug and then go to a club because they want to be "trendy"

You will always find those that say that they love clubs and then rant ands rave about drugs...hey I have verbally fought many a person because of that..because I honestly love the music and i love to express myself by dancing to it in a club and feeding off of the energy that the music and the people exude..sometimes its just pure magic..

And i hate to say this but a lot of people that talk trash about clubs and people that attend them are usually "so called reformed people" People who soley went to the club so that the music could feed their high...oh the e and the cid are not as good without the music...and when they quit the drug they quit the club.

To me there was never a connection and there never will be..everyone follows their own path...

I unite with those that Go because they LOVE the music and when you go there with the same intention you will find these people as well...

I met my soulmate {3 years} because we both went clubbing, loved house-trance and we both went to college. Now we are married, have a family and Still club...its still all about the music...:love:

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Originally posted by deanna11

you go out to flaunt your sexuality and money. you pay exorbitant amounts of money to be treated like shit by the staff, and then even more to intoxicate yourself into confidence to dance and socialize

and years later, how is it different? have you found peace with the ugliness that is you? has hiding yourself behind tight clothes, muscles, and makeup made you feel beautiful to the other equally hidden clubbers?

have you found the partner of your dreams, the cracked out whore who finds greater joy in his pills and bumps than you? are your dear club friends going to be there if you stop clubbing?

have you done anything to better yourself, in intellect, in health, in mentality or any definition of progress?





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Originally posted by sassa

damn, quite a harsh statement there. i think it's wrong to generalize and say all clubbers turn out this way. i go clubbing and i don't fit this description at all.

Didn't you take your shit out of the country yet?

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Originally posted by rustednutts

the true ingenuity behind this thread is that the threadstarter posted it not as a direct personal attack on any one person, but rather, as a provocative statement to stimulate discussion and to entertain the perverse.

yet, the lot of you retards reacted so personally to it that it only acts to reinforce the point of the post. me thinketh thou doth protest too much.

don't you simpletons know how to read beyond the letters of the alphabet as more than just mere words, but as ideas that demand reflection?

as much as i am arrogant for calling you simpletons, there exists a similar arrogance in claiming that one frequents clubs for 'the music' and where one's circle of friends revolves around 'the music', and where they all come together as one for "the music", and it's one great community, all in the name of "music".

know what? take away the music, and what the fuck have you got left? can you carry on a conversation with your "friend" outside the realm of music? do you chat up a storm while sipping chai at a coffeehouse with your "friend" or do you only meet up with them at clubs? do you take a drive upstate for the weekend for festivals & craft fairs, or do you only drive to D.C. to catch DJ XYZ?

unless you can do these things outside the realm of "music" and "clubbing" as well, your claim of "love for the music" serves only as a superficial and pretentious mask for what really lies beneath: "you go out to flaunt your sexuality and money. you pay exorbitant amounts of money to be treated like shit by the staff, and then even more to intoxicate yourself into confidence to dance and socialize"

maybe that's alright, because it's all in good fun, and a good time was had by all. but the point is, at least there was some reflection and recognition that the superficiality exists.

I'll second this. I was about to quit reading, but you pretty much sum it up.

Peeps are taking this too personally for me to let it fly. C'mon, we're clubbing... know yourself better and dont pretend we're anything special. It is all about blowing off steam and feeling alive and seeing the people i like, building friendships, et al... but come dawn... I stink.

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