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LetS argue ..... Why do u think Oakenfold is a Sell out and other DJ's are not ?

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oakey just plain old sux. just look at what he did at the area one festival when he woudltn play cause he didnt liek the vinylk he brought. what the fuck. he brought them over the pond he shoudl liek the shit. alot of peeps spent alot of money to see him and he dicked them over. i hope the asshole breaks his hands and he cant ever play again.

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Well first of all .. i totally agree about the area one .. but i was lucky i was there the first day and i saw him :)

Well his mixing is not bad at all ..

You can never compete him with sasha and digweed .. cause they play diff music ...

2 hours set ? aah pay him more he will play more ...

ANd most of the money is earned by the promoters :)

Well why i like oakenfold .. cause he has alot of styles .. Digweed is too calm for me .. i love digweed but any day oakenfold over digweed .. did u listen to oakenfold essential mix the new one fron gatecrasher .. its fuckin off the hook .....

and he is not a SELL OUT .. he is not underground but i dont think any other DJ is also .. SO he is not a sell out ........


Seeing him live is amazing .. i have seen him around 12 times and i really did like him all the time ........

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i met a guy at twilo a few months before it closed...kept runnin into him there and vynils and at deep dish a few months back...were real kool now and we chilled at his spot last nite after deep dish

i do not like oakey's mixes...this guy i'm talkin bout up top went to ibiza first week of december...everyone one was spinnin...pvd, sir dark drums, sasha n digweed and a few others i don't remember...he said the best nite he had out there was when oakey was on decks...until then he hated oakey too...i thought that was a really strong statement considering the line up he had that week...i dunno what to think...

as for being a sell out??deep dish spun at j lo's wedding...did a mix for insync...are they saell outs???i don't care i will try to never miss any nite they come out to the city

i think you may be getting sell outs and going commercial mixed up...oakey is not commercial cuz he doesn't do anything to be on mtv all day

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hey sonicinfusion,

I happen to love Oakenfold, because of his ability to lay

some serious tracks. Some of his mixes are good. Others

are disasterous excuses for blends.

Oakenfold is amazing, but he's such a dick that I dont

really care for him that much anymore. He charges too damn much

and he spins for a few hours.

Now, Being as though Digweed is my god, I have to defend

that comment. If you think he is too slow, you should P.M me

and I'll hook you up with his Kiss F.M set from 2 weeks ago

10/26/01. it may change your mind about him, and you may

come to realize why he was ranked no 1. this year..

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Oakenfold is A TaLented and AmAzing DJ/Remixer....That's why his shows always sell Out~~~~Simple Enough???

Just because now lots of you feel that he's gotten "TOO Commercial" for your taste, doesn't mean you have to put him down.... And comparing DJs who spin totally different styles of music is absolutely ridiculous...

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The deal with Oakenfold is, he's turned into a businessman more than anything else. Oh sure, there's good points to him right now. He still breaks acts and other DJs and what not (see, Herman Cattaneo, Hybrid, Max Graham, etc), names the next trends, and the man deserves credit for that.

However, he doesn't throw in much of an effort for the shows that he plays here. His track selection's "eh...." And for those who say that he spins different music than other DJs...he doesn't really. The music he spins now is what the likes of S&D were spinning a few years ago. DJs like PvD and Ashley Casselle spins a close range of music as him, if not outright wider. "Different music styles" is no excuse for Oakenfold AT ALL.

The point is, while he may be all for "the scene" and whatnot at first, his real intentions here is to break the market and make money, not about dedication to the music (see, Another World vs. Travelling). Whatever people may say, HE charges obscene amounts of dough for himself to play blandly short sets. Not the way of a lover of the scene.

As for other DJs...S&D's pretty dissapointing with that cipriani's stunt (unless that 60 bucks is REALLY being put to good use). And as for BT and Deep Dish? I don't know about BT, but DD's "sellout" mix basically ripped N'sync's vocals and beat it into mash. They didn't change their style to fit the pop consortium. So they did it for the money...the point is, they didn't whore themselves out for it.

Good business sense, Oakenfold has...but he's a sellout 9 times out of ten.

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dszorro thank you for the offer but i have most of his Kiss FM sets and with the tracklisting also ....

Xpander if oakenfold is a sellout then next year digweed will be also cause he is even making a sound track for a movie ...

And yes there is a lot diff in music style between s&d and oakenfold & tiesto ...

s&d are prog house

and oakie and tiesto are uplifting trance most of the times .. but but the reason why i like oakenfold more then tiesto is cause oakenfold has alot of other styles which is very good ..

Have you ever notice something .. how come he plays in NYC the amount of the ticket is 50+$ and how come in other small state its 20+$ well my friend u think he is taking all the big share of the money .. noooo not at all .. first of all there are club owners and then the promoters and then thousands of other things and then come the DJ .. so keeping all that in mind thats why they charge so much money .....so its not his fault he does not decide how much the ticket should ...

SInce there is no Twilo i bet u s&d ticket even in the future will be 50$ .. cause there is no venue like Twilo and will whoever promote them will make money .. so its that simple my dear friend .....

come to vinyl tomm .. it will be off the hook

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Well....First of just because Oakenfold,Sasha,Digweed,Deep Dish,PvD, and Tiesto's music is categorized as TRANCE...doesnt mean that they all spin the same type of Trance...There are so many different styles/genres/types of Trance Music...So therefore you really can't compare them with each other. How could you compare Tiesto's Uplifting Trance, to Deep Dish's Tribal Trance? Totally Different Vibe ...Completely... And then Compare Oakenfold (whom spins anything from Acid House/Trance/Goa/ Drum and Bass) to Sasha & Digweed who mostly spin Tech Trance? I've see them all Live and they are all great... all with very different & unique styles full of quality. StOp THe HaTERed~~

Music is about being PoSiTive not NeGaTiVe~~~~ :)

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arite, i dont think i have to explain my position on oakey, just look at my icon for fucks sake. the thing is, oakey is one of the most talented djs out there hands down. give the man his due, he is a legend and rightly so. lately though, he lost his mojo. what the fuck was the deal with swordfish?? do we really want some midwestern kids wearing Oakenfold tshirts and talkin about how down with the scene they are? plus as someone has said, his sets in NY are pussy 2 hours. DT owns Oakey in stamina. DT fucking owns anyone in stamina. Oakey needs to work out a bit, hes got the talent now he needs the cajones. His latest Ibiza and Perfecto sets are a bit weak as well, the last good set was Another World, and that was no where as good as his GU and Tranceport. cmon Oakey, dont disappoint us man!

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Originally posted by sonicinfusion

digweed will be also cause he is even making a sound track for a movie ...

Well see, here's where you're mistaken. Oakenfold's sellout status has nothing to do with him scoring a movie. It's about the music, which, considering his capabilities, has been lacking.

And yes there is a lot diff in music style between s&d and oakenfold & tiesto ...

s&d are prog house

and oakie and tiesto are uplifting trance most of the times .. but but the reason why i like oakenfold more then tiesto is cause oakenfold has alot of other styles which is very good ..

Actually, if you take a look, S&D spun their share of trance mixed in with their prog house. And also note that while Oakenfold plays other styles, so do a lot of other DJs (case in point: PvD, Ashley Casselle, Lucien Foort, Sasha, etc. etc.)

Have you ever notice something .. how come he plays in NYC the amount of the ticket is 50+$ and how come in other small state its 20+$ well my friend u think he is taking all the big share of the money .. noooo not at all .. first of all there are club owners and then the promoters and then thousands of other things and then come the DJ .. so keeping all that in mind thats why they charge so much money .....so its not his fault he does not decide how much the ticket should ...

SInce there is no Twilo i bet u s&d ticket even in the future will be 50$ .. cause there is no venue like Twilo and will whoever promote them will make money .. so its that simple my dear friend .....

A whole lot of parties out of NY costs that much less. Case in point, my friend just attended a big festival in Texas, headlining Richie Hawtin, Ferry Corsten, to list two of many....40,000 capapcity, blah blah blah. Price? 20 bucks. How many festivals have you seen in NYC that charges 20 bucks doors?

A lot of parties out of NY have considerably low gate fees. While this might reflect differences in the way that promoters and club owners operate. There is no dispute that Oakenfold personally charges an extremely high fee to play a set that typically lasts for only around two hours. You can say that the high door fees are charged by the promoters, but Oakenfold is the one who dictates his fees and his set length. Which brings us back to: high fees and short set times.

You need to seriously review the club culture if you think that DJs, big name ones nontheless, waits on the scraps of leftovers from the promoters and the venue owners.

And I'm sure S&D doors may go up to levels of 50 craps. However, keep in mind how long they play, and how long Oakenfold plays. Then, keep in mind how much they charge, and how much oakenfold charges. :laugh:

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

Well....First of just because Oakenfold,Sasha,Digweed,Deep Dish,PvD, and Tiesto's music is categorized as TRANCE...doesnt mean that they all spin the same type of Trance...There are so many different styles/genres/types of Trance Music...So therefore you really can't compare them with each other. How could you compare Tiesto's Uplifting Trance, to Deep Dish's Tribal Trance? Totally Different Vibe ...Completely... And then Compare Oakenfold (whom spins anything from Acid House/Trance/Goa/ Drum and Bass) to Sasha & Digweed who mostly spin Tech Trance? I've see them all Live and they are all great... all with very different & unique styles full of quality. StOp THe HaTERed~~

Music is about being PoSiTive not NeGaTiVe~~~~ :)

Ok then, remove the music styles for a minute. Oakenfold still charges the most fees for the least playing time on a regular basis out of ANY of the DJs you just named.

Yeah...Oakenfold spun all that good stuff back in the days. Tell me, what has he spun in his forays into NY? Acid? Goa? Drum n Bass?

He's in the NYC market, and he doesn't need to do all that work to make his money. That's why you don't hear all that stuff in his sets anymore. Any other questions on why he's a sellout?

And the music industry has a lot less to do with attitudes than it does money that you may care to realize. Like I said, he's a great businessman. But that's a lot different from being a great DJ/scenester. While he is perhaps capable of both, he only practices one.

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Oakenfleld is not my favorite DJ. I never really was feeling his stuff(even back in the day) cause its too commercal for me but if you like it and can groove too it...

WHAT??!! you can't compare tribal trance to uplifting trance...of course you can in terms of technial skill or even just how moved you were...

either way you can still judge who is better(not hatin on anybody just adding a little note)


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k i need to get back to my work so he is the cliff's notes version of my opinion:

lets examine why's the highest paid DJ in the world: in order be recognized as an amazing DJ, you first need to get your name out there, and that is through your production.

Off the top of my head I can't name to you any songs that made his name, but obviously his production impressed the world over. Now, not every producer is a good party DJ (eg. John Creamer), but since he was also known as an amazing mixer and skillful DJ, people's demand will be for Paul Oakenfold as a DJ AND Producer, much like what we are seeing with Tiesto now. Personally, I haven't heard Tiesto spin, but when I have the chance to, I will definitely go to hear him, partly because I love the Silence Remix and 643. I'd love to see what he can do in person.

So, Oakey made his name known internationally through his production, and became the highest paid DJ through his mixing ability. Now, are spinning 2 hour sets, demanding a bottle of shampagne at every club he spins at, and scoring the soundtrack to a movie points to consider him a sellout, yet a savvy businessman? Ehhh...that's based on individual opinion.

One thing that everyone has to remember is that Paul Oakenfold and many other people make their living off of DJing and producing. In any aspect of life, you get paid based on your talent that applies to the certain job you want to work AND based on the demanding market for your talent.

In the mid to late 80's, when DJ's started going on worldwide tours, they weren't receiving the luxuries that Oakey demanded and received. Please keep in mind that you are given certain luxuries to be as comfortable as possible. So, if I want to book "the best DJ in the world" for my club, I have to make sure he/she gets paid, stays in the best hotel, and gets treated with respect as "the best DJ in the world", all in an effort to give him/her the best situation to perform AS "the best DJ in the world" when it comes to time to prove that you ARE "the best DJ in the world" at my club.

I'm not sure what Oakey's personal details are, but no one knows if one of his family members (god forbid) has a condition with a pessmistic outlook (ie. AIDS or leukemia), and part of his motivation for getting paid so much is to help out his family needs. No one gets paid an obscene amount of money and doesn't do anything to help themselves throughout the rest of their life and their families' lives. You put most of that money to good use, and I'm sure Paul and his family will be set for life personally through his talents. In the end, isn't that what we all want for ourselves?

One more thing I want to touch on is people all over the world have different, but specific, musical tastes. Oakey spins a wide range of music, so not everyone is going to agree with what he spins on any given gig. Also, keep in mind that he is human, and not a robot like Danny Tenaglia, so he will have a bad set here and there, but then again, every other DJ can spin a bad set...or two...or three. He just gets highlighted because he gave himself such high standards that anything he does that might disagree with a certain group of people gets magnified ten times over.

So, in conclusion, does the man have talent? Yes. Should he get paid as "the best DJ in world?" Well, based on MAJORITY opinion (since not everyone likes the same type of music), yes. Does he get a bad rap sometimes because of a few mediocre performances? It's inevitable. Is he a sellout? I think not. The man is doing a job. Let him.

...gee, and I wonder what I would have said if I had more time on my hands :D .

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