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CNN staffers get instruction to blame Taliban


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NEW YORK: In an effort to balance reports of significant civilian casualties in Afghanistan, CNN began emphasising to viewers on Wednesday that the Taliban leadership is to blame for the situation.

An internal memo from the network's standards and practices department was issued to all CNN staffers on Tuesday suggesting "we must remain careful not to focus excessively on the casualties and hardships in Afghanistan that will inevitably be a part of this war, or to forget that it is the Taliban leadership that is responsible for the situation Afghanistan is now in."

The memo -- which was circulated after CNN News Group chairman/CEO Walter Isaacson raised the issue of editorial balance -- said that since it could be difficult for correspondents inside dangerous areas in Afghanistan to make these points, anchors should be sure to follow each of the reports with a comment.

Standards and practices suggested that while reporters should put the commentary in their own words, they might want to note that "these US military actions are in response to a terrorist attack that killed close to 5,000 innocent people in the US."

On CNN's website, transcripts of reports from Nic Robertson in Kandahar, Afghanistan, and Bill Delaney in Islamabad, Pakistan, both had a new editor's note at the bottom, which read:

"The Pentagon has stressed that it is trying to minimise civilian casualties in Afghanistan. The US-led coalition launched its offensive on Oct. 7 after Afghanistan's ruling Taliban refused to hand over members of the Al Qaeda terror network, which is suspected of orchestrating attacks in the United States that killed close to 5,000 people."

After Robertson's report was aired, CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer instructed viewers that the Taliban restricted Robertson's access.

A CNN spokeswoman noted that "this is certainly something we were doing even before the memo," adding that the memo served as a reminder to staffers since Robertson was going to be in Kandahar when the U.S. was likely going to increase collateral damage.

In recent days, US media have begun to put increased pressure on the Bush administration to explain civilian deaths and injuries in Afghanistan. The administration has, no doubt, noted that worldwide support for the US-led military action has been eroding as international TV channels carry images of relentless bombing raids in Afghanistan.

One Capitol Hill insider says the Bush administration is especially skittish about CNN, since journalists around the globe rely on the 24-hour channel as a source for breaking news. CNN has been carrying footage provided by the Arab satellite news channel Al-Jazeera, which is one of the few networks up and running in Afghanistan.

TV media have been on the frontlines in the propaganda wars, with the Bush administration asking news executives to think twice before airing Taliban or Al Qaida statements.


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Just wondering Sassa.....can you share more of your intellectual greatness and let us know exactly what your point is?

I mean, since you are so full of worldly insightfullness, I am very excited to hear more about this "media is biased" revelation here....

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Originally posted by spragga25

I don't trust Reuters one bit..

. . . Actually (dontcha just hate that word . . .) . . Reuters is a British newswire, kinda like the AP of Great Britain (although I think the AP is an international org. . I'm not sure). . We need organizations like that so that we don't get TOO involved with our own spin, which domestic networks LOVE to apply to every bit of news out there . . . I'm jaded to the whole journalistic process in general. . .

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Originally posted by igloo

Just wondering Sassa.....can you share more of your intellectual greatness and let us know exactly what your point is?

I mean, since you are so full of worldly insightfullness, I am very excited to hear more about this "media is biased" revelation here....

You must be a young . . Blind. . republican . . . .

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Originally posted by flying_high

Oh Igloo please...don't start that whole drama again.

My mistake...I actually thought Sassa was the first to post. I must be a blind Republican.

Then again, on second look, she did post first. I guess you didn;t notice because you must be part of Sassa's High IQ brigade....

phuturepunk...I apologize to you too. I am sometimes sooo blinded by the brainwashing of the US govt puppets at CNN that I fail to see the underlying hypocrisy in it all...

Do you think if I take a diplomacy class, or watch Al-Jazeera that I can become as astute as yourself and Sassa.

Luckily, I have access to clubplanet.com and the views of the almighty Sassa to help remove my republican blindfold....


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It still amazes me that people all over the world are so quick to blame their problems on America but when atrocities are going on in their own backyard they turn a blind eye. They'd rather burn American flags than actually look in the mirror. Many newspapers in the Middle East are still blaming Sep 11 on the Israelis and lionizing Osama as some kind of Islamic Che Guevara. How's that for bias?

U.S.A. #1 and forever

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yo sasa, remember a little war called Kosovo? when every one on the left were belching and crying foul over the US bombing of serbian military targets? you remember that? do you also remember the fact that we saved thousands of muslim lives by stopping milosevic. by stopping hussein. not very popular with the left now is it? the fact that cnn is biased is no news. the fact that people are trying to demonize american actions is very unsettling. i dont think any nation in the middle east is in position to give US advice over foreign policy issues. you look at any mid-east nation, any one, and compare their actions to ours, and i want you to honestly say who is more righteous and ethical in actions. re:taliban, i am glad we bombed them, yes there were casualties, that is unavoidable. we asked for 1 thing, to have bin laden tried in court of law for murder of thousands of people. the taliban leadership refused to hand over an international criminal. they are paying the price in blood. as for the afghan victims, a few deaths now, for the price of freedom. you can not achieve peace and liberty without paying a price. i think its an immature and romantic notion that we can 'negotiate this out'. negotiations were over when mullah omar flipped us the finger and went into caves. all i hear is distorted critisism of US and none of the arab world. i am not saying that all arab world is responsible, but there is something fundamentally wrong with their mentality, when a large proportion of the population supports a mass murderer.

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My God, you people amaze me. I am happy I will never meet any of you in person. I don't know how I'd react to being around such idiots. Look, I'm not going to start saying anything,last time I did I had a whole bunch of assholes on my back,and frankly,I think that very few people in here actually know anything about the world and its politics, so I won't even bother.

Hope you guys enjoyed the article.

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sorry sassa, but i can't agree with you on this one

in a war like this accidents will happen

and the taliban are to blame for this mess

media bias is also hard to control

but dont worry, i'm not turning into a blind republican

and igloo....stop the drama please...before we rise up and knock you off your high horse

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Of COURSE the media is biased...now they really wouldn't want the whole world watching innocent civilians and villages being bombed back "to the stone age", now do they??? All part of collateral damage!

As was the Al Jazeera HQ that was bombed today!

Its all a game of politics, and us innocent civilians are the ones who always pay the price...Sept 11, the last month of bombing.....

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I am anything but a Republican. Don't insult me in that way,please.

And of course Al-Jazeera is biased. I'm not saying anyone isn't.In fact,I don't think there is anyone who's not...but then again,my version of the truth isn't necessarily the same as everyone else's.

I hope we can continue this thread without resorting to bullshit such as igloo had displayed in previous posts.

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Originally posted by sassa

I am anything but a Republican. Don't insult me in that way,please.

And of course Al-Jazeera is biased. I'm not saying anyone isn't.In fact,I don't think there is anyone who's not...but then again,my version of the truth isn't necessarily the same as everyone else's.

I hope we can continue this thread without resorting to bullshit such as igloo had displayed in previous posts.

Ragga's still waiting for facts...:confused:

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