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Do you believe in the possibilities of intelligent life on another solar system?

Are we alone?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Are we alone?

    • Yes (We are THEE only forms of life in the Universe)
    • No (There are far too many galaxies for us to be the only intelligent living being in the cosmsos)
    • Could care less (when's my next favorite DJ spinning?)

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We are but a speck of blue in an ocean of galaxies..

What makes us so unique that we must think to be





Here's a quote by one of my heroes

and one of Earth's greatest minds:

Carl Sagan;


"We are like the inhabitants of an isolated

valley in New Guinea who communicate with

societies in neighboring valleys

(quite different societies, I might add) by runner and by drum.

When asked how a very advanced society will communicate,

they might guess by an extremely rapid runner or

by an improbably large drum. They might not guess a technology

beyond their ken. And yet, all the while, a vast international

cable and radio traffic passes over them, around them,

and through them ...We will listen for the interstellar drums,

but we will miss the interstellar cables. We are likely to receive

our first messages from the drummers of the neighboring galactic valleys--from civilizations only somewhat in our future. The civilizations

vastly more advanced than we, will be, for a long time, remote both in distance and in accessibility. At a future time of vigorous interstellar radio traffic, the very advanced civilizations may be, for us, still insubstantial legends."-

Carl Sagan~

- The Cosmic Connection





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well mugz, you are certainly an alien lifeform with all that raellian stuff. but there was this formula, made by a famous physicist, i forgot the name, anyway, it says that based on the hundreds of billions of galaxies, statistically, theres a 1000% chance of other lifeforms forming on distant planets. i dont disagree, i think its naive to think that we are the only possible lifeform. yea aliens!

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Isn't the topic of the poll thread backwards? it kind of threw me off when it came to answering the questions. Until I read the body of the post.

That aside I think it's by far too large a universe to believe that we are the only combination of checmicals that could form intelligent life. There are probably thousands of intelligent forms of life out there, let alone unintelligent ones. I know there is an equation based half on facts and half on assumptions by some really famous scientist that is supposed to estimate the number of planets with intelligent and unintelligent. It was way beyond me but the numbers it gave were pretty high, like 1000's of intelliegnt and hundreds of thousands of unintelliget life out there. Well just thought I'd throw my 2 cents out there :)

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Originally posted by milamber3

Isn't the topic of the poll thread backwards? it kind of threw me off when it came to answering the questions. Until I read the body of the post.



My dislexic brain worded it kinda funky

(Proof that there is NO INTELLIGENT LIFE


*good thing I wasn't using chad ballets...

Thanks for the input..

I agree however,

I feel we are not alone..

I truely believe it is only a matter of time

before THEY return to explain many things..

(But that's another subject all together!)

ever listen to Oakie's "Another World"? (CD2):

"well if it IS just us..

then it's an awfull waste of space!"

*From the movie CONTACT~

written by; CARL SAGAN.

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"we'll make great pets..

we'll make great peeeeets.."



you humans crack me up..






You can sit and contimplate the meenings

of your navels all you want but in the end

you all are still scared, pathetic primates

ready to blow each other up over religions

and terretorial pissing...



I hope in another planet

where DOGS RULE..

we keep you all on chains and

make you wait to piss outdoors when we are out

doing fun doggie things...




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I don't know about them being able to visit us.. I have read quite a few papers/books that argue pretty persuasively that if there is other intelligent life the chances of them being close enough to visit us are basically nil. I guess it all depends on if you believe that traveling much faster then light is possible or not.

Out of curiosity what would you like them to explain? Questions about physical aspects like pyramids or otherworldly things like afterlife, etc?

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Originally posted by milamber3

I don't know about them being able to visit us.. I have read quite a few papers/books that argue pretty persuasively that if there is other intelligent life the chances of them being close enough to visit us are basically nil. I guess it all depends on if you believe that traveling much faster then light is possible or not.

Out of curiosity what would you like them to explain? Questions about physical aspects like pyramids or otherworldly things like afterlife, etc?

Dont get him started!

He'll start the old "ancient astronaut"



About GODS of all religions

being the same ETs..

that human kind could not comprehend

in ancient times..

and therefore started many

religions based on a poor understanding

of technology..



he'll even probably post this thread

and try to convert you..


(He's tried that old speach on me y'know..)


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Actually, we're pretty unique in that we're on a planet orbiting close enough to a star that allows life to be supported, as well as having a large planet like Jupiter which acts as a shield that protects us from meteors and such. That doesn't mean I don't believe in other life in the universe, but these perfect conditions that we have here have not been found anywhere even remotely near to us.

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Well I'm not saying its anywhere near us but I'm sure there are many equal or better conditions for life out there in the universe. We cant even see a billionth of a billionth of the universe, so saying we havent found anything like that is pretty meaningless.

How does Jupiter act as a shield from meteors?

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yes i believe in other life forms... or possibly there will be cause we cant be the end all be all.. we only use what 10% of our brain? maybe we'll evolve into something down the road... maybe there was something before us that used 5% who knows...

As for religions... Its hard to say whats or whos right or wrong...

IMO i think religions were created for hope and guidelines to create some sort of order... and morality... imagine if we didnt have these values instilled in us... and we didnt have any hope, we would run muck and it would be a choas within choas... as for the religions of now... lets look back at the greek Gods, Fire, Sun, earth, blah blah... We look at that now and say how can these ppl believe this? it sounds so ridiculous... well in generations to come ppl are prolly going to say the same about us and ours... Christianity, Buddism, Hebrews,Muslims... theyll say something like "look at these ppl killing each other over Myths and so forth"

"B/C one Author had a better or more convincing story then the other" now dont get me wrong I was raised to believe in Jesus and God and I dont consider myself an Aethists.. however the more and more I live my life the harder and harder It is for me to believe in it...

So I decided to start my own religion and beliefs... instead of trusting and believing in all these different books and stories...

I believe in myself and what i can do... (not in a selfish way... followe me here) I am the end all be all of my life correct? i decide wether or not i am good bad or in different... what im going to do what i am not going to do, who i am and who i will be... So as of a couple years ago when i realised this thats how ive been living... Believing in myself and when i need hope and guidance I look within myself cause i know its there...(because i look in a mirror i see me, i look down i see my body, i do something i see results of my actions, proof of my existence...) Because only you can help yourself, because you know whats wrong, and only you can guide yourself cause only you know where you want to be...

Quoting from The Bible <not word for word though i dont know by verbatim however> Its said that God created us in the image of him, So all in all what we are, ARE GODS. Gods of our lives and Authors of our Bibles... and the More and more we believe in ourselves the stronger we become and accomplish more... and thatll will allow us to further society, help less fortunate, create medicines, so forth...

IDK I hope that makes sense it is late, and Im rambling. However thats how feel about other life forms, and religions and so forth...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

yes i believe in other life forms... or possibly there will be cause we cant be the end all be all.. we only use what 10% of our brain? maybe we'll evolve into something down the road... maybe there was something before us that used 5% who knows...

As for religions... Its hard to say whats or whos right or wrong...

IMO i think religions were created for hope and guidelines to create some sort of order... and morality... imagine if we didnt have these values instilled in us... and we didnt have any hope, we would run muck and it would be a choas within choas... as for the religions of now... lets look back at the greek Gods, Fire, Sun, earth, blah blah... We look at that now and say how can these ppl believe this? it sounds so ridiculous... well in generations to come ppl are prolly going to say the same about us and ours... Christianity, Buddism, Hebrews,Muslims... theyll say something like "look at these ppl killing each other over Myths and so forth"

"B/C one Author had a better or more convincing story then the other" now dont get me wrong I was raised to believe in Jesus and God and I dont consider myself an Aethists.. however the more and more I live my life the harder and harder It is for me to believe in it...

So I decided to start my own religion and beliefs... instead of trusting and believing in all these different books and stories...

I believe in myself and what i can do... (not in a selfish way... followe me here) I am the end all be all of my life correct? i decide wether or not i am good bad or in different... what im going to do what i am not going to do, who i am and who i will be... So as of a couple years ago when i realised this thats how ive been living... Believing in myself and when i need hope and guidance I look within myself cause i know its there...(because i look in a mirror i see me, i look down i see my body, i do something i see results of my actions, proof of my existence...) Because only you can help yourself, because you know whats wrong, and only you can guide yourself cause only you know where you want to be...

Quoting from The Bible <not word for word though i dont know by verbatim however> Its said that God created us in the image of him, So all in all what we are, ARE GODS. Gods of our lives and Authors of our Bibles... and the More and more we believe in ourselves the stronger we become and accomplish more... and thatll will allow us to further society, help less fortunate, create medicines, so forth...

IDK I hope that makes sense it is late, and Im rambling. However thats how feel about other life forms, and religions and so forth...

So your agnostic?

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I guess you can say that... Though Agnostics tend to not believe in anything however do not disregard the existence of a greater being they just need proof. Theyre like Aethists who dont wanna look stupid on judgement day so they say " Yah I belived in you, i was just waiting for some proof" and like i said I believe in myself, and i know i exist...

Like i said its late, and Im falling out here at the keyboard...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

I guess you can say that... Though Agnostics tend to not believe in anything however do not disregard the existence of a greater being they just need proof. Theyre like Aethists who dont wanna look stupid on judgement day so they say " Yah I belived in you, i was just waiting for some proof" and like i said I believe in myself, and i know i exist...

Like i said its late, and Im falling out here at the keyboard...

I think an agnostic is anyone who doesnt like the choices in religions out there and decides upon a belief of their own.

I'm an atheist but if someone showed me proof (not the 'proof' that most religions give, but proof that I believed) of a higher being, i would believe then.

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for myself...i beleive that there is a god, but i dont beleive in the merciful and forever loving BS. if that were true, there would be a lot less pain in this world. i also beleive that after we die, that cant be it. i beleive we go to a higher state of conciusness, kinda like a collective sort of thing


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I mean we are SOOOO SMALL compared to the rest of the universe, and I also believe that eventually we will not be the only planet in our own solar system that will have life on it....

If you look at planets like Jupiter,or Venus, these planets are surrounded by huge storms, tornadoes, everything, which is pretty much how the earth got started, so whos to say that in a few million years we will have neighbors right next to us :), it's just unfortunate none of us will be around when it happens....

But I also believe even sooner that that, the earth as we know it will be gone, I don't mean that we are all going to die, i just mean that the world that we live in and know it to be will change drastically over the next 20 years or so, and all of our horizons will be brightened, and we will have evolved drastically, you can already see it happen if you look closely at people....

just my thoughts....


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Originally posted by milamber3

I think an agnostic is anyone who doesnt like the choices in religions out there and decides upon a belief of their own.

I'm an atheist but if someone showed me proof (not the 'proof' that most religions give, but proof that I believed) of a higher being, i would believe then.

The proof is out there my friend, all you have to do is open your eyes to see it, we will have to evolve eventually into a higher state of being, I mean if you look at the time line of the planet earth itself, human beings have taken up such a small part of the timeline compared to everything else.

I mea does anyone else understand what I am saying? There is a power greater than us, but most of us chose not to think about it, think of it this way, emotion, that is probably our strangest, yet strongest feature, where does it come from, it's not an outside force, it's our own will pushing us to our most extreme limits, where does it come from? I still don't know, and still tryig to figure these things out....


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Originally posted by milamber3

I went to www.rael.org but i cant trust any site where you click a link that is "supposed to explain their ideas" and it took me to a shop to buy their ideas. hmmmm.. why don't I just give my money to L. Ron Hubbart. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Did you ever BUY a book from Barnes and Nobles about a religion, phylosofy or any other idealogy?

Printing aint free hun...

Raelians can't print free books..

nor can anyone for that matter..


(But you can certainly borrow any book you like from me)

It IS a religion and a way of life that I relate to..

But I will also go on to say that


I came upon this "world wide organization"

after YEARS of studying World Religions

and coming up with one conclusion:

"Perhaps all religions are ONE..

came from the same messangers(from the Sky)

and where COMPLETELY missunderstood

by primtive man..

THUS sparking all the different religions in the world"

There are MANY books based on this theory:

(Called the Ancient Astrounaut theory)

Erick Von Danicken's:


is perhaps one of the best ones..

I Believe there is a lost part of human kind's history..

That all life on earth has been in contact with an external life form which we knew/know not how to explain

I believe there are traces of their visitations in Archeology,


and ancient religiouse texts all over the world!

*It's like a connect the dot puzzle..

once the picture's clear you have one word:


(Though they have many names all over this planet by many different ancient civilizations)

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Originally posted by scottyskribz57

If you look at planets like Jupiter,or Venus, these planets are surrounded by huge storms, tornadoes, everything, which is pretty much how the earth got started, so whos to say that in a few million years we will have neighbors right next to us :), it's just unfortunate none of us will be around when it happens....



I agree with you and the rest of your post as well...

Nature always finds a way to survive and move on, eventually soemthing somewehre will evolve if it hasnt already regardless of the conditions on the planet... ppl are saying that there are no conditions like ours here on earth on any other planet or even galaxy close to ours... however whos to say theres gonna be other humans out there? maybe since theres different living conditions, i.e lack of oxygen, gravity blah blah maybe nature would evolve something that did not use these entities, or would... you get my drift...

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We would have to be the stupidest life form in the universe if we thought that we where the only life form! Look at all of the stars out there, what would ever make us so special? Nothing... The only other question is do they know about us, or are they sitting here saying the same thing, "are we the only life form"?

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Originally posted by prplhz

The only other question is do they know about us, or are they sitting here saying the same thing, "are we the only life form"?

As Carl Sagan once said on his show "COSMOS";

"Extraordinary claims need extraordinary proof"

It is my belief that there are countless artifacts in archeology,

paintings and ancient religiouse texts that point to a world

wide documentation of VISITATIONS FROM THE SKY...

take these images for what they are...

view them with an open mind..

And set and RELIGIOUSE dogmatic

conditioning aside!

Perhaps THERE IS A BIGGER PICTURE to our place in the universe!



(just being watched, and from time to time:

Influenced by "messangers from the sky")



Hovering in the background of this Renaisance painting

of Madonna and child is an object radiating beams of light.

(check out the guy looking up at it)


Engraved onto a French coin minted in 1680's is the shape of "The great wheel within a wheel" (A Chariot of the "Gods")

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Originally posted by dgmodel

As for religions... Its hard to say whats or whos right or wrong...

IMO i think religions were created for hope and guidelines to create some sort of order... and morality... imagine if we didnt have these values instilled in us... and we didnt have any hope, we would run muck and it would be a choas within choas... as for the religions of now... lets look back at the greek Gods, Fire, Sun, earth, blah blah... We look at that now and say how can these ppl believe this? it sounds so ridiculous... well in generations to come ppl are prolly going to say the same about us and ours... Christianity, Buddism, Hebrews,Muslims... theyll say something like "look at these ppl killing each other over Myths and so forth"

"B/C one Author had a better or more convincing story then the other" now dont get me wrong I was raised to believe in Jesus and God and I dont consider myself an Aethists.. however the more and more I live my life the harder and harder It is for me to believe in it...

IDK I hope that makes sense it is late, and Im rambling. However thats how feel about other life forms, and religions and so forth...

Wow, I can't believe you just said that, I have felt that same exact way for so long, you just explained it perfectly.

Im catholic and I went to a catholic school for 9 years and because of that its still embedded in my mind that there is a god and so on, but its true that the more i live the less i believe it, cause there is no proof. Believe nothing you hear and half of what you see, or somehting like that lol.

But yeah religion is here so people have someting to believe in, so they dont feel all alone, they feel comforted to believe that there is someone of a higher power like a god looking down.

Even when I did go to catholic school, i remember in religion class, they would say how god created the universe, planets ect, and then when I would go into science class they'd talk about the big bang theory and all that, and it always confused me. I used to think "why can't they make up their minds its either one or the other lol"

And going back to the original topic about if there are other forms of life, I think there definitly are, we can't be the only ones here lol

I always think about stuff like that, about the universe and how big (well big isnt even the word), and that we know absolutely nothing about it, we do but compared to it we dont at all.

I would love to know, whats out there, I mean wow when I think about it, it makes me feel so small and unimportant wow

But ok enough of talking lol

yeah so thats how i feel

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