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The hunt for Beyondo


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Jerks like this guy think because no one knows who they are that they can just spit shit out of there mouth without any effect on others.Kris is the most sincere person on this board and only try's to let people know of a good time.Along with others this peice of shit has verbally attacked.Me personally,I hope one day to kick his teeth out.

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Originally posted by joeygk

I for one think beyondo's cool as hell, he's got one f@%ked up opinion and he's not afraid to share it. Love or hate him, he's here to stay. Just sit back and enjoy the drama..............

I agree Joe.... I think he can go over board at times but he is one funny guy lemme tell you. You just have to learn not to take the guy to serious and understand his humor. :laugh:

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Originally posted by barsmack

Jerks like this guy think because no one knows who they are that they can just spit shit out of there mouth without any effect on others.Kris is the most sincere person on this board and only try's to let people know of a good time.Along with others this peice of shit has verbally attacked.Me personally,I hope one day to kick his teeth out.

we know, the quality person Kris is. a majority of us appreciate, what she contributes to the board. beyondo is well,beynodo. a bit obnoxious.. but, that could describe me as well. my point, don’t sweat it.. :)

Welcome to "as the world turns" Miami cp style.. :laugh:

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Hey POD, i'm sure beyondo would wipe his ass with you after he took you behind the wood shed and beat your ass!! Just a word of advice for when you feel some hostility and leash out with gay little remarks trying to be vulgar. Be careful not to piss anyone off to bad, you're an easy target to find, and dispose of!!

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Originally posted by dgat

Hey POD, i'm sure beyondo would wipe his ass with you after he took you behind the wood shed and beat your ass!! Just a word of advice for when you feel some hostility and leash out with gay little remarks trying to be vulgar. Be careful not to piss anyone off to bad, you're an easy target to find, and dispose of!!

Just make sure when you look in the mirror Dan, that you don't see a pile of piss staring back at you! It could be dgat in gaseous form trying to dispose of you.

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Dgat, at least Beyondo has sympathizers...you're below him even! In other words, you should talk.

First off, I highly doubt you'd have the courage to initiate a direct assault on my person in public. Even if you succeeded in doing harm to myself, it would be too easy to track you down and have you thrown in jail, where I'm sure your new cellmate "Pablita" could provide hours of entertainment. By announcing your intentions in a public manner, you've already lost. I'm not a violent person by nature, my revenge comes in long lasting forms. After prison, you would not only be broke in spirit, but in the wallet as well. I have no problems suing you for all you are worth, and then going after your family as well. The Dgats would be on Washington Avenue hustling for change after I finished my little activities. They are responsible for your upbringing after all. Think of it as a Bin Laden - Taliban relationship. I'd want to make sure none other like you could be spawned. I wish castration were legal in this country.

dgat shat out one evening...

Hey POD, i'm sure beyondo would wipe his ass with you after he took you behind the wood shed and beat your ass!!

Oh, poor Dgat, your grammar is so horrible. And to think you wonder why nobody takes you seriously? Again, even Beyondo takes a moment to frame his thoughts in proper grammar, most of the time. Every post of yours reflects on your lack of education, poor upbringing, and more than likely, your horrible genetics. I do not know whether to feel sorry for you or laugh uncontrollably.

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Originally posted by pod

Dgat, at least Beyondo has sympathizers...you're below him even! In other words, you should talk.

First off, I highly doubt you'd have the courage to initiate a direct assault on my person in public. Even if you succeeded in doing harm to myself, it would be too easy to track you down and have you thrown in jail, where I'm sure your new cellmate "Pablita" could provide hours of entertainment. By announcing your intentions in a public manner, you've already lost. I'm not a violent person by nature, my revenge comes in long lasting forms. After prison, you would not only be broke in spirit, but in the wallet as well. I have no problems suing you for all you are worth, and then going after your family as well. The Dgats would be on Washington Avenue hustling for change after I finished my little activities. They are responsible for your upbringing after all. Think of it as a Bin Laden - Taliban relationship. I'd want to make sure none other like you could be spawned. I wish castration were legal in this country.

dgat shat out one evening...

Oh, poor Dgat, your grammar is so horrible. And to think you wonder why nobody takes you seriously? Again, even Beyondo takes a moment to frame his thoughts in proper grammar, most of the time. Every post of yours reflects on your lack of education, poor upbringing, and more than likely, your horrible genetics. I do not know whether to feel sorry for you or laugh uncontrollably.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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A member of my squad of crack ninja-babes from Japan took a photo of the Dgat residence. Mama Dgat is seen outside in her trademark muumuu, along with their primary conveyances. And I thought my 1992 Taurus with the side smacked in a bit was bad!

I apologise for the quality of the photo, my ninja-babe was hopped up on the local moonshine. Aki is a sweet girl though, so I can't yell at her.

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Hey Pod,Rest assured there are those on this board who are violent by nature and can't wait to take a crack at this beyondo and his lover Dgat.Great picture,I'm sure you really pissed these trailer park 40 drinking crack heads off putting a picture of thier mother out there trying to wave down the local drug dealer.There is a whole group of us who got your back and believe me,These two hemorhoids would love prison compared to the fate that awaits these two.Open challenge to beyondo fag and lover,Dgat gat gat and stand up and let yourself be known,We would hate to take out the wrong pair of misfits,You got big barks so you must be big dogs,what are you afraid of.Put up or shut up.I know one thing.Once a pussy always a pussy.Keep on hiding.One day you will slip and we will be there to let you know how much we appreciate it.

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:laugh: :laugh:

You'll never see these guys in Miami clubs because they probably don't live in Miami and probably are < 21. Either that or the door guy won't let them in due to obvious reasons.

Can't wait till the patio and to feel the "sunshine" on December 7,8.

These posts are cracking me up. Especially Acasta2...pretty creative.

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Originally posted by barsmack

Does anyone know what this little fuck looks like.Me and my friends would really like a face to face with this asshole.Thanks

barsmack... I feel for ya. I would love a face to face too, but we all know that retardo is a little shy. (i.e. a total pussy)

Originally posted by dgat

Hey POD, i'm sure beyondo would wipe his ass with you after he took you behind the wood shed and beat your ass!! Just a word of advice for when you feel some hostility and leash out with gay little remarks trying to be vulgar. Be careful not to piss anyone off to bad, you're an easy target to find, and dispose of!!

dgat, Pod knows he doesn't have to worry. I have his back, and that means he's in better hands than Allstate.

of course that applies to all my friends... (inc. Mimi, Danny, GA, Phrank, Joey, Stacey, Meng etc...)

Who's got yours?

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On a perfect day these hand full of idiots would stand up and face the music.But,I think it's safe to say we will never see that day.I think dgat is actually beyondo trying to drum up support for himself.So we'll definetly never see dgat,As for Beyond fag himself,One day he'll fuck up and everyone will find out who he is.Then all that talk about how no one on this board matters will come back to haunt him.It's hard to have a good time in a club when your always looking over your shoulder.But then again he's probably used to that having grown up wondering if it was going to be dad or uncle jack having thier way with him night after night.I don't feel bad for him though,If your genetic disposition is that of a pussy your going to get fucked and you know what I say,(once a PUSSY always a PUSSY)So Beyondo,Just bend over and assume your natural position and keep that smile on.

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