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Having fun without E?

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I love going to clubs and seeing the best dj's in the world at quality clubs like vinyl and centro where the music is awesome...but now i dont do E anymore and i just wanted to know is it still gonna be fun and as enjoyable as before?anyone have any stories of being sober at clubs and is it really that different?can i make it to the end of dt's set at vinyl wit my friends that are rolling and i am not? also some ppl told me there is heroin and cocaine in E is that true?


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it has been rumored that e laced with heroin has been floating around britain, but for the most part there isnt any coke or heroin in e

congrats on quitting. some people havent been able to enjoy themselves, some have. it depends on the person. i never saw the point of e, or any drugs for that matter,......just think of this handy phrase that i use often:

"Its not called trance for nothing!"

good luck

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have some red bull.....it gives u wiiiiiiiiiings

i made to the end of DT's set when he was at TWILO (RIP) & and i was 100% sober

music is the answer....to your problems....take it easy and u can solve them....if u feel that u cant take no more....and ur feet are heading for the door....gotta keep on dancin....and prancin....movin....dont stop ur groovin

just play that song in ur head when u get tired...always reminds me that its all about the muZik the hoooooouuuuuusssseee muZik

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Hell Bro Good to here you are straight. To me its the only way to go. Hell me and my boys go out with the rest of my friends and to be honest I last just as long as them. Plus I don't Leave the dance floor all night. I drink till they close the bar then I just take some exnadrines or Rip fuels and wash it down with and energy drink like Red bull. We have mad fun while they are sitting in the corner all banged up. I mean I got nothing against them they are some of my closest friends I just prefer not to do it. :D :D

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There is always fun to be had on "e" but I never really felt the music and the vibes until it was almost out of my system...you know when you start to wake up out of that dream and then reality seems a little cooler than it was when you stepped out of it..

Now without it i am like the energizer bunny because I am waking up ...the club is about to close soon and here i am I bust out like what..raving...yeah and people wonder what I took...you know what when it all gets wicked is that moment when i am taking in some reality..i am getting off the space ship and reentering earth..and boom they dropped me off at a club...!!!!!!!!!!:eek::D

The only thing i ever thought any of it was any good for was because without anything my hear felt felt like it was going to explode and I could not breathe and my legs would hurt...but with the "Utopia" as i like to call it...I felt invisible my body let me dicate the feeling with no pain or problems...I guess that's how people die you know...i am sure my heart was still racing ....

other than that I had to stop it all..i am about to have a little raver....:tongue:

It should always be about the music making you high just let go of your mind when you listen to the music....no thoughts at all just the music....you can see every beat in the air..and you dance in it...-mind you this is without anything

REad my poem...

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It is not true that E contains heroin & cocaine.. One look at the cost, 2 the pill will be huge... :) I can go to clubs/raves sober, and rolling.. I admit I'm more friendly when I'm rolling, lol who is not :) I hate it when kids are like I cant go out tonight, I cant find blah blah blah.. Question, why are u in the scene to begin with.. :) The right people, music, vibe you don't need substances... The music is your drug.. :) I admit & alot of people know I was at the point for awhile that all I did was do substances (way more then e also...) so in a way I can look on both sides......

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Its all about the music. I'm always going apeshit dancing my ass off and it never fails that someone asks me if i have anymore pills. I musta said this a hundred times. "Sorry i'm sober."

If you go for the music, whether you go by yourself or with friends it makes no difference.

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Originally posted by jjcbebe

About the Heroin and coke...it all depends on what type of E you are taking.. I always preferred the "E" with the 'Cid"..

E is like the solar system there's a huge expanse of it..that comes in different colors, combinations and purities

There is NO coke or Herion in E. Out of all the pills sent to labs only one came back postive with coke in it. That is believed to be sent in by an law enforcement agencey......This is the 2nd time I said this on this post!!!!!!!

I would be happy to answer any questions regarding this... p.m me ,ok

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i have not quit rollin, but now i only do it once every 4-6 months. in my experience e has introduced people to the club scene, opened their ears to the music and their minds to the possibilities that life does not have to be the way we're told to live.

in the end, i have replaced e with a healthier, more spiritual lifestyle. i don't practice yoga or visit a shaman, but i appreciate every day i'm alive. i have settled into a future that might not necessarily make me money (research) but will give me the feeling that i am working for more than security through material wealth. and every time i get the chance, i party my ass off! sometimes i'll go completely sober, or i'll have a few red bulls (or a few vodka red bulls...) or a smoke or two... but in the end it is all about the music, the people, the energy that make it worthwhile.

sure the drugs have brought many people in - but take them away and the scene is still there. but now you're aware enough to enjoy it :P

congrats on going sober - and i'll see you at 9am :)


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Welcome to my life. I'm sober almost all the time, just because drinking in clubs costs a fortune and drugs cost even more. Definetely don't feel pressured by your friends just because they are on it. There are plenty of people at places like Vinyl and such where the scene is about the music and not getting messed up. You'd be surprised how many people are sober, more than you think. Good luck

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Yeah for the past couple of months I've been going out sober alot. Like the past month of rolled prolly twice. Before that it was seriously every weekend.

But now after a few times of going sober, I actually do have fun, the first time was kinda wierd but now I dont care, I love the music, meet new people, talk, have a few drinks, and the best part is that i remember what happened thruout the course of the night lol

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I love going to clubs either way, allthough I have not rolled in a long time. I have to agree with everyone though that E definitly changed my entire perspective on so many things. I used to think I could totally feel the music when i was rolling and pull moves out of my ass that I would never have been able to do while sober, but now I realize that E just gave me the confidence to become a better dancer. Now I"m all about the raspberry or orange twist vodka shots chased with 3 cans of red bull...its definitly the perfect combination. I dance until my friends have to drag me away. Just be careful mixing energy drinks w/ vodka though...i had one really bad experience where I didn't even make it to the club! It dehydrates you quicker and you end up drinking more w/out realizing how much alcohol you are consuming.

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I quit rolling on November 3rd. I've had fun sober before and after then, but I think it is great to party both ways. I am all about the music, and love goin for that reason mainly, along with making new friends and chillen with current ones. Rolling was just to give me that nice feeling hehe.

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