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Sex Sex Sex.... the wild west :)


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Ok...I really need to ask this now as reading this board and thinking about all the issues, opinions and views...really makes me wonder. I want to apologize in advance if I offend anyone

as this really isn't my intention.

Anyway: reading all those posts about 3-somes that aren't really your fantasy but rather resulting from the feeling to be obliged to try/do it (at least that's how it looks to me) as it seems that "everyone" else is doing it, same goes for anal sex (girls saying they do it although it hurts them really a lot but they do it cause the guys really like it), blowjobs that are "given as favors" and seem to rate a girl as a person....I wonder...

...maybe it is because I'm German and it seems that in Europe totally different viewpoints on sex and all it's importance are placed...but it seems to me that here in the States...sex places

an extraordinary importance in everyone's life.

Not that it shouldn't...but, when I read some of the posts I always feel that people (especially girls) place a lot of their self-esteem and value on how good they "perform" and "satisfy" a

guy. Don't get me wrong...it's important to give AND RECEIVE, and yes, sex plays an important role...but it isn't everything.

I've never really thought about 'me' only in terms on how "good I am" and I certainly always placed great importance on how "satisfied" I was at the end of the day.

I don't know but I just get confused when I read some of the posts on this board and I wonder why people here in the States always push everything into the sexual corner... friendships with

the other gender (you guys always talk about 'friendship with benefits'), end of relationships (= sex with ex), fun within a relationship (=people seem to think they aren't explorative enough if they don't invite a third person), and girls seem to think they are "plain boring" if they haven't had any bi-sexual experience etc....I mean, it is a lot of fun and I wouldn't miss it but I also know that there is more in human relationships and that not everything should be boiled down to a sexual content... it's part of life...but it is only a part of life...and definitely nothing that should put additional pressure on anyone.

Cause the funny thing is that this whole issue only seems to go for girls. Guys here just do their thing like everwhere else, but girls seem so much under pressure to be wild, different, experienced, open for any and everything...

Sorry, I'm not judging anyone or something like this...it's just all very different and confusing to me and sometimes I think it comes cause here sex is such a secretive thing (I mean in society itself)

that people constantly try to break the boundaries.

Sorry for the rambling and once again, I don't want to offend anyone...I'm just trying to understand.



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but i dont really have an answer to it ya know?

let me try hehe....

Maybe it has more to do with how women are treated on a daily bases, her clothing has to look a certain way or she has to act like this and that.......maybe sex is used as a form of getting respect when it really shouldnt be? :confused:

woah...i dont know, like i said i couldnt answer it......

::someonehelpmeee!!!:: :eek:

but umm......personally, i love to please my partner. I always feel bad when i cant make him reach his point, but i get over it, nothing to dwell on cause theres always next time :D It not only brings me satisfaction that hes done but him as well ::obviously hehe:: and if ya do well its like errr, more of like insentive to be given the same "satisfaction" in return.

::like i said before, "if ya do nothing to contribute, ya get the "ehhh it was ok" kinda sex"::

Jana shoot me if im way off lolz :laugh:;)

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maybe the pressure comes from women having more of an ability to *turn both sexes on at the drop of a top? :confused:

::not that men cant do the same but it seems to be more publicly appraised with women::

ok im going to bed now....i really feel like i dont know what im talking about :D:tongue:;)

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Don't take the stuff on this board too seriously. A lot of what gets said is just BS and people goofing off. When someone asks a serious question, u gotta read close to see whose being serious and who's being sarcastic. The boards and escape for lots of people.

I would say that there are some pretty uninhibited people that post here, but i think that mostly they're the same as everyone else: wanting real relationships, wondering how / if they can be better partners for people, whatever.

If u meet some of us in person u'll see....

Oh, and for the guys, i think that (with some exceptions) the guys that post here are actually pretty conservative and not open to a lot of sexual experimentation - so they don't talk about it. Just my opinion kids - no drama!!!!

Respond hon! I'm no where near tired yet.... :)

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The thing about Clupplanet is that I don't feel you're genuinely speaking to someone TRUELY as themselves, ESPEC. on the "sex board"....

I feel there's a lot of fantasy here, and people on this board either like to role play a certain idea or just live out their fantasies with others in an incognito kind of way. I don't think everyone actually does what they say they do,,,c'mon, of course we're less inhibited behind a computer screen!

But there's still some truth to it all, so i'd just say take it all with a grain of salt. Posts about relationships and sexual toys and maximizing the sexual experience all have relevance, and there is some truth to these messageboards. But I think people on here like to "act out" a little, create a world for themselves that they want to live in....

...AND it's SO much easier to speak openly on messageboards rather than in person , which makes this even more fun and entertaining :)

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I really appreciate everyone’s input. Actually I have to say that this was what I thought to be the truth at the beginning but then I had some discussions (month and month ago) with a certain “Dick” (you know who I mean ;)) and he used to tell me that people are really that way on the board and he didn’t think these were merely roles they played. Anyway, even if that board is an “over-emphasized” picture regarding the entire sexual world in which people live here…there are still differences to the way I think people regard to that part of life in Europe and it’s always interesting (although sometimes confusing) to realize and learn how people view things here.

Anyway, if there is one thing I want to say to all the girls here on that board…don’t let society push you too much into the “female = sexy” corner…. damn, there is so much more in each and everyone of you and sex is only a fun vehicle to ride on from time to time but not everything in life!!! Please…just don’t let the “men’s world” dictate you what you should do and how you should behave and what preferences you “need to have” in order to attract.

Hey Doris...thank you sooo much for getting that ball rolling and sorry for "stealing your sleep, sweetie" :)...big hug to you!!!

Oh btw: I’ve been living here in the States for about 2 years now (UK before that and “east” German upbringing…. maybe that explains…:idea:...lol)

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Originally posted by flying_high

Anyway, if there is one thing I want to say to all the girls here on that board…don’t let society push you too much into the “female = sexy” corner…. damn, there is so much more in each and everyone of you and sex is only a fun vehicle to ride on from time to time but not everything in life!!! Please…just don’t let the “men’s world” dictate you what you should do and how you should behave and what preferences you “need to have” in order to attract.

Very well said!;)

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i have to disagree with u simply because ur making a generalization on "the states" as oppose to people in europe

and basing it on the posts

plus these sex related posts are on the sex board

so its wrong to conclude that the things we post are all that matter sexually in "the states"

i can only speak for myself when i say my sexual preferences have nothing to do with pleasing or trying to impress men

there for my own orgasmic seeking desires, ha

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Thanks for the input and once again, I didn't try to offend anyone... so sorry if you feel so.

Anyway, my opinion didn't only come from the board (only part of it) but are also placed through observations.

For example: (and sorry for generalizing and saying the States...but I thought that better than using the word "Americans":)). Here oral sex (and it seems to me that we are rather talking a girl giving a blowjob) comes for "real" sex in terms of timing. In Europe (or let's be more specific....most people I know in Germany and the UK) consider giving a blowjob as something very intimate and would definitely not do this to any quick aquaintance...it's something to please a person that they care for and it ranks way after the sexual act itself....

... sorry, but this is an example for the things I found confusing, and just try to understand :)

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