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Originally posted by inyourdreams

and youre the most annoying fuck on the board....and um last time i heard there was freedom of fucking speech and i can sit here and rip on whoever the fuck i want, if i think youre a fucking moron (which i think you are bc you stuck your nose where it didnt belong) im gonna say it if i want to bc honey thats my OPINION and last time i checked America was all about freedom.....and id think twice about the name-calling...might bite you in the ass TOOL

TOOL...hahahahaha. thats my line....she called you a TOOL.....oh man....this is getting crazy

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Originally posted by inyourdreams

he needs to watch how he fuckin talks to me

you insulted mane, who is a good friend of mine and meant no harm to you, yet you told him to "mind his fucking business"

you insulted me for trying to help the kid out who wanted help with an intro for his cd

i dont need to watch how i talk to you....you need to lighten the fuck up


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Originally posted by ibclubbin

you insulted mane, who is a good friend of mine and meant no harm to you, yet you told him to "mind his fucking business"

you insulted me for trying to help the kid out who wanted help with an intro for his cd

i dont need to watch how i talk to you....you need to lighten the fuck up


actually if i recall your lil friend mane started this all, with his stupid comment, i came here to clarify something for all these people and then he gives me a stupid remark, so i told him to mind his fucking business, maybe he and the rest of the CLUBPLANETEERS should really "lighten the fuck up", its idiotic people that ruin this board, you have someone who tries to help out and give you input and you guys act like morons, no wonder this board is going downhill:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

so leave me and the other cheezeballs behind if your so high and mighty

its cool people like you that make me feel bad about myself for being such a loser:(


i believe theres other boards out there for the cheezelovin cheezeballs aka sicktracks aka exit2nyc:eek:

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Originally posted by inyourdreams

i believe theres other boards out there for the cheezelovin cheezeballs aka sicktracks aka exit2nyc:eek:


you win

lets just try and get along now

Im sorry for making that sarcastic comment


Ibclubin was looking out for me , there is no need for everyone to

get all emotionall about this.


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Originally posted by smokesum

hey mr avalon, i think that pic should be directed towards yourself. Last time i checked you got drunk on 2 Mike's Hard Lemonade. Also I notice that all you ever order is Apple Martini's and Cosmopolitans, i think YOU'RE THE HOMO.

Listen u fat monkey. Please dont im me anymore at 4 in the am begging me to take u to A&S bagels in Long Island. I know that ur hungry and everthing but ur addictions and cravings have to stop. Ur bad eating habits are ruining ur life. Your family is worried and so am I. Frankly, I think food is taking over your life. I know there is a problem when u rather go out and eat then go to a club. Instead of trading mp3's, u trade recipe's. Whats up with that?. When u get a chance, im me so we can talk about this and get some help for you!:)

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