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Does evereyone here think Tiesto is all that good? He was in Chicago on Thursday. Sounded like the same set (according to Vic's tracklisting) BUT it looks like he played just the normal a-list tracks. A friend back home was talking about this. . .You know Rapture is a great song but it's hardly ground breaking to drop it. Sounded like a very safe set.

So here is the question where do you stand on what a DJ should play?

a) When you go out you want to hear the songs you want to hear.

B) When you go out you want to hear half and half of the big tracks mixed up with tracks you havn't heard before and new tracks.

c) You want to here mostly tracks tracks you havn't heard with the odd anthem thrown in for good measure.

not dissing on anyone's good time. just playing devil's advocate.


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I like to hear stuff I've never heard before and stuff that I haven't heard a billion times cuz everyone is playing it. There are some songs that I like to hear even if they are the big, popular tracks just cuz I like whether they're popular or not. I'm not sure if Bill Hamel's remix of Gorecki is popular or not, but even if it was played everytime I went out I'd still want to hear it cuz I love that song. And I'll never get sick of the Baguio Track. But for the most part I'd like to hear new stuff. Realistically, though, you can't expect a set on Thursday from a DJ to sound too different than a set the following Saturday because if he/she is playing the new stuff then it's not likedly that he'll/she'll pick up a ton of new records on the Friday in between.

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I also thought he was good, I wasn't moved the same way I was moved by Tenaglia but what can ya do, I can't knock the guy, he was a great DJ. As for your question I definitely want a mix of both. Particularly if I'm hired to dance. Just on a normal basis, I think it's fun to freak out when you hear that favorite song of yours that, yeah, everyone knows about but still... come on. But then you also want to be surprised, find something new to like and get excited about. On a dancing basis, it's good to have something familiar 'cause you know how to move to it, but some new, not-as-well-known stuff keeps the random "I just came here from Platinum (or in the case of NY, Exit lol)" hooches from trying to mess up what the dancers are doing.

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You also should take into account that some of us around here go clubbing and listen to music more than what is normal. Sharam dropped the Deep Dish remix of Rapture at the end of his set at Buzz Friday and the handful of people still there at 6:30 were really digging it, with the exception of me because I've heard it over and over since the first time I heard Deep dish play it in June. But that's because I've been going clubbing almost every weekend and have collected gigs of live sets. So the more fanatical amongst of us are going to be less impressed and bored faster than the people who aren't collecting all of Digweed's Kiss FM sets or scouring the internet for, say, Jeff Mills @ Liquidroom ;) , etc.

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I would agree with both Vixen and Kuro on this one, it would definitely be a mix of tracks some that I know and some that I dont know. Even if some of them are old, that doesnt mean that they suck, just that they are old and have been played before.

I guess another question along this line, or more of an observation is, why is it that when you are at a club and you are digging the music and the crowd is also digging the music, a few days later when you are perusing around different message boards you all of a sudden read post dissing the DJ?

I mean with Tiesto the crowd was going totally nuts, if you really didnt like the music why were grooving all night long and ended up drenched in sweat? If it was so bad, why didnt you leave or just stand around until the set ended? Maybe some people just cant be satisfied with anything.

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I agree with what everyone's said here...a mix of new and old (maybe 10 - 15% old stuff). However, I think the placement of the old stuff in a set is very important. If the tracks are played at the right time in the night, it can drive a crowd nuts, but improperly placed, and there goes the set. Personally, I'd like to hear old stuff, maybe at the very beginning or the end of a set (preferably the end). In the middle, I'd like to hear and groove to beats I've never heard before.

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Originally posted by vicman

I guess another question along this line, or more of an observation is, why is it that when you are at a club and you are digging the music and the crowd is also digging the music, a few days later when you are perusing around different message boards you all of a sudden read post dissing the DJ?

I mean with Tiesto the crowd was going totally nuts, if you really didnt like the music why were grooving all night long and ended up drenched in sweat? If it was so bad, why didnt you leave or just stand around until the set ended? Maybe some people just cant be satisfied with anything.

I was definitely dancing hard at several points in the night (just ask PGiddy lol) but at one point I was also napping on the couch in the VIP. (not a diss on Tiesto but i wasn't holding out well after the previous night's excitement/lack of sleep).

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Originally posted by vicman

I would agree with both Vixen and Kuro on this one, it would definitely be a mix of tracks some that I know and some that I dont know. Even if some of them are old, that doesnt mean that they suck, just that they are old and have been played before.

I guess another question along this line, or more of an observation is, why is it that when you are at a club and you are digging the music and the crowd is also digging the music, a few days later when you are perusing around different message boards you all of a sudden read post dissing the DJ?

I mean with Tiesto the crowd was going totally nuts, if you really didnt like the music why were grooving all night long and ended up drenched in sweat? If it was so bad, why didnt you leave or just stand around until the set ended? Maybe some people just cant be satisfied with anything.

I agree w/ ya 100%. My philosophy on partying - IT'S ONLY A FUCKING PARTY. IF YOU'RE GONNA BITCH, GET OFF THE DANCEFLOOR AND BITCH AT HOME, OTHERWISE, DANCE. My philosophy on DJ's - IT'S ONLY A FUCKING DJ. But of course, as usual, none of this applies to Oakie. Cause he sucks. And until S&D come to DC, none of this applies to them. They're still on my shitlist. Oh, yeah, and NEVER bitch about a DC DJ. Cause they all rule. And I'll fight ya for it. :D

That being said, I agree totally that the best sets are a good mixture of both crowd pleasers and fresh tunes. Personally, though, I love dropping a huge tune like Rapture smack dab in the middle of a set. You build it up and then, when the crowd is completely into it, here comes the bomb. Ali dropped X-Press 2 Smoke Machine right when he was peaking, and the crowd went off. I love that. The big tunes also work towards the end of the set. When people are tired all around, I love it when a big tune gets dropped, cause it picks the crowd right back up. Scott Henry at Radiate dropped the Deep Dish remix of Rapture towards the end of his set. Picked the crowd right back up after almost two hours of dancing. The truly huge tunes have that unique effect of getting the trainspotters to sing along (if there are vocals), and the newbies to jump up and down. Rapture's a great example. This girl was standing next to me at Radiate, and she was loving the tune. She was dancing so hard to it, I was shocked to find that she had no idea what the tune was. She asked me what it was cause she saw me singing along with the vocals. That's what I love about the big tunes. Everyone in the crowd loves them. That's why they're big.

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Rapture's a great example. This girl was standing next to me at Radiate, and she was loving the tune. She was dancing so hard to it, I was shocked to find that she had no idea what the tune was. She asked me what it was cause she saw me singing along with the vocals. That's what I love about the big tunes....

yeah, you were grinding the poor girl to the floor after she asked you that :D ....guess that is another good reason to love the old skool stuff and anthems, it gives you an excuse to have innocent girls ask you what tune it is and then grind them into oblivion :D /jk/jk/

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Originally posted by vicman

yeah, you were grinding the poor girl to the floor after she asked you that :D ....guess that is another good reason to love the old skool stuff and anthems, it gives you an excuse to have innocent girls ask you what tune it is and then grind them into oblivion :D /jk/jk/

No way, baby. I don't grind. I 'gently carress'. :D :D :D

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Originally posted by vicman

yeah, you were grinding the poor girl to the floor after she asked you that :D ....guess that is another good reason to love the old skool stuff and anthems, it gives you an excuse to have innocent girls ask you what tune it is and then grind them into oblivion :D /jk/jk/

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by vicman

yo, how did this thread start?

by scratchapella asking the question on old skool and new material at clubs...and now we are talking hamburger meat?



I was just trying to answer Scratch's question about what kind of music do I like to have sex to or something like that. :D

You're the one throwing out these false allegations about me grinding some underage chick.

"I did NOT have grinding relations with that woman. I repeat. I did NOT have grinding relations with that woman."

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No one here is dissin on a DJ. and i'm not bitching. i wasn't at glow for tiesto. i wasn't at redno5 for tiesto. someone just told me what his set was like in Chicago. i read vicman's post, and thought, "hey that sounds familiar". and yeh, thursday and saturday are close together, so no shit on tiesto for dropping the same tunes.

alls i wanted to do was garner some discussion about music. making no judgements on whether choice a, b, or c is bad. safe can be good. whateva.

but you know what? i'm going to admit it. i'm a fucking music snob. a mf techno/househead elitist biatch. whats wrong w/that? i've got preferences. but im not dissin on anyone else for liking cheezy shit like PVD and Dave Ralph (oops. . wait, nevamind). No, for real though, whatever moves you. . .if that's for an angel/born slippy looped a million times, billie jean, breaks-core, some weird ass afrika bambaata abstract minimal shit too, fine. whatever moves you.

being younger partykid makes me committed to the values and principles of PLUR (a degraded term in rave culture discourse now, i know). so respect is always what you'll get from me.

besides, if you really want to hear me be mean. . . nevermind,

BUT it wouldn't be about some fucking DJ.

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Originally posted by scratchapella

but you know what? i'm going to admit it. i'm a fucking music snob. a mf techno/househead elitist biatch. whats wrong w/that? i've got preferences. but im not dissin on anyone else for liking cheezy shit like PVD and Dave Ralph (oops. . wait, nevamind).

Strange that you mention Dave Ralph cuz it reminds me of something Millie said a little while back, that she wasn't pressed to go to Buzz one Friday to hear Dave Ralph because she was more into prog house than trance. But I've barely heard any trance out of Dave since I've started catching him at Buzz back in May. He's been spinning the same dark prog house shit as everyone else (which may require some criticism in itself). Of course I don't know your feelings about prg house so maybe that's cheesey shit to you (but Dave certainly sounds nothing like PVD). Of topic, I know, but more on topic then the discussion of Shady forceably grinding with some little girl.

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Aw, Scratch. I wasn't talkin' about you at all. I was just commenting on Vic's comment. About how you can go to a party, and everyone seems to be having a great time. But then someone always has to post something on a message board that nitpicks. Not necessarily here. But I remember after one of the Buzz parties, someone posted up on the Buzz board about how the DJ's outside sucked cause they were trainwrecking all night. Now, my only question is, if he were so offended by the wrecking, why the fuck did he stay out there all night? To write down the times of every trainwreck so he could show everyone what a big bad trainspotter he was? Fuck that. That shit pissed me off. I'm still fuming about that. That's REALLY what I was referring to. Vic just kinda reminded me about that dude's post.

And I'm not saying that you shouldn't bitch. If you're not happy about something, by all means, bitch (I live by that rule - Oakie sucks! :D ). On the other hand, I'm just trying to put everything in perspective -- It's a PARTY. A party is meant to be fun.

So my bad. Vic and I digressed from your subject. It was all Vic's fault, tho. You can blame him. :D

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

I told you, Shady don't grind. Shady 'gently carresses'. Get it straight. Shady's a kind, sensitive dude who's in touch with his inner child! :rolleyes:

The way Vic's telling it you were getting in touch with some random, frightened, female outer child.

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Originally posted by Kuro

The way Vic's telling it you were getting in touch with some random, frightened, female outer child.

Vic made that shit up cause he wanted to spread a false rumor about me before the REAL story from Radiate came out. You see, Vic was trying to pull the "I'm Keoki" thing again. But this time, it backfired. And the truth is, Vic was getting ground into hamburger meat by some dude on the dancefloor. I wanted to help him get away, but when I looked at Vic, he looked like he was really enjoying it, so who am I to judge? :tongue:

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