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Originally posted by Kuro

You and Vic seem to have some sort of beef, Shady. I think you two should settle this at Buzz Friday on the dancefloor, NYC Breakers vs. Rock Steady Crew style. Don't forget your Pumas with the fat laces.


Im gone for a few hours and now the thread is totally out of control?!

I personally would prefer a roiller derby encounter with shady, and as for the "hamburguesa con queso" sh*t, well thats a nice one shady, gotta admit that.

Anyway, back to the subject, scratch I hope you didnt get offended with my post yesterday regarding the people complaining, it wasnt directed at you nor at anybody, I was just mentioning how some people seem to be totally out of control at a club totally into the music and stuff and then they critique the DJ hardcore, I mean what is that about?

Personally I consider music a form of art, and DJ'ing is included also, and as an art form it all winds down to personal taste of the DJ (in this case). You can critique him/her if they trainwreck or just play plain awful music, but alot more goes into track selection and the order they are played than just going down a list.

I agree with shady 100% its about having a good time, and if your not then what were you doing there all night grooving and stuff for 10hours straight? I've even seen posts saying thatPvD sucked on Saturday, I mean the crowd was totally going nuts, what wa sthat about?

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Just to add to Hamburguesa's point. All I'm trying to say is let's all put this shit in perspective. Enjoy it while it lasts. Don't bitch about it. Don't take it so seriously. What really irks me about the party scene is we have amazing DJ's like Scott Henry who we can have the privilege of seeing every few weeks. You know how many people would kill for that? But we take it for granted. And we complain about him not doing this or that. We get a superstar come to town. We get to see him do his or her thing. But, yet again, someone has to complain. PVD didn't do this. He did that. The soundsystem sucked. It was too crowded. Blah, blah, blah. Who cares? He came to DC. Enjoy it. Sure we can always constructively criticize and hope for some improvement. But for God's sake, if we take it all for granted now, while we still have it, then when it's gone, we'll all be sitting here wishing we had even just a fraction of the party scene we had. And you know what? If that day ever comes, you can bet no one will be bitching. I mean, how many close calls do we need? Buzz got closed down for a few months after the Fox bust. Twilo got closed down and all you hear now are people wanting a piece of the 'good ol' days'. And of course, being that the grass is always greener on the other side, the 'good ol' days' were perfect. Where DJ's would only drop the most amazing tunes. Where everyone was so friendly. Where Vic wasn't getting ground into hamburger beef by some big burly dude. But you know what? Even back in those days, DJ's were trainwrecking. Vic was getting pound into hamburger beef. And not everyone in the crowd was friendly. So, what I'm saying is, instead of waiting for the inevitable 'good ol' days' syndrome to happen. We should just go out, have fun, and really make the most of it now. And make the most of the present good ol' days, instead of waiting for just memories of past good ol' days.

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But sometimes we should complain. If there's something wrong and no one complains, then nothing will get fixed. If security is fucked up or the procedure at the door results in huge lines, etc., then complaints are what get that sort of thing fixed. As for complaints about DJs or music, people have every right to speak up. If a DJ keeps coming and spinning the same old, pre-programmed set that he plays everywhere for two hours and does a shitty job of mixing (and has the nerve to charge $20,000 to do it), then why shouldn't I complain about that? You shouldn't take what you have for granted, but that doesn't mean you should just accept mediocrity.

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yay! some intelligent discussion about something other than blue thongs, coin changers, and tortillas! (not dissin on your raunchy posts either, they make me laugh. but maybe we should reserve a thread for you guys each day, "raunchy nonsensical posts in here")

i agree w/all of you. it's just a party. but kuro's right about the certain situations when it's necessary to complain. more and more djs are developing these fucking rockstar complexes (actually, that's kinda acceptable too, some of them should get that status). .anyways, but if you leave out the criticisms, room for improvement is gone. i just feel like some djs, elevated to a certain status (and rightly so, Oakie did a lot for the scene a while ago), but when they develop these notions about being some fucking rockstar, charging 30gs with ridiculous riders for a 2 hour gig, and never really innovating or progressing w/their sound. . . just playing what the crowd wants. . .it's not a fucking greatest club hits marathon, play a real set!

oh, sorry for being so bitchy kids, but this week and next are going to be rough for me. . .CP (and dissin on bad djs) has been an outlet for me. . .

college is soooo stupid. . . did you know if you moved to wisconsin and camped out there for at least 6 mo, you could qualify for welfare?

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Originally posted by Kuro

But sometimes we should complain. If there's something wrong and no one complains, then nothing will get fixed. If security is fucked up or the procedure at the door results in huge lines, etc., then complaints are what get that sort of thing fixed. As for complaints about DJs or music, people have every right to speak up. If a DJ keeps coming and spinning the same old, pre-programmed set that he plays everywhere for two hours and does a shitty job of mixing (and has the nerve to charge $20,000 to do it), then why shouldn't I complain about that? You shouldn't take what you have for granted, but that doesn't mean you should just accept mediocrity.

I don't think we should just accept mediocrity. But then, in all fairness to the promoters and DJ's, I don't think we should expect perfection, either. Some nights are gonna be more amazing than others. But personally (and this is just my personal view), when I go in with an open mind and don't nitpick, I find I can turn any night into a pretty amazing clubbing experience.

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Originally posted by scratchapella

anyways, but if you leave out the criticisms, room for improvement is gone. i just feel like some djs, elevated to a certain status (and rightly so, Oakie did a lot for the scene a while ago), but when they develop these notions about being some fucking rockstar, charging 30gs with ridiculous riders for a 2 hour gig, and never really innovating or progressing w/their sound. . . just playing what the crowd wants. . .it's not a fucking greatest club hits marathon, play a real set!

Sure, Oakie and his attitude sucks. But then, you've got dudes like Scott Henry, who've got no attitude, and put their heart and soul into every gig. And I'm saying guys like that, I don't care if they trainwreck. I don't care if they drop nothing but crowd pleasers. Cause just seeing them up there, really enjoying themselves, and actually being a PART of the party makes the whole experience that much more.

Now, back to the blue thong... :D

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I agree with you on a lot of your points, Shady, and even though Isometimes will come out of a night with some legitimate gripes, I don't nitpick or expect everything to be perfect (and I like hearing superstar DJs trainwreck every once in while because it's something to remember when I'm having an off day and can't mix for shit). But, and we've finally come back to the original question I think, I will be disgruntled if I hear nothing but crowd pleasers even from a guy like Scott Henry. Maybe I should say especially from guys like Scott Henry because I know that they could do more. Speaking of which, the first time I heard PQM's You Are Sleeping Scott Henry dropped it and I was loving it and saying "What the fuck is this?" If it's just crowd pleasers then a lot of the crowd will definitely notice and feel like we missed out on that "Oh shit, what the fuck is this?" excitement at hearing something new.

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I would have to say option b...its always important to play things ppl already know..that involves the crowd more and the vibe..also..it does good for ppl that arent music involved..then to mix in some new mixes or white label promos are good to get a reaction on how the public will accept the new track and so forth and so forth..being in tune with the music and the crowd is sometimes hard to do but keeping it like this and ur mixing skills ( a must) will do the nite just right!! alright im done



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I agree with most people here on these points. We should complain and critizice constructively if we feel something sucks, but we should be carefull to not over do it, I mean the story of Peter and the Wolf comes to mind.

If the soundsystem sucked, well thats the promoters fault, not the DJ's.

If the roof in the place was to big that the sound sucked at the back of the room, well thats the promoters fault, not the DJ.

If the DJ trainwrecked, thats the DJ's fault and not the promoters.

If the club gets busted because shady got caught grinding underaged kids, well thats the kids fault, 'cause they shouldnt have been ther in the first place...:D

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