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What Should I Buy?


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well, now that im not goin to cancun for spring break anymore, i got all that money i saved up, and now is a great time to go buy my turntables. i know i want the tech 1200s, but i was also lookin at the vestax pdx-2000. they're a little cheaper, but do they compare? keep in mind, this will be my first pair of tables, since ive been spinnin cd's since i started dj'in, so idk if i wanna go with the top fo the line right away.

btw, what needles should i get for a reasonable price?


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well as u prob. already know that techs and vestax are always compared to each other, being said the best of the best...but i'd say if u have the money go for the techs, ive never heard of anyone have a problem with them...and they're sposed to last a lifetime, or so they say....and for like standard carts, ive heard that the stanton 505 carts or whatever, are good for the money!

Good Luck bro....im gunna need it when i get tables too, i cdj also!



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all i gotta say about the pt 2000's is when your in the store check the difference between the tech's pitch control and the gemini's..Nuff Said........I checked out the pts...they werent bad at all, but ...its all about the Techniques

Take a trip to Sam ash....talk to the dj guy..play with decks...see what ya like..

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i would go with the technikzzz if i were u... vastex do compar but my cuzin has both and he told me that the techs have are more durable... he had a couple problems with the vastex... he sed that the techs stop better when mixing... like when u rewind then let go... it sounds better when coming back on....

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I would have to agree. If you have the money for Techniques, by all means, buy them.. Tech's are the creame of the crop in my opinion even though the Vestax PDX-2000's are great fucking tables, it just dosen't compare. I heard a story that Sasha threw a PDX into a pool in disgust of it's performance and he followed by saying that he wouldn't spin on anything that isn't a Technique, so go figure? ... As far as cartridges are concerned, considering you've spun on cd's, I would suggest going for the Shure SC35C's. They have excellent tracking and sound output for beginner to intermediate dj's. The Stanton 680 II's would be a great alternative with excellent sound and rugged built.

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