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I"VE said it ONCE, I've said it AGAIN, and I'm only sayin it ONE MORE TIME!

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UGH. when will men learn that womens' bodies don't exist soley for their amusement?

I was just in the elevator at work and when the doors open, this guy walks past me to get off and literally drags his hand across my entire ASS!!! WTF??? madgo.gif


Call me crazy but I really think that I should get to decide who can and cant touch my ASS!


MEN need to seriously get their shit together as a gender.

And thats all I have to say about THAT! eviltongue.gif

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

Call me crazy but I really think that I should get to decide who can and cant touch my ASS!

i thought we had agreed that i was gonna decide who gets to touch u'r ass?

now i'm confused. i think we need to talk hon....

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Ya know.... my mom always used to tell me to ignore people when they did something bad or annoying to me. (I guess this really only applied to my brother who was 3 yrs. older than me) Point of the matter is, I never listened to her. If he did something to me, I'd do it back to him. So, dude, if this guy did something like that to me, I'd get furious and smack his ass back!

I know.... it's a bad way to deal with shit, BUT if it's what I have to do to get someone to respect me... so be it.

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So what are you saying - you didn't like it!!!!!

Note to self: don't ever try to grab LM ass or she will kick my ass!! hahaha

LM - was it a coworker or just some random guy in the elevator or someone that works in the building that you have seen before?

Next time some guy does that to you, do this:


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Boy can I relate to this!!!! It's happened to me on two occasions. The first time I was coming out of the Saphire lounge walking towards my car and this asshole passes me and grabs my ass. Luckily, I was still holding my friend's drink( RED DEVIL)and I threw it at the guy, stained his suede jacket.

The second time it was a homeless man, apparantly I didnt move out of his way fast enough so he palmed me. I didn't realize it was a one-shoe wearing homeless man until after I punch his back. I made such a scene on that corner :rolleyes: .

I'm seriously considering investing in a stun gun... If I find a good deal I'll keep you posted!!

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

AHEM. There is ONE (count em one) man on this board who has unlimited ass touching priviledges and he knows who he is.

Other than that, back the fuck up! :tongue:

(ladies on the other hand can feel free... hehe.)


Thanks for the props babe :D

but, 1 question: am i the guy? or, as the mother of your BarMenace, are u counting me in that second category? :confused:

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

and he knows who he is.

dammit - i don't know anything. looks like i'm SOL.

seriously, LM what you should do is touch his ass back - then he'll think you're into him. right when he thinks he's got you he'll be in a hormonally fueled weak point. then kick him straight in the ass and watch him cry - not just because he got his ass kicked by a gurl but also 'cause he thought he was da' man but turns out he's just a horny ass moron.

if you want i'd gladly do some ass-kicking as well. just point him out and i'll throw 'im off a bridge. seriously though, can i curse him out while you exact your revenge?

hugs (at least i've still got open season on those),


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Originally posted by dialectics

if you want i'd gladly do some ass-kicking as well. just point him out and i'll throw 'im off a bridge. seriously though, can i curse him out while you exact your revenge?

Papa? Papa?

(BarMenace = tank.gif) + (Dialectics = rocketwhore.gif) ---->

AssGraber = smileydies.gif ---->

Play Pal MamimMan +

Uncle Dialectics +

Uncle Spragga +

Aunt Gwylion +

Play Pal Apotheosis +

Uncle Crobra +

Auntie Xxlea +

"Friend" PhuturePhunk +

Mama! (BarVybe) +

Papa! (LavenderMenace) +

1syellow1.gif (me!)

drink.gif and juul.gif and dazzler1.gif ---->


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Originally posted by lavendermenace

AHEM. There is ONE (count em one) man on this board who has unlimited ass touching priviledges and he knows who he is.

Other than that, back the fuck up! :tongue:

(ladies on the other hand can feel free... hehe.)


well shit, no ass touching?????? hun, the wedding date is off if i cant play with yer ass cheeks in front of my sister,neghbors,and other family-like people.

*god i hope she knows im joking or im ASSED out of a date to my neighbors wedding saturday*

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I can unfortunately relate to your tale of woe...men are fucking animals sometimes. I hate men that also stare as you walk by,make offensive comments, whistle,and do stupid shit so you'll stop or notice them. If you're ugly and I don't look at you, then that means I'M NOT INTERESTED.:confused::blown:

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

I guess that's why I'm the nice guy with the word "friend" on his fucking forehead

ain't nuttin' wrong w/ that.

seriously though,

how many of these assholes ya think

cry themselves to sleep at night because

all they ever attract are the easy psycho-ho's

who are into this typa unwelcome attention?

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Originally posted by quoth

well shit, no ass touching?????? hun, the wedding date is off if i cant play with yer ass cheeks in front of my sister,neghbors,and other family-like people.

*god i hope she knows im joking or im ASSED out of a date to my neighbors wedding saturday*

Well, there may not be any ass touching, but I'm hoping to be called Mrs. Robinson at least 3 or 4 times. uhoh.gif

hehe. :tongue:

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U think thats bad(and it is). What about the guys that u are dancing with that rub their hard dicks up against your ass?? I know at least in Kali this is what they do. Its so damm disgusting. TO get them back one of my friends used to go around the club and just grab a random guys dick. They would freak out. At least they would get a little taste of what it feels like to be violated.

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

on a similar note:

A few weeks ago I was on the subway going home from vinyl and this nasty looking guy sitting across from me whips it out and starts jerkin off right there. eeeeeewwwwwww.pukeface.gif

And the worst part is: This is the THIRD time this has happened to me. confangry.gif

MEN can be really disgusting sometimes.

Oh my gosh that has happened to me to. I was coming out of my job and this guy was sitting in his car jerking off. He looked at me and then kept on doing it. Some guys are so nasty. Ewwwwwwwwwww..............................

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

on a similar note:

A few weeks ago I was on the subway going home from vinyl and this nasty looking guy sitting across from me whips it out and starts jerkin off right there. eeeeeewwwwwww.pukeface.gif

And the worst part is: This is the THIRD time this has happened to me. confangry.gif

MEN can be really disgusting sometimes.

yuck that happened to me two times too, both in the train station, acutually three times now i think about it, once me and my friend were going out and this guy across from the platform started jerking off in front of us and kept looking at us, illll, it was 2am, fuckin nasty....then the other two times i was in the train , just all of a sudden the guy just starts jerking off, that is so nasty...

How can guys do that? Do they actually think that maybe the girl will come over to them and join in their fun??? wtf ..some men r just sick

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