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No more *MrS* Dee back to single =~(


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Its 6:34am

and Im in so much pain right now, the person who I thought loved me so much fucked me over. How can I ever trust guys ever again? I can't belive this happend to me, I gave this kid everything, my heart, my soul, my love and I got fucked over....someone please help me:( :( :(

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Its 6:34am

and Im in so much pain right now, the person who I thought loved me so much fucked me over. How can I ever trust guys ever again? I can't belive this happend to me, I gave this kid everything, my heart, my soul, my love and I got fucked over....someone please help me:( :( :(

Don't worry, Dee... i posted a thread a few days ago how it's so strange, there's like a "breakup bug" in the air...join the club!

But it'll be allright. You're still young, aren't you?/? Just enjoy the time that you had, keeping it in the past. You have your WHOLE life ahead of you---did you actually think of marrying this guy?/?

And another thing--i was skeptical when you posted the thread about threesome's...for a guy to request that AFTER being with you for so long is a little strange-- just try and think of the not-so-great-things he was notorious for :)

I hope u feel better...uggghh 6:30am, i hear ya. Monday's kill me, all i think about is NKN(ex), but you just gotta slap yourself, say "NO" and go with your life, and talk to friends;)

That''s what we're here for:D

Feel better, and be STRONG


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Originally posted by q-ny

Seriously, you girls need to find a more appropriate outlet for your pain. Talk to a friend, don't broadcast it on the internet.

i beg to differ, q-ny

CP is a great outlet to let off steam. So many of us on here are getting over relationships that we thought were meaningful. And just to know that they're not alone heals in itself.

It's not an easy healing process, but we'll all get over it (Including you, Dee ;) )

My advice to all who are just getting over breakups is to just take things slowly, go out with other people, explore new horizons. It will get you mind of da ex and more importantly show you that other people value your goodness as well (if not BETTER than the previous!)


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To take this a different direction.....just think about how wide open ur options will be. This should be a very exciting time for u now. i know there is a hardship and adjustment period, but it's ALWAYS better to find out sooner rather than later. Anyhow, take some time for urself and then start to enjoy life to the fullest. There are tons of people out there and one perfect fit for everybody. Judging by ur pictures in recent posts i don't think u will have much problem holding auditions.


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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Its 6:34am

and Im in so much pain right now, the person who I thought loved me so much fucked me over. How can I ever trust guys ever again? I can't belive this happend to me, I gave this kid everything, my heart, my soul, my love and I got fucked over....someone please help me:( :( :(

that which doesnt kill you makes you stronger :bounce:

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I think guys really don't sit back and think about what they have sometimes. Dee you look you are gorgeous and from what I see on the boards a great person. I think you need to forget all about him and when he sees you don't need him and what he has lost he will regret it and feel like an ass. Im sorry this happened to you :( I hope everything works out but I believe everything happens for a reason.

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wow u guys are so amazing, its really funny how friends seem to come through when your in a time of need, I think I spoke to about 9 ppl on the phone tonight and cryed to them what happend. I really appericate this like you dont even know, you guys are great and just reading everyones posts really put a warm spot in my heart. Im speechless how much u guys really come through thank you so much

I love you all


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Im sorry that things turned out the way they did, Im really not sorry that you and that Douche broke up. No offense he looked like a herb, I mean he doesnt go to Exit WTF is up with that J/K. Anyway from the Brief encounter when I met him I really didnt get any good vibes off him. The threesome shit was a bit sketchy, and you know you could do a lot better. I am here for you whenever you need a shoulder to cry on, I will make sure not to wear a Guicci Sweater or anything :D J/K once again. Sorry have to add humor in this post. Its not the end of the world, and you are nowhere near done blossiming into your WomanHood. There are plenty of other Men out there, those who can treat you right and take care of you the way you deserve to be taken care of. Im sure you will feel better after we go out this weekend. Also I never voted for you two as a couple, your much sexier than he is :D Anyway Hang in there Dee, I know you can. I got the utmost faith in you. Talk to you :idea:

Have some of these I know you will feel better :D

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Wow... what a fucked up thing to wake up too. Im really sorry Daniela from the time i first met you to now i realized what a truly unique and special girl u are and im thankful i met you. Obviously Spike doesnt hold his treasures in as high respect. You could definetly do better then that and the time you spend away from him is a good time to reprioritize ur life and weed out all the bad elements. You need to be single for awhile and just go nuts... Call ME!

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Im new here but decided to post for the first time on a topic that I went through recently.

Dee, Im really sorry to hear what happened, my gf broke up with me, after four years, 2 months ago and then she started seeing my friend 2 weeks ago. I was fucking destroyed. Not only did I have to think about the break up for 2 months but now I find out she is seeing my friend (well not a friend anymore). It sucks but what can you do. You still gotta wake up tomorrow, nothing is gonna change that. So why waste your time feeling down. If he fucked you over, then he doesnt deserve you. Hope you feel better, take care.

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Amen to that... And btw L... ur story is pretty fucked up. If i found out my gf dumped me to see one of my friends or that he was nursing the notion of getting down with her id really wanna fuck him up... but the truth is. They are just sad and pathetic and in the back of your friends head its always gonna be "she dumped him for me what stops her from doing it to me for another him" know what i mean?

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Originally posted by XxS87xX

I think guys really don't sit back and think about what they have sometimes.

Yeah, no shit... Sorry you have to go through this, but if he fucked you over like that then he definitely doesn't deserve you. Feel better and just remember that one day you'll thank your lucky stars that you got rid of this loser sooner rather than later...

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everything u told me when i was just goin thru this same thing helped a lot. think about everything u told me and apply it to urself. guys r messed up sometimes, i know, they never realize what they have till its gone.. so u never know. keep ur head up and im here for u as uve been for me... <3 ya girlie...


::a lil hug for u:: hehe.. feel better

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