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ever do it? cuz i did last nite...it was grrrrrrrrrreat.

yeah, after linabina and i left float at like 10, cuz that place just got too packed for me, we wanted to go somewhere else. a few people like djjohnstephns, and his friend kevin, plus some others were headin to vinyl, but not till like 2 or 3, and it was only 10pm when we left float, so we walked to exit to maybe chill there for a while. well, it was fuckin dead, we didnt even go inside, cuz we could tell it wasnt worth it. so we walked back to float, and got the car outta the parking garage, to drive around and try to find vinyl.

so they drove my car up, we got into it, and i started pullin out of the driveway onto 53rd. and the car startin shakin like crazy. it stalled, but then i was able to start it again. then i wen to pull out and it stalled again...and that was it, it was dead. and i was sitting in the middle of fucking 53rd st. well, the barenaked ladies concert at roseland was over, and they were packing all the equipment into trucks. so, the guys that were packin up the equipment helped me push my car off to the side of the road, and some limo driver, and some other guy, just a good samaritan i guess, were lookin under the hood, and checkin all the hoses and stuff....tryin to fix it. well, after probably like 45 min, they just couldnt figure it out....and my car was still dead. :mad:

to be continued.....

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I didn't get stuck in the city, but i drove up and down 52 and 53 ST's for an hour and a half tryin to find the place. I looked at it like evey time I drove by, but not once saw a sign, then i asked a cop and she said she didnt know at that all these people(points at a group of like 20) were lookin for it too. I then saw the F with the waves under it and figured it was it, then I parked the car and went in. Ran into Lina and gspot first and had a blast.

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so, we're still sittin on the side of the road, tryin to figure out how we're gettin home, and what to do with the car. we're sittin at the corner of the drIveway into the parking garage. some lady who must have rented a van for the nite for her and her drunk middle-aged bitch friends goes to pull into the garage. AND HITS MY FUCKIN CAR!! she asked if everything was ok, and offered to exchange phone #'s and insurance companies and stuff in case there was any damage, but everything looked ok. so i told her to just leave, cuz she was the least of my problems for the nite.

so we called AAA cuz lynne had her father's AAA card. but they wouldnt do shit for us, cuz her father had to be there. so they recomended we call a local towing company, and get towed. at $5 a mile!!!! and we live Far, Far away from the city.

so after like another hour, and after lynne's parents were yellin at her, like it was her fault we got stuck in the city, i decided not to rely on them anymore to help us. it wasnt their problem anyway, it was mine. so i decided to call up a tow company and just pay whatever i'd have to pay. so at 12:30am i called up, and the tow truck got there at like 1 am, and he took us and my car back home. we couldnt take the garden state parkway with the tow truck, so we had to go kinda outta the way.

we ended up gettin home at like 3am, it was 66 miles to get back to good ol' manalapan, nj. so at $4/mile, $75 just for use of the tow truck, and tolls and tax.....i pretty much got raped.

a grand total of $400!!!!

that's almost the price of one of the tech 1200's i wanna get. so all in all, it was a fun nite until we left float. then it all went to shit....and im PISSED OFF!!!! :blown::knife: :bigfinger :flame:

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

what car do u have?

was it the tranny maybe?

i got a '92 acura integra...but its in really good shape, only 80,000 miles on it. but this is the third friggin time this happened. what it was was the ignition coil that went bad all 3 times, including last nite. the mechanic is not charging me for a new coil, obviously. but, he says the reason it's goin bad is a bad distributor. so that's gonna be like $100 for the part, but he's not gonna charge me for labor either. so i guess it's no that bad...its just the towing that sucked. thats' killin me.
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I didn't get stuck in the city, but i drove up and down 52 and 53 ST's for an hour and a half tryin to find the place. I looked at it like evey time I drove by, but not once saw a sign, then i asked a cop and she said she didnt know at that all these people(points at a group of like 20) were lookin for it too. I then saw the F with the waves under it and figured it was it, then I parked the car and went in. Ran into Lina and gspot first and had a blast.

here's an idea. Maybe next time find out the address of the place before you go. Nice meetin you last night.

BTW...lina and xtg, sucks about you're night. You didn't miss anything at Vinyl. Cool meeting you guys last night.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

here's an idea. Maybe next time find out the address of the place before you go. Nice meetin you last night.

I actually had the address # but not inbetween what AVE's. So while driving and I saw the roseland, I looked at #'s on the buildings and I was within 2 #'s from the addy. So I looked around and didn't see it until the last time through. There is no sign for the place that I saw except the logo on the windows I believe. Nice meeting you as well.

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OMG my cuzin almost had the same night as u did about a week ago... he just had bought a car for the winter bcuz he doesnt wanna take out his bmw in snow... os he got himself a ford explorer '92 model which was stick shift... he decided to go into the city with my other cousin to go eat dinner and meet up with sum friends... after driving the car like a crazy bastard from jersey to ny... he sed that he blew a lil thing that gives the clutch air to switch gears... stuck in the city at 3:30 AM... he calls a towing truck... and my cuzin will never pay a lot of money for a towing truck.. he decides to be slick and calls about 10-11 places to get prices at 4:30 AM he started calling... $400, $350, $375, $450... untill at 5:00AM he came across $150 from a jewish towing company since he was getting it towed from NY to West New York in NJ... hes sitting in his car untill 6:30AM waiting for the guy to come and tow his car... guy finally shows up at 8:30AM... (no wonder only $150 :rolleyes:) takes him to WNY and drops the car off to a mechanic close to his fathers workplace... gunna cost him about 200 bux to fix it i think...

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He's a solution that would have had your whole car fixed for free. You knew the car was dead and when you watched someone hit the car, you told them not to worry about it. You could have blamed whatever problem you had with that car on that person and had insurance pay for everything. Towing and all.

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Originally posted by klubkat

He's a solution that would have had your whole car fixed for free. You knew the car was dead and when you watched someone hit the car, you told them not to worry about it. You could have blamed whatever problem you had with that car on that person and had insurance pay for everything. Towing and all.

i thought about that....but its just not worth it...cuz that's insurance fraud, and i dont htink i wann get into that. and anyone would be able to figure out that this lady just tapping my bumper would not cause my ignition coil to go bad, ya know what i mean?
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Originally posted by xtcgspot

i thought about that....but its just not worth it...cuz that's insurance fraud, and i dont htink i wann get into that. and anyone would be able to figure out that this lady just tapping my bumper would not cause my ignition coil to go bad, ya know what i mean?

tru... someone else had the idea of blaming and possibly sueing the parking garage... but i dont think that the ignition coil could have gone bad by something a driver in the garage did either.. its the car itself. but thats what sux the most- is that there is no way around what happened :(
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