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You are the stupidest fucking person on the board!!!

you dont konw shit about life...but reading the sex boards i betcha you can suck a fuckin dick like no tomorrow...

like you really need more attention...

and its ironic, since nightclubs are for HIGHTENED social activity...go cry and leave...again...

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Yet another thread dedicated to you on the internet..I know you are just so overjoyed right now...You love it.. You are pathetic.. And hopefully i don't see u in Roxy or anywhere..take all this negativity as good.. Hopefully your not like this in person If so i feel bad..

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Originally posted by highmay

You are the stupidest fucking person on the board!!!

you dont konw shit about life...but reading the sex boards i betcha you can suck a fuckin dick like no tomorrow...

like you really need more attention...

and its ironic, since nightclubs are for HIGHTENED social activity...go cry and leave...again...

hey stop, ok? we like when people come to the sex board as a refugee cause they get made fun of everywhere else...:rolleyes:

and shit, on the sex boards, all the boys can clambor over each other to get out those posts saying how big her tits are, how they wanna make that baby into a woman and such... let the natural progression of things be you meddling fuck~ ;):D:laugh:

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Originally posted by djmoonshine

hey stop, ok? we like when people come to the sex board as a refugee cause they get made fun of everywhere else...:rolleyes:

Im sorry but your on a fucking roll today :laugh: :laugh:

::im so gonna die and go to hell::

i was gonna say something....shit. I forgot, totally.....must not have been important :confused:

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by sexxybabyd

I hope everyone just noticed that this was all an experiment

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

::sigh:: Just wanted to see if u guys still had no lives....and you think your the mature ones :rolleyes:



what kind of test was this?? and why?

you wanted to see if we were the ones with no life... but you are the one who said you made it to 1000 posts and that you were a loser!!

Also I hate drama so thats why I never bashed you but you get kicked out of the ny board then swear that you will never come back, only to come back on the sex board. I think the sex board people were more than kind to you and this is how you treat us!! So f you never post again on the sex board your lame un original threads will not be missed!!

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Originally posted by gabo

what kind of test was this?? and why?

you wanted to see if we were the ones with no life... but you are the one who said you made it to 1000 posts and that you were a loser!!

Also I hate drama so thats why I never bashed you but you get kicked out of the ny board then swear that you will never come back, only to come back on the sex board. I think the sex board people were more than kind to you and this is how you treat us!! So f you never post again on the sex board your lame un original threads will not be missed!!

no no no

she wasnt saying by them havng 1000 posts that they were losers

she was testing highmay and inyourdreams, not the sex boarders

personally i'm not happy that she started drama either, but it would have happened evenutally

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you were testing us? rrriiigghhhtttt!!~ give me a fuckin break man... this has gone far enough... how were you testing us? by subliminally making highmay make a post about you? :rolleyes: are you kidding?

wait hold on, you were testing us by posting your 1000 post to see if we would make fun of you? like you weren't really serious...

so sorry, but i guess we were all too stupid to notice it was an experiment... :mad:

ugh!!! im sick and tired of trying to be nice and trying not to open my mouth and trying not to start drama... you got run off the ny boards, and rightfully so, and what do you do but come and try and find a home in our dungeons... well you know what????


i'm tried of pretending to be nice and im tired of making subtle comments and you just not getting them... go play on vip or something!

*and it's been said... whew~ *:laugh: :laugh: :laugh::D:);)

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Originally posted by gabo

what kind of test was this?? and why?

you wanted to see if we were the ones with no life... but you are the one who said you made it to 1000 posts and that you were a loser!!

Also I hate drama so thats why I never bashed you but you get kicked out of the ny board then swear that you will never come back, only to come back on the sex board. I think the sex board people were more than kind to you and this is how you treat us!! So f you never post again on the sex board your lame un original threads will not be missed!!

Hey gabo who did u PM when u first came on CP??

hmmmmmmmm:cool: :rolleyes:

I wasnt testing any of the sex board members so djmoonshine get ur panties outta a bunch

The only 3 that I was really testing was highmay, inurdreams, and xtcgirlie

caaaalllmmm dowwwn

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Hey gabo who did u PM when u first came on CP??

hmmmmmmmm:cool: :rolleyes:

I wasnt testing any of the sex board members so djmoonshine get ur panties outta a bunch

The only 3 that I was really testing was highmay, inurdreams, and xtcgirlie

caaaalllmmm dowwwn

well I think I pm'd shugabooga for my first post, but thats beside the point.

why were you testing anyone?? Why say that you're going to leave and come back?? Thats just gonna make everyone gang up on you even more.

ok I am out of this equation

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Hey gabo who did u PM when u first came on CP??

hmmmmmmmm:cool: :rolleyes:

I wasnt testing any of the sex board members so djmoonshine get ur panties outta a bunch

The only 3 that I was really testing was highmay, inurdreams, and xtcgirlie

caaaalllmmm dowwwn

ugh gawd.. You are just so dam pathetic I can' t stress it enough..

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Hey gabo who did u PM when u first came on CP??

hmmmmmmmm:cool: :rolleyes:

I wasnt testing any of the sex board members so djmoonshine get ur panties outta a bunch

The only 3 that I was really testing was highmay, inurdreams, and xtcgirlie

caaaalllmmm dowwwn

dammit sexybabyd... you're so effin cute and all... anywho, do stop teasing and say you're gonna leave and then not go and actually leave... it's quite the annoyance getting my hopes all up and then having them crash right back down...

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Originally posted by highmay

You are the stupidest fucking person on the board!!!

you dont konw shit about life...but reading the sex boards i betcha you can suck a fuckin dick like no tomorrow...

like you really need more attention...

and its ironic, since nightclubs are for HIGHTENED social activity...go cry and leave...again...

woah highmay I have never seen this side of you :eek: Shit I waon't get in your way hun :rolleyes: haha...relax.....:tongue:

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Hey gabo who did u PM when u first came on CP??

hmmmmmmmm:cool: :rolleyes:

I wasnt testing any of the sex board members so djmoonshine get ur panties outta a bunch

The only 3 that I was really testing was highmay, inurdreams, and xtcgirlie

caaaalllmmm dowwwn

. . . darlin, you opened up a can of somethin fierce here . . I don't think a calm down is gonna help. . .

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